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 Any activity that takes place during your free time is

referred to as recreation. It does not follow standard Understanding common barriers to physical activity and
rules; it can be done anywhere; and most of all, it gives creating strategies to overcome them, may helped physical
enjoyment and self-satisfaction. activity part of daily life. People experienced a variety of
 3 parts of Time: personal and environmental barriers to engaging in regular
Existence time- spent for physiological needs (sleep, physical activity.
eat, bath)  Lack of Time
Subsistence time- spent for survival (study, work)  Exercise is Uninteresting
Leisure time-free time  Does not have the idea how to be active (Lack of
 Recreation is derived from the Latin word, “recreare”  Tired (lack of Energy)
which means to be refreshed (mapasigla), to relax or to  Not feeling well and not thinking fit
enjoy.  Excuses about weather
 I don’t feel like it (Lack of Motivation)
 Recreation is categorized into active recreation and Training and FITT Principles
passive recreation. Active recreational activities include  Principle of Overload – a greater than normal load or
jogging, swimming, hiking, biking or gardening while intensity on the body is needed for adaptation or improved
passive recreational activities include watching function and fitness to occur.
television, listening to music or reading books.  Principle of Progression – apply overload gradually and
steadily over an extended period of time.
 Our country has many places to explore and to start  Principle of Reversibility – a fitness component
many recreational activities, whether on land, in air or deteriorates to a level that is equivalent to one’s level of
on water. physical activity.
 Principle of Specificity – identify and train or overload a
 Water or aqua provides environments that are beneficial specific fitness component in order to develop it.
to you. An array of recreational activities can be done in  Frequency – the number of times (e.g. days) you
rivers, beaches, swimming pools, and the like. exercise in a given week, depending on the intensity and
duration of the exercise, and fitness goal(s).
 Common aquatic recreational activities in the  Intensity – the level of difficulty of an exercise or workout
Philippines include swimming, surfing, boating, rafting as well as the amount exerted during performance.
and fishing.  Time – the length of exercise session depending on one’s
fitness level and exercise intensity.
 Mountaineering and Aerial activities are another  Type –choice or variety of physical activity or exercise
outdoor recreational activity that brings you closer to depending on fitness goal(s), skill level, availability, and
nature. access to facilities and equipment.

 Some terms related to mountaineering are hiking, Physical Activity – is any movement of your body that
trekking, camping and orienteering. uses energy.
 Low Physical Activities-require the least amount of
 Some terms related to Aerial activities are bungee effort, walking slowly (i.e. shopping, walking around the
jumping, sky diving, paragliding and hanggliding. office), sitting at your computer, making the bed, eating,
preparing food, and washing dishes.
 Physical Fitness – a set of attributes that an individual  Moderate Physical Activities – are activities that
has or can achieve to perform physical activities. requires a moderate amount of effort and noticeably
accelerates the heart rate.
 Health – related fitness speaks about the components of  Vigorous Physical Activities – are activities that
fitness, which composed our health condition. makes your heart pump faster than moderate activities
and release more sweat, such as sports that needs lots
 Body Composition is the percentage of body fat and lean of running like playing soccer or even swimming and
body tissue in an Individual. jogging.
 Body Mass Index (BMI) refers to the measurement of Examples of various physical activities
one’s weight relative to his or her height. Low Intensity Moderate Vigorous
Intensity Intensity
 Muscular Strength is the ability of a particular muscles or doing household brisk walking running
group of muscle to put forth force in a single maximal chores
contraction to conquer other form of resistance. taking the stairs playground swimming
 single act of lifting, carrying, pushing and pulling instead of the activities
 Muscular Endurance involves the muscle in building a playing at the Bike riding working with
number of continuous movements. park resistance bands
 repeated act of lifting, carrying, pushing and pulling
An exercise workout has three components: warm up,
 Flexibility is capacity of a particular joints such as our knee, to exercise load, and cool down.
move during a complete range of motion.  warm- up is an essential prior to actual workload for it
 Stretching, sit and reach, zipper test prepares the body for more strenuous activity.
 The exercise load or workout load is the program
activity that would stimulate beneficial adaptation when
 Cardio – respiratory endurance is the ability ability of your
performed regularly.
heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to your entire body during
 cool-down is essential after a workout as it permits the pre-
exercise for a long time without stopping.
exercise heart rate and blood pressure for gradual recovery.
 Step test, running, swimming and mountaineering

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