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discharging rate: 175 MTs/hatch per day

Quantity pf cargo: 7000MTs
Number of holds: 5
the largest quantity in one hold: 1575 MTs
laytime =? days
laytime = 1575 / 175 = 9 days
7000/(175*5)= 8 days nhưng trong xếp hàng thì ngta xếp cái hố lớn nhất đầu tiên, phải xếp
đầy cái hold bự nhất thì cần hết 9 days


Case 1: 4980 MT
Min 5000MTs 10% more in owners option. Not to claim dead freight up to the quantity of
5000-4980 = 20MT< 25MT -> not to claim dead freight
Freight= 11.5*4980 = 57270
Case 2: 4930 MT
Min 5000MTs 10% more in owners option. Not to claim dead freight up to the quantity of
5000-4930 = 70MT > 25MT -> claim dead freight
Freight = 11.5*4930 + (70-25) * 11.5 = 56695 + 632.5 = 57327.5


Weather working day: WWD: 24 hours without bad weather
Sunday Holidays Included: SHINC
Sunday Holidays Excepted: SHEX
Unless Used UU (half time count)
Even if used EIU có làm cũng k tính

Laytime: 5 days 18 hours

Start: 0am thursday
WWD: 5 days 18 hours 0am Thursday -> 6pm Tuesday
WWD rain 2 hours: 5 days 20 hours 0am Thursday -> 8pm Tuesday
SHINC: 5 days 18 hours 0am Thursday -> 6pm Tuesday
SHEX: 6 days 18 hours 0am Thursday -> 6pm Wednesday
Cảng làm lúc:
0-6h: 6
8-14h: 6
16h-24h: 8
SHEX EIU: 6 days 18 hours 0am Thursday -> 6pm Wednesday
SHEX UU BOT: Sunday Holidays Excepted unless used but only time used to count
0am Thursday -> pm Wednesday
5 days 18 hour: thursday 24h + friday 24h + saturday 24h + sunday 20 h(thiếu 4h) + monday
24h + (18+4 =22)22 tuesday

SHEX UU BOH: Sunday Holidays Excepted unless used but only half time used to count
5 days 18 hour: thursday 24h + friday 24h + saturday 24h + sunday 10 h(thiếu 14h) +
monday 24h + (18+14 =32-24=1 day 8 hour) + tuesday 24h + 8 am wednesday

Lúc kí hợp đồng, so và chr k quan tâm giờ làm việc của cảng, chỉ quan tâm ngày chủ nhật
và ngày lễ
thường thì lúc kí đều sẽ tính những ngày thường là làm việc 24h nhưng thực tế thì phải dựa
vào thời gian của cảng
loading rate:
3500MT / 3000MT per WWDSHEXEU
before 12 am -> laytime: 1pm
after 12am -> laytime: 8am next day
after 12am on sunday or holidays -> 8am next working day; trong khoảng thời gian đó, có
làm cũng k tính vào laytime
dumurrage/despatch: 17000/8000 / day
time allowed for loading: 3 days 15 hours 13 minutes
7h40am - 12h00 saturday - lost draught - excluded
12h saturday -> 8am monday -> not count as laytime

laytime: 8am Wednesday
8 am wed - 8 am thurs - 8 am friday - 15hours 13 minutes saturday but saturday only do
7h33 + 8am = 15h33 monday
21h33 -15h33=6h

21h33 monday: 4+5+6+7

8am wed - 8am thurs
8am thurs - 8am friday
8am friday - 8am saturday
8am saturday - 10h30 am saturday (2h30 tiếng) còn 14h73-2h30 = 12h43 minuties
8am moday -
21h33 monday: 4+5+6+7

8am wed - 8am thurs

8am thurs - 8am friday
8am friday - 7h40am saturday (thiếu 20’ mới đủ 1 ngày)
8am monday - 8 am tuesday
8am tuesday - 22pm tuesday
1 container 20 feet:
80 ocean freight
35 telex release
200 ebs
100 cic
VAT: 6.83% of ebs and cic
41 booking space
138 thc
75 docs fee
65 handling
VAT: 10%
tariff = 80 + 35 + (200+100)*1.0683 + (41+138+75+65)*1.1=

volume: 5 cbm
bof: 15/cbm -> 15*5=75
ams: 5$
pss: 5
thc: 4/cbm -> 20 total
cfs: 3/cbm -> 15 total
bill fee: 25
truck: 5/cbm -> 25 total
fumigation: 12/cbm -> 12*5=60 total
packing charge: 10/cbm -> 50 total
custom clearance: 25$

dim weight: 136*80*50*2/6000= 181.3kg
gross weight: 146kg
-> chargeable weight is dim weight
-> chọn cx airline vì có freight thấp nhất
-> chọn 1.62
1.62*181.3= 293.76
Nếu dùng cm3 -> /6000
Nếu dùng m3 -> *167

Bài tập tính minimum charge:

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