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Reviewer for MIDTERMS

Oral Communication
● Oral Communication
- The process of expressing information or ideas by word of mouth from one individual or group to another
● The Communication Process
• Source - Message - Encoding - Message - Channel - Message - Decoding - Message - Receiver
- Lastly, the feedback from receiver to source.

● Oral Communication
- Involves exchanges of ideas, information or signals between a giver and receiver
- Two-way process of reaching mutual understanding (create and share meaning)
- Takes the forms of oral or written, verbal or nonverbal
- The need to express one’s needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge and feelings

● Elements of

- Encoding is the process of turning thoughts into communication (words or actions), and decoding is the process or
turning communication into thoughts
● Channel/Medium
- The means by which the sender sends his message
- Ex. Face to face, social media, news, television
● Feedback
- Receiver’s response to the message he received
● Communication Breakdown
- Many of the causes of communication breakdown can be classified as noise.
● Noise
- Interference that keeps a message from being understood or correctly interpreted
1. External noise - comes from the environment (sights, sounds, smell)
2. Internal noise - occurs in the minds of the sender or receiver (daydreaming, fatigue, exhaustion)
3. Semantic noise - caused by people’s emotional reaction to words (high-sounding vocabulary, offensive and vulgar words)

● Types of Communication
1. Interpersonal - involves two or more persons
- Dyadic communication (communication between two people)
2. Intrapersonal - communication within oneself
- Meditation, internal monologue, thinking, analyzing
3. Mass Communication - communication that involves a large number of people through the mass media
● Models of Communication
1. Ecological - used to analyze and represent the relationships between social interactions, discourse, and
communication media and technology of individuals, and networks in physical and digital environments
2. Gatekeeper Model - information is filtered for dissemination, whether for publication, broadcasting, the internet, or
some other mode of communication
- Gatekeepers: editors, directors, producers, reporters - who decide what information should move past
them to the group and what information should not.
3. Interactive Model - messages are sent back and forth between the sender and the receiver
4. Linear/Active Model - a one-way communication whereby a sender transmits a message and a receiver absorbs it.
- Straightforward communication model used across businesses to assist with customer communication-
driven activities such as marketing, sales and PR
- Speech, a television broadcast, or sending a memo
5. Transactional Model - simultaneous process and therefore switched both the terms “sender” and “receiver” to
- It also adds “environment,” which embraces not only physical location, but also personal experiences and
cultural backgrounds
- include a face-to-face meeting, a Skype call, a chat session, interactive training, or a meeting in which all
attendees participate by sharing ideas and comments.

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