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Action research questions on "Effective ways of improving students' performance from low income


1. What strategies can be implemented to increase student engagement and motivation among
students from low-income families?

2. How can teachers create a supportive learning environment for students from low-income families?

3. What are the most effective ways for teachers to provide additional support for students from low-
income families?

4. How can teachers create an equitable learning environment for students from low-income families?

5. What are the best practices for teachers to ensure that students from low-income families are able to
access the resources they need to succeed?

6. How can teachers use technology to support the learning of students from low-income families?

7. How can teachers use data to identify and address the needs of students from low-income families?

8. How can teachers create a culture of high expectations for students from low-income families?

9. How can teachers work with families to support the academic success of students from low-income

10. How can teachers use evidence-based strategies to improve the academic performance of students
from low-income families?

Describe innvation and intervention strategy on action research "Effective ways of improving students
performance from low-income family

Innovation and intervention strategies on action research can be used to effectively improve student
performance from low-income families. These strategies can include:

1. Developing a comprehensive intervention plan that focuses on the individual needs of each student.
This plan should include strategies to address academic, social, and emotional needs.
2. Providing targeted instruction and support to students from low-income families. This could include
tutoring, mentoring, and other forms of academic support.

3. Utilizing evidence-based practices to identify and address the root causes of low performance. This
could include conducting assessments to identify areas of need, developing individualized learning
plans, and providing targeted instruction.

4. Creating a positive learning environment that is supportive and encourages collaboration. This could
include creating a safe and welcoming space for students to learn, providing access to resources, and
fostering a sense of community.

5. Establishing a system of accountability and feedback. This could include tracking student progress,
providing feedback to students and parents, and setting expectations for student performance.

6. Utilizing technology to enhance learning. This could include providing access to online resources,
utilizing digital tools to support instruction, and leveraging data to inform instruction.

7. Establishing partnerships with community organizations to provide additional support and resources.
This could include connecting students with mentors, providing access to extracurricular activities, and
offering job training and other services.

Summarize the action research work plan on 'Effective ways of improving students' performance from
low income family"

The action research work plan on 'Effective ways of improving students' performance from low income
family' will involve a series of steps to identify the factors that are impacting the students' performance.
This will include a review of existing literature, interviews with students and their families, and surveys
of teachers and administrators. Once the factors are identified, an action plan will be developed to
address the identified issues. This plan will include strategies such as providing additional resources,
implementing targeted interventions, and creating an environment that supports student success.
Finally, the plan will be evaluated to measure the effectiveness of the strategies and to identify areas for
Describe how the results will be shared in the action research on effective ways of improving students
performance from low income family

The results of the action research will be shared in a variety of ways. The research team will present
their findings at conferences, in publications, and on websites. The team will also work with local schools
and organizations to share the results of the research with teachers, administrators, and other
stakeholders. The team will also work with the media to spread the word about their findings. Finally,
the team will use social media platforms to share their results with the public.

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