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Portfolio Item Responses

Title of Item NAGC Standards Handout

Owner/Creator NAGC Website/Author
Site Found
Description of Item Content The NAGC Programming Standards are put in a
clear, easy-to-read format
Relation to Goals/Significance This artifact is essential to reaching Goal 1. I
hoped to increase awareness and knowledge of
the NAGC Programming Standards. I wanted the
participants to be able to see the standards in a
straightforward format that was not cumbersome
or confusing. Therefore, I created this handout
from the NAGC website, which is clearly visible at
the top of page one of the handout. As the PL
session progressed, we were able to look at the
standards and pull out a few that the participants
found important or interesting. We talked about
the standards and what those looked like for us.
We also talked about some standards on which
we could improve as a school and as a system. I
believe this discussion definitely furthered the
success of Goal 1 regarding the NAGC standards.
Acquisition Challenge Level Creating this format from the NAGC website was
1=Easy; 5=Difficult a bit time-consuming, but I believe worth it for
my participants.

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