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Archly ffir Elektrotechnik 68 (1985) 155--159 Archly

9 Springer-Verlag 1985

On the inductance of printed spiral coils

D. Sehieber, Haifa

Contents: In the present communication the (quasi-) static cation, the (quasi-) static self-inductance of a thin-
self-inductance of a thin-film spiral coil is investigated; film spiral coil is investigated on purely basic prin-
calculations are performed through application of basic
field principles. ciples.

2 Formulation of problem
Uber die Induktivitiit gedruekter Spulen A flat ("two-dimensional") printed current-carrying
Ubersieht: In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine Unter- spiral of outer radius R0 comprising N turns is cen-
suchung der Induktivitgt der gedruckten Spirale unter- tered -- Fig. 1 -- in a circular cylindrical system of
nommen; die Durchrechnung wird an Hand der Grundlagen coordinates (axis z; radius r; aximuth ~) related to its
der Feldtheorie vollstreckt. Cartesian counterpart (x, y, z) through the equations
x = r cos ~, y = r sin ~, z = z. The current I pulsates
monochromatically at a circular frequency ~o, such
1 Introduction that the signal wave length is much larger than Ro.
What is the self inductivity of the coil.~
Advances in microwave integrated circuits have given As noted above, due to the inequality (wave length)
rise to a trend towards replacement of distributed >> (mean coil radius), the problem can be treated as
elements by lumped ones [1--6], thereby achieving though it were static [see Eqs. (1) and (2) below].
considerable economy in size -- a feature in heavy Thus, instead of resorting in the following to phasor
demand in sophisticated electronic packages. Recently, notation, we envisage a situation where co-+ 0 is
monolithiC GaAs F E T active devices have been de- readily obtained if the above inequality is sharpened
scribed, in which printed coils serve as feedback in- to the requirement of an "infinite" wavelength.
ductances [7, 8], as peaking or resonating elements Ascribing thus a finite value to the (free) magnetic
[9], or alternatively as R F chokes [10]. Among the energy density, which is much higher than its electrical
diverse forms tested in practice, the printed circular counterpart, we are entitled to consider the coil as
spiral coil (or a variant t h e r e o f ) s e e m s to have surrounded b y a fictitious medium of vanishing
acquired cpnsiderable popularity (for instance Ref. [1], dielectric constant, zero electrical conductivity, and
Fig. 4; [4], Fig. 29; [7] Fig. 6a). finite free-space magnetic permeability l%
This coil poses quite a few problems for the design z,
engineer, namely inherently low inductance, high
magnetic stray fields and hence coupling effects. As
the characteristic dimension R0 of the lumped element
is much smaller than the signal wave length, the
magnetoquasistatic approach may be invoked, and
design is usually based on low-frequency formulas
[11--14]. However, a comparison of commonly used
designs shows discrepancies, and empirical approaches
are preferred in many cases. In the present communi- x Fig. 1
156 Archiv far ElekLrotechnik 68 (1985)

3 Solution (volume current density J), reads

Within the realm of quasistatics, the magnetic field F x n = j. (10)

I I is curl-free throughout the entire space, except for
Passing, however, in the limit to a surface current,
the region occupied by the flat coil. Thus in the cur-
the curl equation is replaced by a boundary condition;
rent-free surroundings
thus, introducing the unit normal n pointing from
VXI~ = 0. (1) one region (labeled for instance b y the subscript 2)
to another (say 1), we have
Further, in the absence of magnetic charge, the
magnetic field is source-free, i.e. n x (ha - U2) = K . (11)

V. ffoH = 0 (2) I n our case n = lz (axialy directed unit vector), H2

so that the magnetic vector potential A can be intro- stands for the field in the half space z < 0 and Ha --
duced through the defining relation for t h a t in the region z > 0. Hence, the difference
between the radial magnetic field component Hr+
ffoH = VX A (3) acting immediately above the coil in the plane z = + 0
and by the curl equation (1) we have and between Hr_ -- acting immediat elybelow the
coil in the plane z = - - 0 is
VX(VX A) = O. (4)
Hr+ -- Hr- = Ks (12)
In view of the coil geometry, it is further assumed
that the magnetic vector potential comprises only a or, alternatively
circular component A~, so that
Ks(r) (13)
A = AoL (5) flu & ~=+o flu ~w b = - o
(1, -- unit vector). which is identical to Eq. (9).
I-Ience the vector differential equation (4) reduces to Introducing the separation constant 22 and assum-
the scalar partial differential equation (see for in- ing for As the product
stance [15])
A . = I~(r) 9 Z(z) (14)
~2A. 1 8A~ A, 8~'A,
0r~ +
r 8r r2
~Z ~
- 0 (6) wherein R is a function of r only and Z -- of z only,
we arrive at the ordinary differential equations
so that It, comprising the components H~, H~, and
Hz is, in turn, expressed b y the partial derivatives d~R dR
r2 - - -~- r ~ - (,~2r2 - - 1) R = 0 (15)
d~ T
8A, 1 0
ff0H~=----; ff0H,~-0; ffoH~-- (rA,). (7) and
8z r 8r
For the solution of Eq. (6) to be compatible with d~Z
- - -- ),2Z = O. (16)
t h e posed problem, we introduce the following requi- dz 2
rements : The solution of Eq. (16) compatible with (8) is obtained
(a) The potential function A, vanishes at z --> ~ co, aS
Z = eT~Z; z~ 0 (17)
lim A. = O. (8) whereas (15) is directly solved -- subject to regular
behavior at r = 0 - - b y a Bessel function of the first
(b) I n the z ~ 0 plane the axial derivative of A. is kind of order one with argument (2r), notation dl(2r).
discontinuous by an amount prescribed by the surface I n addition, the still unknown spectral density or
current density K(r) = K~(r) 1~ : "weighting function" a(2) is introduced, such that

8z z=+0 8A~
8z ~=-0 ~ --fluKe(r). (9) A, = ? a(2) Jl(2r) e T~z dz; z ~ O. (18)

The last equation is explained as follows: within the I n order to determine a(2), we resort to the Fourier-
realm of magnetoquasistatics, Maxwell's first curl Bessel integral (see for instance [16]) and choosing
equation, covering the region comprising the coil an expression compatible with Eq. (18) and the d m n m y
D. Schieher: On the inductance of prin~ed spiral coils 157

variable of integration o -- we have volumes dv which make up the volume v encompassing

00 00
the whole field. I n the present ease, the volume integral
K~(~) f ,~ dZ f K,(e) al().r) J,(~e) e de- (19) reduces to a surface integral actually limited to the
0 o coil region. Thus
Returning now to (9), we find R~

oo z= o (27)
- 2 f Za(2)J~(2r) d2
O0 O0 i.e. (see Appendix)
= --/~o f Jl(]3") J d J f K~(~o) Jl(~.~o) 0 d o (20)
o o
Wm: __ f i o I 2 N 2 ~ R o
~ __ d ~ gl(~) ~2 d r . (28)
0r .1
00 0 y=0
2a(2) = #o f K,(Q) Jx()@ o d e (21) On the other hand, the quasistatie self-inductance L
of a coil is defined through
so that finally
w ~ = = LI~ (29)

0 0 so that finally
X 0. (e2)
Clearly, once the functional dependence K~(~) of L = btoN2azRo ( d~ JI(~Y) Y dy . (3o)
the surface current is known, the vector potential
A = A.I~ is fully determined: thus, assmning -- as We now proceed as follows: for the definite integral
already mentioned -- for the coil an outer radius R o in the brackets we have
(with vanishingly small inner radius) and in addition --
an even distribution of N turns carrying the excitation 1 }

current I , we obtain
0 0

We denote for simplicity

Introducing further - - for brevity -- the relations
~r = ~ (32)
~, ~ ).Ro; Y =-- 0 (24)
Ro and integration b y parts yields
we obtain (see Appendix) for the circular component
A~ of the vector potential the integral representation 1
/. -';o(>10 + Jo(,~)dv .

~" I_ o


• d~ f J,(&/) Y d r ; z ~ 0. (25)
f Xo(~l)dv = 2o(~) (3r
Now in (quasi-) statics, the (free) magnetic energy
Wm residing in the field, linked to a current density there results
j and to its vector potential function A, reads

Wm= 3" A dv (26)

~7 Jliq) dv = ~7 [&(r -- ~Zo(~)]
where the summation extends over all incremental
158 Archiv fftr Elektrotechnik 68 (t985)

and finally [,

, ; J1(~7) 7 d7 -~- 4,0"

Hence, resorting to Eq. (30): 3.5.


L = ktoN2zRo 1 _~) Jo(~) d~ (36)

~~ ['X~ ~)

and numerical integration yields

Jo(~)] 0.1748

Z.O L_ 1 2 3
4 h/R0
> Fig. 2

so that The dimensionless overall self-inductance l is plotted

in Fig. 2 as a function of the dimensionless spacing
L = 0.1748 #oztRoN2. (37) h/Ro.
The resulting inductance -- which in practice is quite
small -- may be increased if two coils are printed, 4 Conclusion
one on each side of the insulating board. The overall
self-inductance L0~ of a pair of similar coils in series The outlined approach to the inductance of spiral
aiding is coils is based on solution of the field problem and
L0~ = L ~- 2M + L (38) dispenses with empirical results. It is hoped that it
would be checked against experimental data and
where M stands for the mutual inductance. The latter find application -- through numerical integration --
is computed as follows: Assuming two identical coils in the design of printed spirals of more complex con-
at a spacing h, their coupled, free exchange energy, figurations, i.e. squares, rectangules, incomplete
We,m, reads circles, etc. It should be borne in mind that due to
oo the assumption of quasistatics (obviously justified
wc,. = f K:A,2zr dr; z = h. (39) per definition in the case of lumped elements) any
r=0 capacitive effects of the substrate have secondary
Equating now importance within the context of the outlined solu-
W~,m = I2M (40)
we find (see Appendix)

I2ktoZ@~Ro e--h=~d~ J1(~7) 7 d7 : I~M (41) a) Equation (25)

From Eqs. (22) and (23), with the notation (24), we
so that, referring to Eq. (35a),

M =/~05r2~Ro e-~e 1 . _ Jo d~.

A~(r, z) -- kto N I dl ~ e~:7~
0 2
(421 ~=0

~Tow oo

• J 7Ro(Ro aT).
---- e no 9 - Jo(~) d~ (43)
L 0.1748
Hence, after factoring out Ro, Eq. (25) results.
i.e. [see Eq. (38)J. Remark: in the second integral the smnmation ex-
1 L +-~-)" (44) tends over the coil only, so that the upper limit redu-
ces for 0 = Ro to unity.
D. Schieber: On the inductance of printed spiral coils 159

b) Equation (28) 2. in t h e expression for A : [Eq. (25)] we h a v e to r e t a i n

S u b s t i t u t i n g Eqs. (23) a n d (25) in (27) we h a v e t h e f a c t o r e-~-~o, as i n t e g r a t i o n is p e r f o r m e d now
Ro n o t in t h e p l a n e z = 0 b u t in t h e p l a n e of e l e v a t i o n
1 / NI 2~r dr z = h. H e n c e Eq. (43).
W~ = -~- Ro
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Wm = "-~ ~oN212~Ro / d~ J1(~7) Y dy . Received December 1, 1983
$=o L~,=O
~) Equation (41)
Prof. Dr. D. Schieber
E q u a t i o n (39) is similar to Eq. (27), w i t h two differ- Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology
ences : Department of Electrical Engineering
1 Teehnion City
1. it does n o t comprise t h e f a c t o r - - ; Haifa 32 000
2 Israel

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