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(Mechanical Digestion)


Ingestion - taking in of food, eating

Digestion - Is when biomolecules polymers, remembering the 4 major biomolecules are broken down
physically/chemically into their building up blocks
Absorption – Is important as nutrients will eventually be delivered with the help of other body systems to
cells as cells need them in order to function or survive.
Elimination (defecation) – waste which includes anything that wasn’t digested will be removed.

INGESTION – Actually starts in the mouth, because your saliva contains enzymes that can break some
biomolecules which is the salivary amylase.

• Chemical Digestion – saliva contains enzymes that can breakdown some biomolecules-salivary amylase as
an example of breaking down some carbohydrates.

• Mechanical Digestion – when you have something physically breaksdown. Your teeth will help grind food
ESOPAHAGUS: The large hallow organs of your gastrointestinal tract contain a layer of muscle that enables
the walls to move.
MOVEMENT: it pushes the food angelique quid to your gastrointestinal tract and mixes the contents within
each organ. The muscle behind the food contracts and squeezes the food forward, require while the
muscle is in front of the food relaxes to allow the food to move.

DIGESTION – blocks trachea during act of swallowing food or liquid.

• EPIGLOTTIS – Small flap tissue called epiglottis that folds your windpipe to prevent choking in the food
passes through our esophagus when swallowing food.
• Peristalsis – Is the automatic wave-like movement of the muscles that line your gastrointestinal tract.
Peristalsis moves food through your digestive system, beginning in your throat when you swallow and
continuing through your esophagus, stomach and intestines while you digest.


Here, there will be significant chemical digestion of all four biomolecules:
Carbs — monosaccharides
Lipids — glycerol or fatty acids
Proteins – amino acids
Nucleic acid – nucleotides
There are enzymes involved here and also digestive juices that are released here from other organs as the
gallbladder, the liver and pancreas. There will also be mechanical digestion too, because peristalsis move
the chyme through this segmented space.

ABSORPTION – Most nutrients absorption happens in the small intestine

It absorbs:
• glucose, fructose = sugars
• amino acids = building blocks of protein
• electrolytes and vitamins and lipids
Absorption occurs through the lining of the small intestine which has projections called villi; and the villi
themselves have ‘microvilli’.
As we move along, we eventually enter the Large Intestine – known as colon
Large intestine has a major role that contains H2O is to reabsorb water, so that the body will not lose all
thus precious water involving in digestion.

ELIMINATION (Defecation)
Feces are composed of undigested contents and can contain other substances, and it can include the
bacteria that we’ve mentioned (good bacterias). The very END of the large intestine is the “RECTUM” and
feces will remain here until they are expelled from anus.

For better digestive health, follow these simple tips:

Eat a high-fiber diet.
Be sure you're getting both soluble and insoluble fiber.
Minimize your intake of foods high in fat.
Select lean meats.
Add probiotics to your diet.
Follow a regular eating schedule.
Drink plenty of water.
Reabsorb H2O

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