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1.What is the rationale of your topic?

Smoking among students is a complex issue that has multiple factors contributing to its prevalence.
Some possible reasons include:

1.Peer pressure: Students may feel pressure to smoke from their peers or social groups, as smoking may
be seen as a way to fit in or be cool.

2.Stress and anxiety: The pressures of academic life can be overwhelming, and some students may turn
to smoking as a way to cope with stress and anxiety.

3.Lack of awareness about the risks: Some students may not fully understand the health risks associated
with smoking, or may underestimate the long-term consequences of smoking.

4.Easy access to tobacco products: Many students have easy access to tobacco products, such as
cigarettes or e-cigarettes, which can make it easier for them to start smoking.

5.Advertising and media: Advertising and media can play a role in promoting smoking as a desirable
activity, which can contribute to its prevalence among students.

It is important to note that smoking can have serious health consequences, including an increased risk of
cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems. Education and prevention efforts can help reduce the
prevalence of smoking among students and promote healthier behaviors.

2.describe the setting where your study is to be conducted.

we will conduct the study inside the campus because the half of younger generations is using or taking a
cigarette inside or outside the campus.

3. What are the terms, variables, or concepts that need to be defined, clarified, or described you and to
your reader?

1.Prevalence: Prevalence refers to the proportion of individuals in a population who have a particular
health condition or risk factor at a given point in time. In this case, prevalence would refer to the
proportion of students in Talakag National High School who smoke.

2.Smoking: Smoking is the inhalation of tobacco smoke, which contains various chemicals and
carcinogens that can have harmful effects on health. This can include smoking cigarettes, cigars, or other
tobacco products.

3.Student: A student is someone who is enrolled in a school or educational institution, typically in

pursuit of a degree, diploma, or certification.

4.Risk factors: Risk factors are characteristics or behaviors that increase the likelihood of a person
developing a particular health condition or experiencing a negative health outcome. In this case,
smoking would be considered a risk factor for various health problems, including lung cancer, heart
disease, and respiratory issues.

5.Demographics: Demographics refer to the characteristics of a population, such as age, gender,

ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Understanding the demographics of the student population at
Talakag National High School may help provide context for the prevalence of smoking among this group.
6.Prevention and intervention strategies: These are actions that can be taken to reduce the prevalence
of smoking among students. This may include education campaigns, smoking cessation programs, and
policies that restrict smoking on school grounds.

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