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Morrison 1

Class: English 20-1 Topic: Film Study – Shawshank


Date: March 23rd, 2023 Lesson Duration: 180 minutes

Preparation Materials
Have time cues for trivia Shawshank Redemption dvd
Watching quiz Moose pin’s

Learning Objectives
Students will consider the impacts of being isolated for long periods of time.
Students will develop an understanding of how to do a film study.

General Learning Outcome: Specific Learning Outcomes:

1 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view 2.1 Consider new perspectives
and represent to explore thoughts, ideas,
feelings and experiences.
2 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view 1.2 Understand and interpret content
and represent to comprehend literature and
other texts in oral, print, visual and multimedia
forms, and respond personally, critically and

Overview of Lesson
Through a watching of the film Shawshank Redemption, students will work on empathy skills to relate
to prisoners who spent significant periods of time in jail. This lesson will also introduce students to
elements of film, specifically music, but not be assessed as it is their first time learning those elements.

Essential Question: How do you study a film?

Morrison 2

Time The Story

20 Differentiation Assessment
15 min Hook Wait for students to filter in
Today we are going to be watching the number 1 after bell
film on the international movie database, can you
guess what it is?
Shawshank Redemption

5 min Setting
Before we begin watching, I want to talk about the
title, where does Shawshank Redemption come
-Stephen King novella: Rita Hayworth and
Shawshank Redemption
-subtitle: hope springs eternal

Table of Contents
Learning objectives, essential question, questions for

As much as I’m sure we’d all enjoy just sitting
around and watching a movie, this is an English
class and we need to study this film.

Rising Action
65 min Action 1
10 min We’re not going to talk about every aspect film
study because we don’t have time, but what are
some things you think are different about films that
we should pay attention to? (focus to music)
-how do different kinds of music make you feel?

So what is the theme of this movie? The director has

said the best movies leave it up to the audience to
-this is similar to why Shakespeare has lasted so long

CW: assault including sexual assault, suicide

Start watching (no later than 9:30)

-why multiple life sentences?
50 min -Helvetica font wasn’t invented until 10 years later
in 1957 (00:07:30)
-police brutality warning (00:12:00)
-sexual assault warning (00:31:20, 00:43:00)

10:25- Break

85 min Action 2
Continue watching
-suicide warning (01:04:00)
-shooting warning (01:38:00)
-shitty pipe dream foreshadow (01:46:00)
Morrison 3


5 min
There are questions to answer on the google
classroom, please get started on those while the
movie is fresh in your minds. If you have questions,
you can email me.

Hand out moose pins.
The final line of the movie is “I hope”, keep that
feeling of hope with you for the rest of the day and
through your weekend.


Clean up for lunch.

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