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Part 3.

Concept map & Block Plan 

GSLP  Extension  Reinfinment  Application 

Pre- Striking a N/A  When students are
Control  stationary ball: hitting the foam
Have students hit a ball, students stand
foam ball that is in their own
not moving against station.
a wall.  Have students use
appropriate power
so that the ball
bounces back to
the student.

Pre- Dribbling a ball N/A   Each student will

Control  into self space: have a foam ball
have students and a hoop, the
dribble a ball on students will work
their hockey stick on controlling the
keeping the foam ball inside of the
ball inside a contained area.
contained area.   Students can begin
to walk and control
a foam ball at the
same time. 

Control  Striking to a  Partners can  The students will

stationary partner: scoot closer partner up and
Start with partners together if have one foam ball
spread 6 to 7 feet they are between the two of
apart. If students struggling to them. The partners
succeed they can will pass the foam
be accurate
step back and get ball back and forth
with their
farther apart.  aiming for their
passes.  partners stick. 
 Students can begin
moving to a new
spot after they pass
the foam ball so
their partner is
passing to a new
spot every time. 

Control  Traveling while  The students  The students will

striking a ball: can get closer start out at one end
Have students to the target of the gym. Have the
dribble a foam ball before they hit students dribble to
and have a target to the ball for half court then have 
a target set up for
aim for. After more
them to aim at and
students dribble the accuracy.  hit the foam ball. 
foam ball have
them shoot towards
the target. 

Utilization  Striking to small  Students can  Have two

targets: Have small use larger students stand
targets set up for targets or get across from each
students to aim at. closer to the other with a small
target to gain target in front of
Students who are
more success.  them. The
successful can
move farther away students will have
from the target or one foam ball in
choose a smaller between them,
target.  the students will
aim for the small
target that is next
to their partner. 
Utilization  Striking to a  Students who  The students will
moving target: need more help start with one
Have the students can have their partner standing
partner up and one partner move still with the foam
partner will start slower. Or they ball. The other
moving and the can have their partner will begin
other partner will partner be to move and the
pass them the foam closer when stationary partner
ball.  they pass the will pass the foam
The more success ball.  ball to the moving
the students have partner. 
they can get farther
away before they
pass or their
partner can start
moving faster. 

Proficiency Keep away:  If teams are  Students will form

students will form struggling to groups of four with
groups of four with keep the foam three students
three students ball away they standing around 20
keeping the foam can spread out feet away from
ball away from the each other making
even more
fourth. a triangle. The two
making the
students without
Teams can be student in the the foam ball will
challenged more by middle have move around to
scooting closer to move more create open space
together. Or teams to try and for their partner
can add more intercept the with the foam ball
people to the pass.  to pass it. The one
middle to keep the  Teams can person in the
foam ball away also add more middle will move
from. people to pass around to try and
to to help attempt to intercept
keep the foam the pass. 
ball away.
Proficiency Small sided games:  If teams are  Students will get
Students will play struggling to into teams of 2 or 3
small sided games score, larger depending on
that are 2v2 or 3v3. goals can be equipment or size
If students are used.  of the space. The
scoring too easily,  If teams students will have
add a specific continue to established goals
amount of times struggle they that each team is
teams need to pass can be allowed attempting to get
before they can to have as the foam ball into.
score. Smaller many or as It will be at the
goals can also be little passes as discretion of the
used to make the possible to teacher to allow
games more score. goalies or not.
challenging.  Teams will play a
set amount of time
and the team with
the most points at
the end will be the

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