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Day 1 (April 3, 2023) MONDAY – 8 hours (1 DAY)

Today was the first day of our Work Immersion and I was so excited and nervous
at the same time. I was assigned at the RHU 1 with Doc Thesbee and I was helping
her in writing the patients’ names who had scheduled their appointment with
regards to anti-rabies injection because the designated schedule is only at
Monday and Thursday. Then later on that afternoon, I helped in cleaning in the
office and comfort rooms. It was indeed a busy day!

Day 2 (April 5, 2023) WEDNESDAY – 4 hours (HALF DAY)

Since my job in assisting Doc Thesbee is only Monday and Thursdays, I decided to
just help my co-immersionists with some other stuffs like arranging the
paperworks and entertaining with the patients. After that, we cleaned the whole
RHU because we will only be having a half day. It was a wonderful day!

Day 3 (April 11, 2023) TUESDAY – 8 hours (1 DAY)

Day 4 (April 12, 2023) WEDNESDAY – 8 hours (1 DAY)

Day 5 (April 13, 2023) THURSDAY – 8 hours (1 DAY)

Day 6 (April 14, 2023) FRIDAY – 8 hours (1 DAY)

Day 7 (April 17, 2023) MONDAY – 8 hours (1 DAY)

Day 8 (April 18, 2023) TUESDAY – 8 hours (1 DAY)

Day 9 (April 19, 2023) WEDNESDAY – 8 hours (1 DAY)

Day 10 (April 25, 2023) TUESDAY – 4 hours (HALF DAY)

Day 11 (April 26, 2023) WEDNESDAY – 4 hours (HALF DAY)

Day 12 (April 27, 2023) THURSDAY – 4 hours (HALF DAY)

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