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Model 310e V8.0


Fat Body % Females Males

High levels of body fat place excessive

pressure on your internal organs closely
associated with heart disease, high blood 15-22 % 10-18 %
pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes &
respiratory conditions.

Basal Metabolic Rate Females Males

Required calories per day. 1300-1800 1800-2400

Hydration 69-74 %
Amount of liquid in muscles and organs.
Below 69% indicates dehydration. <69 %
Above 74% indicates acid in muscle which
can cause pain. >74 %

Total Water Retention Females Males

Intracellular Water 60-65% 65-70%

Active water (intracellular) is the water

detected in the active tissue (muscle &
organs). Decrease in active water indicates
your body has redistributed water to the
fatty tissue deposits to neutralize high levels
of acidity becomes extracellular water
(FLUID RETENTION). High levels of F.R. also
indicate your liver has become congested.

Difference : _______% Extracellular water (Toxic Fluid):_________L (Kg)

% of Toxic Fluid
1% - 6% 6% - 15% 15%-25%
Continuous overflowing and recycling of
High Level of accumulative toxic waste environmental /bacterial toxins which
circulating the cells of the body, have damaged all vital organs.
Small amount of toxic accumulation,
damage to liver and kidneys apparent. Weakening of these organs slows all
built up in vital organs. Slight
Weight Gain is inevitable, bodily functions, lowers immune
lymphatic congestion
degeneration of joints and muscle function, Accelerated degeneration of
tissue has occurred joints and muscle tissue. May be a host
of parasites inside the body/organs
Detox Program Detox Program Detox Program
3 to 6 Months 3 to 6 Months 6 to 9 Months 9 to 12 Months 9 to 12 Months
Internal External 6 to 9 Months EXTERNAL INTERNAL EXTERNAL

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