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8D Corrective Action Report

客户/供应商 :TB

Model Issue date Report date Requested by

(机种) (不良发生日期) (报告日期) (提出人)

6X Minus 2023.03.31 2023.04.01 TB

Step 1: Description of Problem or Process to be improved(描述问题或流程得到改善)

OK 品 -----
6x minus: 耳套(黑色、绿色LOGO)用错成 6x plus(黑色、银色LGOG)耳套, 照片 6x minus
如右侧图示: 绿色 LOGO
6X Minus - black earcup/green logo,
6X Plus - black earcup/silver logo, 耳套

Step 2: Team Approach(改善小组成员) 2023.04.01

品保部:武燕、李小容 工程部:卢柏川 、万键 生产部:红明、 赵伟红 IE:陈丽敏 物控:彭基亮 仓库:廖仁兵
Step 3: Describe the Root Cause(描述问题的根源)
产生的原因:Background of the incident

1. On March 31, while checking WIP inventory, one of the production assistants found an excessive quantity of 560pcs of 6X earcup cushions (L/R 280pcs ea),

2. Reviewing 6X Minus PO's, POUO10220, POUO10238, & POUO10221, vs. WO (Work Order), and found they matched, i.e. there was no spare parts, and then we
suspected a misuse of the earcup cushions,

3. Tracking down production log to 2/28, there showed on 2/22 with WO #VCA2-230200283 for 6X Plus, the actual output was 1720 sets, and there was a surplus of
L & R earcup cushions of 280 each, for a total of 560pcs, in WIP. Note: earcup cushions are packaged at 2000pcs per box; refer to Release Note on Sheet1 next,
4. When 6X Plus WO #VCA2-230200283 was completed, the surplus earcup cushions were removed from ass'y line into WIP by transit trays without proper labeling
or identification. It was later brought into ass'y line for 6X Minus production, thus causing a mixture of two different earcup cushions,

5. Based on above finding, we concluded the following PO's POUO10220, POUO10238, POUO10221 for 6X Minus were suspects of the mis-use with 560pcs 6X Minus
earcup cushions,

6. In summary of the mistake: Extra earcup cushions were released to the production line, and they were not properly labeled and tagged when work was done, and
surplus was returned to WIP, leading to the mis-use .

人 :huma 機 : machine 料 : material

n 物料员:耳套退仓未用原包装箱
作业员对耳套标准不清 及打印标示单放回原物料指定区
晰 域
仓库未按套料发料 mis-use of
两 mode 共用一份 SOP earcups
法: 環 : cycle

流出的原因:Cause of breach

因6X minus与6X plus共用一份SOP,作业员与外检员误认为只要左右耳颜色一致,两种耳套均是可以的,异常未被OQC抽验到,导致异常流出。

6X Minus & 6X Plus had the same SOP. Assembly operators & floor inspectors checked & matched the earcups (L vs. R) for color/logo consistancy, but overlooked
the color difference of the logo itself on the cushion between 6X Minus & 6X Plus. Finished goods were not picked up during OQC inspection, causing the breach of
quality control at final inspection,

Additional Information & Data (Part Number, Supplier, etc) 水平展开


Step 4: Containment Actions(改正控制措施)

1. 查6X minus成品在3/28号已装柜出货,仓库无库存。
All finished 6X Minus were already loaded to the container, and no stock in warehouse or production line,
2. 因货柜尚未装船出港,公司联系货运立即召回工厂Sorting处理。附重工流程
Containers were recalled for rework at container yard, rework flow is attached, 6 X返工耳套.p d f
3. Sorting & replacement schedule is subject to actual arrival of the container,

Step 5: Corrective Action Plan(纠正措施计划)

针对产生原因的对策:Corrective Action to root cause

The warehouse should not distribute the material in full boxes but distribute the material based on the exact qty. of PO/WO.
If there is any leftover material, the leftover should be packed in the original packaging/boxes from the warehouse, and a printed identification sheet (date/product
name/material number/quantity)should be stickered on the box. The box should then be placed in the WIP area. The worker must print out the identification
instead of writing it manually to avoid errors. Please refer to sheet 2 for a comparison photo of the outer box and logo before and after improvement.

针对流出原因的对策:Corrective Action to the breach of quality control

Each model owns one particular SOP. 6Xplus and 6Xminus should not share the same SOP at the Appearance Inspection Station. This is to avoid the operators
misunderstanding the criteria of logo's color of the ear cushion.
2.重新对装耳套作业员、外观检查员、检验人员进行6X minus/6X plus LOGO颜色区分再教育培训。附教育培训记录(如sheet2)。
Re-educate the operators, and the inspectors on the logo color for 6Xminius/plus. The education record is attached in sheet 2. 6X
3.将6X minus/6X plus 耳套 LOGO颜色区分照片张贴于装耳套作业台前,以警示提醒作业员注意。附照片(如sheet2)。 耳套分别PLUS-M IN US
Put the photo that shows the comparison between the logo color of 6Xpluus/minus at the station, to alert the operators of the color difference.
4.将6X minus/6X plus耳套LOGO颜色差异列入IPQC巡检项目,频次:1次/2h.
List it to the IPQC for the QA to check the logo color of the ear cushsion for 6X minus/plus. Check one time every 2 hours.
Improve the OQC sampling method: based on the original random sampling, each pallet must be sampled, so that any defects can be found and quality can be

Step 6: Verification of Implementation(验证)

以上改善自报告批准后即导入执行,后续6X minus/6X plus LOGO生产时跟进改善状况,直至达到预定效果。
The CA will be implemented after it gets permission.

Step 7: Preventive Action Plan(预防措施)

Establish the following standards or guidelines to prevent the issue from recurring-
Improve the mechanism of material distribution, the distribution of the ear cushion is based on the actual number of PO/WO sets. It is not allowed to issue multiple
or full boxes.
When the staff clears the line, if there is any excess material, it must be packed in the original box or bag, and the printed label should be pasted and returned to the
designated material storage area of ​the original WIP warehouse.
3.SOP(6X minus/6X plus)由共用改为每个Model单独各一份,
Each model owns one particular SOP. 6Xplus and 6Xminus should not share the same SOP at the Appearance Inspection Station.
4.6X minus/6X plus装耳套作业员/外观全检/检验员均再经教育培训合格后上岗。
Retrain the operators and the inspectors to ensure that they are all qualified after education and training.
5.6X minus/6X plus耳套LOGO颜色差异列入IPQC巡检项目。
List it to the IPQC for the QA to check the logo color of the ear cushion for 6X minus/plus.
Improve the OQC sampling method: based on the original random sampling, each pallet must be sampled, so that any defects can be found and quality can be

Step 8: Problem or issue to be closed or keep monitoring(结案确认)

Prepared by Date Comments: Approved by

孙新来 2023.04.01 周翠玲
e Action Report
Defect Qty/Rate
CAR Number

280Set 20230401001

NG 品 ---
6x minus
6x plus 银

Owner: 武燕/李小容
亮 仓库:廖仁兵
Date Owner

2023.04.01 红明/赵伟红

Date Owner

2023.03.15 红明/李小容

Owner: 杨磊/易自华

Date Owner

2023.04.01 红明/李小容

Date Owner
2023.03.15 红明/李小容

Date Owner

2023.04.01 红明/李小容

Date Owner

2023.04.01 红明/李小容

Date Owner

2023.04.01 红明/李小容

Date Remark
QP-08-02B 保留三年
PO 对应到 W/O 工单情

W/O 对应到耳套发料情况
确认 6X minus 工单 10700 套,实际耳套发料 10700 套,故 6X min

6XPlus VCA2-230200283 工单 1720 套,实际耳套发料 2000 套

6XPlus VCA2-230200283 工

对应到 W/O 工单情

发料 10700 套,故 6X minus 耳套未多发料

耳套发料 2000 套

Plus VCA2-230200283 工单 1720 套发料记

改善前物料标识:用其它纸箱手写标识单标 改善后物料标识:用原包装纸箱打印写
注 注
Before: hand-written label After: Print label
装耳套作业员 & 外观检查员 & QC 教育培训
Earcup ass'y operator & floor inspector training
两 model ( 6XPlus/6XMinus )耳套对比照片贴于作业台

Photos of 6X Plus & 6X Minus posted at work station.

: Print label

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