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Title: Square Root 1 to...

Date: 03/31/2023

Report ID: 5852a080a4324dca60d7

Match #1 82% similar
Square Root 1 to 100Define Square Root The
square root of a number is defined as the value ...means that the square root of a number is the inverse operatio
that gives the number when multiplied by itself n of squaring a number. The square root can be a positive or neg
ative number, but in most cases, the positive square root is used
. For example, the positive square root of \(9\) is \(3\), and the ne
gative square root of \(9\) is \(-3\). What is Square Root? Squ
are root of a number is defined as the value, which gives t
he number when it is multiplied by itself. The square root of
a number "\(x\)" is represented mathematically with the help of t
he radical symbol as "\(\sqrt{x}\)". The square root of a number i
s the inverse operation of squaring a number. The square of a nu
mber is the value that is obtained when we multiply the number
by itself,...

Match #2 64% similar
However, when the number is not a perfect
square, the division method is utilized to find ...root of 9 is 3, the square root of 64 is 8, the square root of 81 is
its square root 9, the square root of 100 is 10. All of these are perfect square nu
mbers whose square roots are whole numbers. Therefore, it is ea
sy to calculate the square root of If the number is not a perfec
t square and the square root is not a whole number, the sim
plest way to find its square root is as follows: For a number w
hich is not a perfect square, we calculate the square root of the n
ext lower perfect square and subtract this number from the num
ber whose square root is to be found. We then write the result as
the numerator, 2 times the square root of...

Match #3 60% similar
If we are provided with the imperfect square
number such as 2, 3, 5 then we have to take a number that is the result of squaring an integer. For examp
long division method to determine the rogiven le, \(9\) is a perfect square because it can be expressed as \(3 \ti
mes 3\), where \(3\) is an integer. If the number is a perfect squa
techniques are used
re, such as \(4, 9, 16\), then we simply factorize the number by
prime factorisation method. If the number is an imperfect sq
uare, such as \(2, 3, 5\), then we have to use a long division
method to find the root. There are various methods for finding
the square root of a number, such as estimation, the long divisi
on method. Here are some of the most common methods: Prime
factorization method Repeated subtraction method Long division
method Estimation method Square Root by Prime Factorization M
ethod The square root by prime factorization method is a method
for finding the square...

Match #4 90% similar
The square root of 4 is 2 and the square root of
9 is 3 ...the Perspective of Ibrahim Hakk In the 4th volume of Marifetna
me, Ibrahim Hakk of Erzurum describes simple ways to find the s
quare root of a number. For Ibrahim Hakk, it is easy to calculate t
he square root of a number if it is a perfect square. For instance,
the square root of 4 is 2, the square root of 9 is 3, the squa
re root of 64 is 8, the square root of 81 is 9, the square root of 10
0 is 10. All of these are perfect square numbers whose square ro
ots are whole numbers. Therefore, it is easy to calculate the squa
re root of these numbers. If the number is not...

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