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Storyboard reflection

I found coming up with an idea for my storyboard straightforward as it was something

that I had experienced. I decided to create an OER for students going to UIB, Bergen,
Norway on Erasmus. I decided to do this topic as I went to UIB on my Erasmus and
although there is information available online, much of it is personal forum posts which I
did not find to be very helpful as they can often be very long reads, and everyone has
different experiences.

The aspect of this assignment I found difficult was deciding what to include in the
storyboard and what elements I did not need to include as some things I found were
simply not needed as it would result in having too much content in the OER. I initially
thought about including more than the four pages of ‘living costs’, ‘accommodation’,
‘discover Norway’, and ‘language’. I had thought about including a section on travelling
to Norway, but I realized this would limit who this section would benefit as not everyone
using the OER would be an Irish student traveling from Ireland to Norway. Excluding this
part would make the OER more relevant to a wider audience. This process of elimination
reinforced the importance of creating a storyboard. Creating a storyboard before
jumping straight into the design process allows for problems to appear and to be fixed
early in the design process rather than wasting time and resources further down the

If I were to create this storyboard again, I would have tried to include a video in some
section of the resource as I did not include one in it. A video of a tour around the
campus/ accommodation or a video of the journey from the airport to the student
housing could also be useful to users of this OER.

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