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Name:_______________________________________________ Score: ______________

Grade & Section: ______________________________________ Date: _______________


I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following is a modern medium of art?
a. Chalk b. computer c. pastel d. pencil
2. Which of the following is an element of art?
a. Colors b. contrast c. emphasis d. harmony
3. Which of the following belongs to principles of art?
a. Colors b. lines harmony d. shape
4. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Digital art is a traditional art
b. The elements of art such as harmony, contrast and emphasis are only used in traditional art.
c. Creating artwork does not require the concepts of arts.
d. In creating artwork important aspects of arts should still remain.
5. What do you think would happen if an artist is not literate of handling computers and other gadgets in
creating an artwork?
a. It would be easier for him to create an artwork
b. An artist can create a masterpiece
c. An artist could easily explore the different software that he/she could use in creating artwork.
d. It would be very difficult for an artist to create an artwork.
II. Put a check mark (/) if the statement is correct and cross mark (X) if not.
_____1. Regardless of the tools being used in creating artwork, important aspects of art should still
_____2. Technology has made art more accessible to many by using a program or software.
_____3. Digital art is also a traditional art.
_____4.A digital artist creates artwork with the use of computer.
_____5. Digital photo artwork is used in advertising and creating logos and brochures.
III. Choose the letter of the correct answer
_____1. It represents how the artist uses the elements of art to create an artworks.
_____2. It is a closed line.
_____3. An imagery created for advertising or marketing purposes.
_____4. Visual tools that the artist uses to create an artwork.
_____5. It is a large difference between two things.
a. Commercial Arts c. Principle of Arts e. Contrast
b. Elements of commercial arts d. Shape f. Balance
IV. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. This contains files to save, export, import and path to an object
a. Command bar b. Menu Bar c. Status Bar d. Tool Box
2. This allows you to select, draw, or modify objects.
a. Command bar b. Menu Bar c. Status Bar d. Tool Box
3. This contains the shortcuts, zoom level and undo an object.
a. Command bar b. Menu Bar c. Status Bar d. Tool Box

Parent’s Name and Signature
Name:_______________________________________________ Score: _________________

Grade & Section: ______________________________________ Date: __________________



I. Draw/ create your own logo of a water company named after you inside the box

II. Read the statement carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What are the classic variation to make the logo more fit and balanced?
a. Shapes b. Sizes c. Numbers d. Column
2. Iconic logos can be very different
a. True b. False c. Sometimes d. More often
3. The best shape to use are symmetrical shapes.
a. True b. False c. Sometimes d. More often
4. The symmetrical geometrical shapes can be anywhere and still maintain the __________
a. Color b. Balance c. Size d. Space
5. It is good to make the personal logo fit in any kind of geometrical shape.
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. sometimes
6. Which is not a type of logo?
a. Mascots b. Word marks c. monograms logos d. restaurant
7. A logo that consists of letters usually brand initials is called _______________
a. Mascots b. Emblem c. Combination marks d. monogram logos
8. __________ is a logo comprising of a combined word mark and a pictorial mark, abstract mark or
a. Mascots b. Emblem c. Combination marks d. monogram logos
9. Word mark is a ___________ logo that focuses on a business name alone.
a. Font-based b. Image-based c. Monogram logos d. None
10. The logo that involve an illustrated character is _____________
a. Mascots b. word marks c. Abstract logo mark d. Combination mark

Parent’s Name and Signature

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