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Who are the Millennials

-For most of studies confirmed that Millennials are group of people who are born on late 1980’s till
1996. These sort of people are known to be the most educated persons as they are born along with the
existence of technology and the starts of more complicated yet promising birth of new technology such
as advance computers and smart phones.

Basically, these people are the first digital native generation that grows up along with technological
advances. These sort of events makes these generations to shape their preference along with
technological advances. Though, economic was not entirely favourable at those time; yet they greatly
adapt the existence of technological advances thus makes millennials to successfully make use of
technological advances alongside as period came to exist till this time.

2. What is new Technology

-As periods came and go, technogical advances greatly improves overtime and thus make an
outstanding pillars of economic growth. AI or Artificial Technologies are just few of these new
technology at which professionals focusses on. These new set of productive techniques or as referred as
new technology which basically offers great significant improvement over established equipments or

These new technology drives and shaped future and existing economy into more desirable yet less and
more productive ways. Which basically lessens effort but improves efficiency and productivity.

3. How Technology change the world

-From my own point of view, technological advances are pillars of efficient sets of ways. These shaped
economic growth all over the world which basically connects individuals in an instantaneous manner.
Which I mean such as advance smart phones which connects people around the world through social
media or by smart phone itself.

Other than that, more advance equipments are prior to an efficient and more productivity if we talk
about machineries and or in manufacturing fields. While on science, more and accurate equipments
helps understand more on how medicine works and how to effectively improved it.

On transportation, newly invented mode of transportation makes an outstanding significance as

compare to late periods of say 1960’s. This means that technological advances makes an everyday life
easier yet efficient which constitute to economical growth and individual improvement.

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