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[Muốn thi Nielsen Case Competition thì nên tập đọc & tập hiểu báo cáo thị

Trước giờ, một trong những "bí kíp vàng" anh luyện cho các bạn trẻ thi vào Big 4 hay consulting firms
(McKinsey, Bain, BCG, etc.) là mỗi tuần các bạn phải:
(a) tập đọc báo cáo thị trường (từ market research của Nielsen, Kantar, cho đến financial reports của
các cty chứng khoán, đầu tư như SSI, Maybank Kim Eng, cho đến cả macro-market analysis của
World Bank, etc.)
(b) tập nghe podcast từ các professional firms (ai chưa biết thì cứ google "Deloitte podcast" hay
"McKinsey podcast", etc. - mỗi ngày đều có rất nhiều podcast hay để nghe)
(c) và tập dịch + tóm tắt các kiến thức này thành 1 bài viết ngắn gọn dễ hiểu, hoặc giỏi hơn nữa thì vẽ
mindmap, concept map từ các báo cáo này.
Tin anh đi, làm 3 điều mỗi ngày, các bạn sẽ luyện tập được vô số skills thiết yếu của 1 consultant/
market researcher: analytical mindset, "connect-the-dots" skills, information synthesis, comprehensive
reading, etc. Đó là chưa kể các bạn "vô tình" học được bao nhiêu kiến thức hay
[Anh tóm tắt 1 bài của Nielsen nè]
Ba kịch bản của nền kinh tế: Rebound (Hồi phục về trạng thái bình thường), Reboot (Kích hoạt lại),
Reinvention (Tái tạo mới)
Trong kịch bản Rebound, chúng ta sẽ cần các chỉ số về nền y tế đủ tốt, các chính sách tích cực của
chính phủ và doanh nghiệp, và một số điều kiện cơ bản của thị trường (Hình 2).
Trong kịch bản Reboot, các yếu tố về tiềm lực tài chính, các yếu tố địa phương, và sự đoàn kết trong
xã hội sẽ rất quan trọng (Hình 3). Tuy nhiên, nếu dịch bệnh được khống chế trong trong quý 3 của năm
nay, Nielsen tin rằng sẽ có 1 sự kích hoạt tích cực và ý nghĩa vào cuối 2020.
Trong kịch bản Reinvention (khi mà nền kinh tế và các hđ xã hội bị kiềm hãm trên 6 tháng), tài chính
nhiều doanh nghiệp sẽ kiệt quê, xã hội sẽ có những phản ứng dữ dội (biểu tình, sự giận dữ / thất vọng/
thái quá của người dân, mất niềm tin, etc.). Lúc này, sẽ cần có nhiều đột phá mới từ doanh nghiệp, các
cty sẽ phải tạo ra những "giá trị" mới hoàn toàn, những thứ mà trước đây có thể chưa bao giờ tồn tại.
Link bài gốc:

CPG, FMCG & RETAIL  05-04-2020

Governments around the world are edging toward plans to exit mass population lockdowns, albeit at
different speeds and in different ways, but the persistent questions for business are around what the future
holds and how it should be navigated.

In response, Nielsen has identified three distinct time horizons for global market regeneration beyond the
novel coronavirus (COVID-19) global health emergency and attached likely scenarios to each. The three-
tiered framework identifies the conditions for businesses to Rebound, Reboot or Reinvent as they confront
expected unprecedented recessionary conditions.

With trillions being pumped into economic stimulus packages, yet thousands still dying of COVID-19 and
some countries confronted by the prospect of ongoing population lockdowns, the question of how to
reconfigure economies is significantly dependent on the behavioral changes taking place among the world’s

Nielsen’s global intelligence team has undertaken an initiative that takes into account global macro
conditions such as unemployment, bailout packages, and interest rates and ties them to ongoing FMCG
sales and attitudinal inputs from consumers around the world. From there, the team examined common
threads of consumer behavior that tied to how the disease was being managed and the response of
governments to support citizens through health and financial care.

The findings led to three horizons being established that reveal significant new and adjusted consumer
behaviors that will lead to different types of demand in terms of what, where and how consumers make
purchases. They also point to a series of common characteristics likely to be exhibited by consumers over
time. All of these are based on the conditions currently in play to manage the virus on a global basis.

“Much has been made of comparisons to the 2008 global financial crisis, but this situation doesn’t make for
accurate comparisons. The circumstances back then were fundamentally different,” said Scott McKenzie,
Nielsen Global Intelligence Leader. “Thousands weren’t dying each day, millions weren’t locked in their
homes indefinitely, businesses weren’t ordered to close their doors, kids were still in school. The impact of
this will be profound and more far reaching than anything we’ve seen in our lifetimes. The pace of change
is also extraordinary.”
The new Nielsen framework extends a set of six consumer behavior threshold levels that provided early
signals of spending patterns during the first three months of the health crisis. It lays out three possible
timelines for each of the scenarios:

 Rebound: An early return to normal living conditions (schools, workplaces, stores, restaurants etc
re-open) at some point in the third quarter of 2020.
 Reboot: A medium-term scenario that is positioned in the fourth quarter of the year.
 Reinvent: A longer-term view that places the world in a general return to normal living conditions
at some point in the first half of 2021.

“The world is fundamentally recalibrating right now. Consumer habits are changing at pace and
understanding those changes, in the context of these scenarios, will be critical as businesses prioritize how
they too recalibrate to meet the changed circumstances driven by COVID-19,” said McKenzie.  

The framework points to a series of behaviors and habits that will be accelerated in each of the scenarios. In
some cases, changes that may have taken years to evolve could be in place in a matter of months.

Already, this year, Nielsen has tracked significant changes to the ways people shop and the ways they think
they’ll behave after the COVID-19 crisis comes to an end, particularly with regard to technology and the
use of digital platforms.
Taking advantage of Nielsen’s global footprint, the intelligence team was able to shape the new framework
by also taking into account consumer sentiment, such as that measured in Europe, where many expect the
impact of COVID-19 to be long lasting. And to test hypotheses using data out of markets such as China and
South Korea that are further along in dealing with the disease and its impact.

In each horizon identified by Nielsen, a different set of factors and respective consumer behaviors can be

In horizon No. 1, “Rebound,” a series of health indicators, actions by governments and business, and
market conditions point to a rebased “normal” that has some of the following as a societal response:
In horizon No. 2, “Reboot,” the societal response has a different set of focal points and positions the
economy for meaningful regeneration toward the end of the year.
In horizon No. 3, “Reinvent,” as the name suggests, a complete reinvention is required and may not play
out until the first half of 2021. The consumer behaviors and characteristics are sharply amplified compared
to horizons No. 2 and No. 3:

With each of these time scenarios, the baskets of shoppers will also change. The repertoire, pack sizes,
brand choices, product origins and more will be reconfigured as shoppers adjust to changed economic
circumstances and a sharper focus on their health and safety.

Two clear sets of consumers will also emerge – those with insulated levels of spending, often those who
have maintained employment and remain shielded from day-to-day economic impact and those who will be
restrained in their spending habits due to unemployment, furloughing or other COVID-19-related

This polarization of spending is expected to drive new considerations for retailers and brands as they
urgently examine the range of products being offered and the pricing dynamics within.

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