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Face to Face Learning and Distance Learning

Coronavirus, which appeared in late 2019, has caused significant changes in economic, social
and pedagogical aspects, especially in health, all over the world. One of the areas most affected by
this pandemic is education systems. Currently, due to the pandemic, face-to-face learning cannot be
carried out worldwide. Therefore, millions of people around the world have started to study through
distance education. However different distance learning and face-to-face learning may seem, there are
also similarities between them. As you can see, this article will address both the similarities and
differences of distance education and face-to-face education.
First of all, if we talk about the similarities of distance and face-to-face education, there are a few
issues that we can count. For example, the most important are the assignments given by teachers. In
face-to-face education, students can do tasks and assignments in the same way as they do in distance
education. Or the same is true when we think about another subject, the exam. Although the exam
environment is different, the exams and results will be the same in face-to-face and distance
education. Because the subjects covered in the course are somehow the same in distance education in
face-to-face education. In face-to-face education, the tutor can project the subject from projection to
screen, similarly in distance education he can show the student what he needs to show with screen
sharing. Therefore, we cannot say that the exams will be very difficult or very easy when students are
in front of the screen.
As for the differences between face-to-face and distance education, which is a second case, I can
say that there are quite a lot of differences that come to mind. One of the most important differences, I
would say, is the subject of socialization and communication. In distance education, students only see
each other on screen, on the other hand in face-to-face education they have the chance to be in contact
and spend time with each other. Whereas students can easily exchange information during the course
in face-to-face education, this is not very possible in distance education. Students can do group
assignments effectively and efficiently in face-to-face education. Conversely, they have difficulties in
terms of communication in distance learning. Students experience a loss of communication due to
internet disconnection or related to late transmission of sounds.
As a result, it is difficult to decide which education system is better. They have both similarities
and differences. They complement each other in some subjects. Because both, of course, have pros
and cons. However, in my opinion, based on the things I mentioned above, I would say that the
benefits of face-to-face learning outweigh.

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