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WEB 2.

- Liminality: we’re somewhere between web 2.0 and 3.0
- We can assume that we’re generation of web 2.0

What’s web 2.0?

- 1989: proposal for World Wide Web (www) by Tim Berners-Lee

- 1911: 1st web page created, 1st web cam broadcast, 2G (2 nd generation wireless phone
technology) launched
o No interaction: people searched the internet, but couldn’t add stuff online
- 1994: Yahoo launched (formerly Jerry’s Guide to the www)
o Amazon launched
- 1995: rapid commercialization of the internet (encryption developed by Netscape that made
financial transactions more secure)
- 1997: Six degrees (1st recognized social media website) launched
o First social network on internet started being created
o Was called social networking sites
- 1998: Google – more advanced search engines created

Growth of social media

- 2003: My Space
o Skype
- 2004: Orkut
o Facebook
- 2005: YouTube
- 2006: Twitter
- 2007: Tumblr
o #HashTag culture
- 2009: Weibo launched in China
o FourSquare
o Grindr
- 2010: Instagram
o emoji culture
- 2011: Snapchat
o Pinterest
o Google+
- 2012: Tinder
- 2015: live streaming culture
- 2016: Facebook live
o Instagram stories
o Misinformation crisis
- 2017: Twitter Space doubling
- 2018: More scandals (Cambridge analytics + Facebook)
o Long form video wars
o Meanwhile YouTube makes a lot of changes to their site
o Rise of the digital creative economy + digital payment systems + bitcoin + more and
- When bigger companies started seeing competition from smaller companies, they bought
them: Facebook bought Instagram and Whatsapp
- Chinese social media websites copies from large international companies

Parallelly in the worlds of mobile technology

- 1G – voice calls
o Late 1979
- 2G – SMS messaging
o Early 1991
- 3G – web browsing
o Late 1990s to early 2000s (1998 to 2001)
- 4G – LTE (long-term evolution)


- Web 1 basic
- Web 2.0 social networks, blogs, forums and podcasts
o Communication and shared contents – collaborations with brands
o People needed brands for communication with other people
o Social network started
- Web 3.0 focus on connecting people with devices
o Connection (IoT, AI)
o Communication with the web itself – smartphone and then communicates with
something else
- Web 4.0 – associated with future predictions
o Digital alter egos
o Interfaces or intelligent machines – more AR
o Already connected to the future
o Already Metaverse
- Web 5.0 – best forecast is that “the telepathic web” or “the symbionet web” will be
o Includes suggestion that brain or hand implants will be used to enable humans to
communicate with internet

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