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Mila: For her Comparative Study Mila chose to focus on two artists from very different cultural and

historical backgrounds.

 Do Ho Suh: “ Perfect Home,” New York City Apartment,” “Home within Home”
 Alberto Giacometti: “ The Palace at 4 A.M.,” “The Cage,” and “Suspended Ball”

Mila analyses three artworks by

each artist that explore the idea of
space, home and its existence in
physical reality and in the mind.
By making an appropriate choice
of artworks to investigate she
effectively considers her own
development, making meaningful
connections to her own art making
practice ( F).
The presentation is original,
visually engaging, while still highly
legible ( E)
You can view a few selected
screens from Mila's Comparative
Study in the gallery below. Mila
was given full marks for her CS.
( 42 points =7)

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