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Task 1:

Matric Respon

Koketso Kevin
Manku Expecta
Parents tions
16 April 2023

Conflict Guilt
1. School is definitely stressful, but I manage by trying to stay on top of my
school work (which I don't do something or rather postpone), getting help
from friends and taking breaks when I feel overwhelmed. In the past I would
have also added teachers here to the stressful part but that is something I
learned to hurdle over.

2. My parents can be stressful, especially when they have high expectations

for me. Even tho I don't communicate with them and I don't let them know
when I need space or when I need their support because . I'm able to manage
the stress by telling myself that it is my life whether this is a healthy way of
managing it or not it makes me feel at ease.

3. Family conflict is tough, and it creates a lot of tension at home. I try to avoid
getting involved in the conflict and focus on my own responsibilities. But
sometimes it's difficult, and I end up feeling stressed . To cope, I spend time
with my friends, listen to music or blatantly ignore the family member I have
the conflict with.

4. Procrastination is a big stressor. I often struggle to get started on

assignments or plans I lay out for myself and often feel overwhelmed when
the time for these task need to be done by. To manage stress, I try to visualize
and end goal to stay motivated .I know the best solution would to not
procrastinate at all but it's a working process.

5. Expectations are high, and it can be difficult to live up to them. But instead
of feeling overwhelmed, I cope by reminding myself that this is my life and
free to do what I want to do and besides expectations are just what someone
wants to perceive you by.

6. It is very rare me to feel guilty so for me to feel it would mean that I did
something wrong or maybe nothing at all but sometimes it does happen and it
can be overwhelming, especially when I feel like I've let someone down. To
cope, I try to take responsibility for my actions and apologize when necessary.
Task 2:
Stress can affect us both physically and mentally, activating a stress response in
our bodies leading to anxiety and fatigue. It is recommended to explore
effective ways to manage stress.

I researched and found that mindfulness meditation is an effective stress-

relieving strategy. Mindfulness meditation techniques help to reduce
symptoms of depression and anxiety by training the brain to focus on the
present moment, rather than worrying about the past or future. By becoming
more aware of your thoughts and feelings, and learning to accept them
without judgment, one can reduce the negative self-thought that often come
with stress.

Physical exercise has also been found to be a great way to combat stress.
Exercise helps to reduce cortisol levels , helping to reduce anxiety and

Deep breathing exercises can also assist in reducing stress levels. Deep
breathing can help increase oxygen to the Brain, which is responsible for
calming us down. By practicing deep breathing techniques one can lower their
heart rate, lower their blood pressure, and decrease tension and anxiety levels.

For me, I find listening to music works best as a stress reliever. Research states
that music has a soothing effect on our minds, reducing stress and anxiety
levels. We can identify with the emotions in the music and create a calming

Incorporating a healthy lifestyle can help mitigate stress levels. Consuming a

balanced diet, getting adequate sleep and limiting caffeine and alcohol intake
promote overall physical and emotional wellbeing. It is important to support
our bodies and minds with healthy habits to manage stress effectively.

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