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WEEK 6: EON AND ERA  Earth Coalescing- It begins with the

very formation of the Earth.

1. To determine the origin of life, scientists are
 Another event is the Earth’s water and
investigating the problem in several different ways. 
it originated from volcanic outgassing.
 Some scientists are studying life on our own  The giant impact hypothesis models the
planet. formation of our moon. The “Giant
 Some scientists are seeking out fossil life on Impact Hypothesis” starts with an
other planets in our solar system.  object the size of Mars heading towards
 And other scientists are trying to detect life in Earth. At tremendous speed, this object
other solar systems by measuring the effects of collides into Earth. With the gravity, it
the atmospheres of distant planets or by prevents all the debris from flying far
measuring artificial radiation like radio signals away in space. The debris form the
that maybe produced by advanced life. moon.
 Core Accretion describes the creation
2. HOW OLD IS EARTH? of our planet and solar system. It
 By dating the rocks in Earth's ever-changing illustrates how planets become multi-
crust, scientists have calculated that Earth is 4.5 layered.
billion years old, with a margin of error either  In the early stage of Earth’s creation,
adding or subtracting 50 million years. the heaviest material like iron sank to
 So far scientists have not found a way to the core. Because the solid inner core
determine the exact age of the Earth directly heats the outer liquid layer, now it
from Earth rocks because Earth's oldest rocks produces convection currents that
have been recycled and destroyed. creates the Earth’s magnetic field. The
magnetic field protects our planet from
3. GEOLOGIC TIME SCALE cosmic radiation.
 For the purposes of geology, the “calendar” is  Late Bombardment Stage- It was a
the geologic time scale. violent stage in Earth’s geologic
 The geologic time scale is broken up into larger history. Asteroids, comets, and space
and smaller subdivisions. Earth’s history that is debris attract our young planet Earth.
divided into eons, eras and periods and epochs. Despite the harsh conditions, these
impacts started the on Earth.
4. EON
 Eons are the largest divisions in the geologic
timescale.  Referred as Archaeozoic Eon
 The recent one is the Phanerozoic eon  Sedimentary rock contains microscopic life-
 Other eons are the Proterozoic eon
 The Archean eon
 First Ocean- From the molten state, the
 And the Hadean eon
Earth started to cool down. Water
 Take note that: The Hadean, Archean and
vapor condensed to form oceans.
Proterozoic Eons are sometimes collectively
 First Continent- And the Earth cooled
known as the Precambrian time, which accounts
down enough to create continents.
for almost 90% of Earth’s history.
“Vaalbara vs. “Ur”.
5. HADEAN EON  The banded iron formation is a
geological unit composed of iron-rich
 The first eon of time is the Hadean eon.
 Hades is knowns as the Greek god of the  Great Oxygenation Event- These
underworld. During this period the Earth was cyanobacteria released oxygen as a
extremely hot. waste product. Oxygen entered the
 EVENTS: atmosphere.
 The Cambrian Explosion is the burst
of evolution gave rise to the largest
7. PROTEROZIC EON diversification of life in Earth’s
 Earth now had an oxygenated atmosphere for history.
new life to flourish  The Cambrian explosion started with
 The first complex lifeforms appeared. the Age of Invertebrates. Trilobites
 Stromatolites are microbial reefs created by are often considered the first large
cyanobacteria. Stromatolites pumped oxygen organism to evolve on Earth.
into the oceans  AGE OF FISH: Early sharks
 The reason why this event is called an ocean to the land, the first vertebrate
“oxygen crisis” is that cyanobacteria land animal made its leap ashore.
threatened their own existence through  Extinction-The Permian-Triassic
their own waste oxygen. Extinction due to a major asteroid
 In the Proterozoic Eon, there is impact event.
evidence that eukaryotes and 11. MESOZOIC ERA
multicellular organisms appeared on
Earth.  Dinosaurs ruled the planet.
 Endosymbiosis- evolved when one  Had a lot of “firsts”. For example, it had the
simple cell engulfed another cell first birds, first mammals, first dinosaurs and
 The first multicellular organism- algae. first flowering plants.
 Snowball Earth- When oxygen is  EVENTS:
combined with methane, it produces  AGE OF REPTILES- could lay their hard-
carbon dioxide. Because there was less shelled eggs on land.
methane in the atmosphere during this  Pangaea started rifting into separate
eon, the greenhouse effect wasn’t as continents from one giant landmass.
strong. So, with less heat trapped in the  Conifers (Gymnosperm) began
atmosphere, Earth froze. dominating the landscape and the
 Ozone Stabilization- Oxygen atoms major source of food for herbivore
could bond and form ozone. dinosaurs.
 Dinosaurs (also known as terrible
The random Sampling technique is utilized in the lizards) began to evolve. Dinosaurs
development of geologic timescale dominated the land.
8. PHANEROZOIC EON  Archaeopteryx was the first known
feathered Mesozoic animal.
 Its name means visible life and this eon was  Flowering Plant- angiosperms
when life became obvious. included magnolias
 The Phanerozoic Eon is divided into three eras
namely: Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic 12. CENOZOIC ERA
eras.  This period is also known as the "Age of
9. ERA Mammals.
 Cretaceous–Paleogene (K-Pg) extinction event
 Law of Superposition- the oldest layer is at the that wiped out the dinosaurs.
base and that the layers are progressively  Peak of evolution in the age of mammals.
younger with ascending order in the sequence.  The earliest anatomically modern human
10. PALEOZOIC ERA (Homo sapiens) fossil found was dated at
200,000 years old in Morocco, Africa. They had
 The Paleozoic Era was historical because of the modern faces and used stone tools.
first appearance of animal life in fossil records.
- MAAM JE (Gen Bio 2)

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