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Ambistoma mexicanum

Kngdom Animalia
They are multicellular,
heterotrophic, requires oxygen for
their metabolism, can sense and
respond to their environment, and
have the capacity to reproduce
sexually. Phylum Chordata includes

animals that are linked due to
five common attributes at
some point in their life: a
notochord, a hollow dorsal
nerve cord, pharyngeal slits,
an endostyle, and a
post-anal tail.

Class Amphibia
They do not have

amniotic eggs, they are Did you know that....

ectoderms, and have
the adaptation of gills

The name 'axolotl' comes

from the Aztec god
for respiration. Other Xolotl, the god of games
who could turn himself
members include frogs,
into an axolotl to escape
toads, newts, and his enemies?

They have a tail with two pairs of limbs. Members of the order caudata
also have elongated bodies and are usually found in aquatic environments.
Paedomorphosis, the retention of larval characteristics throughout
entire life is one of their features.

Axolotls are the Masters of Regeneration

and they are 2000 times more resistan to
cancer than humans!

The ambystomatidae family

are characterized by their
broad heads, costal grooves
down the body, a
compressed tail, a complex
pattern of spinal nerves, and
the ability to regenerate lost
limbs, tails, and organs..

The axolotl (ACK-suh-LAH-tuhl) is the

Peter Pan of salamanders. While most
amphibians grow out of their aquatic
phase to begin their lives on land, the
axolotl largely retains its larval

(mole salamander), are
Axolotls are indigenous to the salamanders that possess
freshwaters of Lake Chalco and gills and have an aquatic life
Lake Xochimilco in Mexico without developing in an
adult form.

On the IUCN
conservation index,
axolotls are categorised
as critically endangered

Researchers from UNAM, the Chapultepec, Ciudad de México

Metropolitan Autonomous cuidado y conservación , 2022
University, the University of Kent
in England and experts from Cuba
and Japan have contributed to
efforts to protect the species
and encourage reproduction in 70
ajolotarios in Xochimilco.

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