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Chapter 5

Topic : Junk Food

Paragraph 1
– Main Idea : Nowadays, people’s lives tend to be busier, so that they don’t have much time
to prepare their own meals.

– Supporting details : In this situation, they usually rely on more instant ways to obtain their
daily nutrition, such as fast food.

Paragraph 2
– Main Idea : Firstly, it can cause memory and learning problems.

– Supporting details : Poor toxic diet causes some chemical reactions that can inflate the
hippocampus area of the brain. This particular part of the brain is associated with special
recognition and memory.

Paragraph 3
– Main Idea : Junk food consumption can also alter chemical compounds in the body that
can lead to depression.

– Supporting details : Research conducted at the University of Montreal shows that lab rats
suffered from withdrawal symptoms after they no longer given junk food. In the case of
humans, such withdrawals can make us unable to deal with stress, feel depressed, and
turn back to that kind of food for comfort.

Paragraph 4
– Main Idea : The consumption of junk food can affect the body’s health.
– Supporting details : Eating junk food can cause memory and learning problems, and it can
also lead to depression.

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