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CV and E-portfolio reflection

When starting to write the CV I thought it would be easy as I have made CVs for job
applications in the past, but I realized this one would be more difficult as it was aimed at
employment after college. Usually when creating a CV, I was focused on showing skills
that would apply to a retail job that I worked at the weekends throughout college and the
summer months. The skills I needed to showcase in this CV were more complex than in
previous CVs I created. Having to reflect on what I have learned and experienced over
the past 4 years in college proved to be more difficult than reflecting on previous work
experience. I found that there were skills that I have developed that I did not realize until
having to do this assignment and looking back and analyzing the past 4 years.

I also had a similar mind set when beginning the e-portfolio. Doing the e-portfolio and
having to create a collection of artefacts that showcase the skills I have learned in this
module and the past 4 years again, proved difficult as again I had not fully reflected on
the range of areas I have studied and developed skills in from my experience in UL. I did
not get to do my co-op and reap the benefits of it due to Covid, I alternatively completed
the CELTA course which I think was a better alternative as it was not a career path I had
ever considered before doing the course. The CELTA course gave me an additional
possible career path and I developed and improved my communication skills greatly
from talking to and teaching non-native English speakers and having to assess the
students' needs weekly and create lessons based on this.

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