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While I slipped into the enchanting dress, the one my mother and I had picked out for the
most wonderful night of my life, I was stunned. The ability of a makeup artist to make
something so ghastly, such as me, I, a high school graduating nerd, into something so
spectacular was one of the only reasons I believed in human evolution. While I looked at the
flat surface standing so still in front of me, reflecting the massive smile on my face, my head
flooded with hundreds of thoughts how the night could have turned out to be, but not once
did I think of what really happened……


The limo had just dropped us off to the school. Me and my friends headed towards the most
wonderfully woeful doors yet to exist. You could hear the chattering of children (or young
adults, as they like to call themselves), the vilest choice of music and the booming shouting
of the people. I sweat of cold sweat dropped down the temple of my face, as I approached
towards the big heavily red coated door. The thought of being surrounded my drunk teenager
frightened me, as this was the one day where they were allowed to do anything. As my hand
had landed on the cold silver knob of the door, some girls from the other side of the door
swung it open, ruining my perfectly dramatic moment. Despite having my moment ruined by
some blond chicks, I stepped into the basketball court of our school only to witness students
stuffed into the basketball court like cattle at a farm. Making my way through a awful lot of
sweaty and greasy student, to the drinks stations. Me and my best friend, both dressed in
gorgeous looking A-line dresses, blinding each other through the sparkles on our dress,
ordered our favorite drink, passion fruit soda. While I glanced over the setting of the party, I
came across a face painting station, where girls were getting ‘class of 2023’ painted on their

“Miss, your drinks are ready.” The bartender yelled over the blasting music in the
background, barely allowing me to understand what he was saying. “Thank you for the
drinks. I hope you have a good day” I replied with a bonny smile on face, while reaching for
the glasses. “I hope you girls have a marvelous time at the farewell tonight.” The bartender
said with a mysterious smirk on his face. Overlooking the expressions of the bartender, I
strolled around the party a little while longer, before making a stop at the face painting
station. “Can I please get my face painted too?” I asked the woman in the black dress. She
politely grabbed my face with the help of her left hand and started to write paint on my
face----SPLASH. The black paint bottle was knocked out of her hand was spilled all over my
beautiful dress. A flood of fearful thoughts entered my mind, ‘how will my mother react to
this? ‘How will I get my picture clicked for the end of the night’ ‘THE DRESS WAS

I rushed out of the basketball court, losing my friends somewhere along the way. I headed
toward the school washroom in the examination building. I swung open the doors (got my
dramatic moment) In a desperate attempt to get the black paint off from my dress, I tried
washing it off with water, soap, hand drier. Nothing had worked, when out of nowhere a loud
BANG noise hit my ears. I ran out of the washroom to inspect the reason for the very loud
noise, as I thought it was because of a motor of the building bursting due to overvoltage. As I
egressed my way out of the building, I recognize smoke coming out of the basketball court, I
slowly marched my way through the door. The smoke made my eyes all blurry and watery,
due to which I thought I had lost my eyesight for a moment, however moments later when I
had regained the ability to see, I could not see anyone in the room, which was previously
filled with a load full of students. Through the corner of my eye, I caught a sight of pure
agony. Students who were moments earlier dancing their feet’s off, were now drenched in
blood. I then looked down on the floor, witnessing nothing but an endless sight of students
covered in dull red blood. I tried moving my feet, but I stepped on to someone’s open wide
arm, making me filled with disgust and dread. Out of the sombre smoke and the bogey sight
of slaughtered children, an odd shape emerged. One with huge arms and torso, and the
creature was approaching me in the swiftest way possible. I recognized the face; it was the
bartender with a shotgun in his hand. He whispered in the lowest possible pitch, pointing the
muzzle of his gun towards me “A very happy farewell to you too.”

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