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Revision plant

Study notes

DR. Nihal Gabr

1. Balanced equation of photosynthesis :

6CO2 + 6H2O ……………………………..C6H12O6

Light energy + 6O2
Trapped by chlorophyll

2.Definition photosynthesis : its the process by which the plant makes organic
substances ( carbohydrates) from inorganic substances ( carbon dioxide and
water ) using light energy , where light energy is converted into chemical energy
stored in glucose

3. Describe how photosynthesis takes place

Describe how carbon-dioxide forms glucose

1. Carbondioxide : Describe pathway taken by CO2?

Diffuse down its concentration gradient into the leaf through the stomata ..the
pass through air spaces of spongy mesophyll ....dissolve in the layer of water
surrounding mesophyll cells to diffuse through cell wall then cell membrane

2. Water
Absorbed from the soil by root (root hair cells ) down water potential gradient then
transported up through xylem vessels to enter mesophyll cells by osmosis

3.Light energy :
Absorbed by chlorophyl in the chloroplast , used to help CO2 react with water
producing glucose where light energy is converted into chemical energy stored in

4. Explain why oxygen leaves the leaf

Diffuse out of the leaf through stomata

Down concentration gradient
Where higher oxygen concentration is inside the leaf (its a product of photosynthesis )
Than outside .
4. Importance of glucose / fate of glucose
Explain how increase in carbon dioxide concentration/ temperature / light
intensity causes an increase in crop yield

Carbon dioxide is a limiting factor for photosynthesis , its a reactant needed for

Light is a limiting factor as light is a source of energy trapped by chlorophyll

Light energy is converted into chemical energy stored in glucose

Temperature is a limiting factor , photosynthesis is a process cataylsed by

enzymes , where increase in temperature till optimum , increase kinetic energy of
molecules so increase number of collisions and number of ESCs ( enzyme
susbtrate complexes ) , and at lower temperature we have lower enzymatic
activity .

So more carbon dioxide/ light intensity / temperature means higher rate of

So more glucose is produced ....which is needed for :
1. Glucose is condensed into sucrose ( condensation reaction catalysed by
2. Glucose can be used in making cellulose in cell wall
3. Part used in respiration to release energy for growth / cell division/ metabolic
4. Part reacts with nitrogen from nitrates to form amino acids to form proteins
for growth , and making enzymes
5. Part stored as starch by condensation reaction
State importance of glucose
1. Respiration
2. Starch storage
3. Sucrose to be translocated
4. Cellulose in cell wall
6.Explain why Carbon dioxide is used in glass house Same key words as
previous page
Carbon dioxide is a limiting factor
As its a reactant for photosynthesis
To allow the plant to carry photosynthesis
At maximum rate
To produce more glucose
For more growth by storing starch

7._ Why does the plant store glucose as starch

Starch is a storage of energy

To be used in presence of limiting factors such as no leaves
And the plant cant carry photosynthesis
So starch will used as source of glucose / hydrolysed into glucose
To be used in respiration
Starch is a large insoluble molecule so doesn’t affect the water potential of the
cell ( glucose small and highly reactive and affects the water potential inside the
cells )

8.Why glucose is translocated as sucrose

Glucose is highly reactive , yet sucrose as a

disaccharide is less reactive but still soluble

9. Leaf structure :
Label and adaptation

Air spaces
1. Upper epidermis :

1. Transparent to allow passage of light to reach the palisade mesophyll for

2. Protective layer that prevent entry of pathogens
3. Produce waxy cuticle....transparent and reduces water evaporation thus
reducing water Vapour loss ( cuticular transpiration)
Role in
2. Palisade mesophyll

1. Packed with large number of chloroplast for maximum absorption of light energy
2. Cells arranged close together with tiny air spaces so absorb more light energy

3. Arranged in columns ends on to allow light
to pass through minimum number of cell walls
to avoid scattering of light by cell wall

4. Chloroplast are arranged broad side on for maximum absorption of light

energy ( suggest why chloroplast arranged at one side ?in case of high light
intensity to absorb less light .)

3. Spongy mesophyll
1.Loosely arranged/ packed with large air spaces to allow diffusion of gases
2. Surrounded by layer of water on cell walls that evaporates into the air
spaces water vapor diffuse out of the leaf through stomata down
concentration gradient by transpiration to help cool down the plant
3. Water layer on cell wall to dissolves the gases to diffuse into cells
4. Stomata

1. Allow gas exchange by allowing diffusion of gases such as

A) carbon-dioxide into leaf for photosynthesis
B) oxygen into leaf for respiration
C) allow diffusion of water vapour out of leaf by trasnpiration

5. Guard cells Control opening and closing of stomata

To allow .....same as stomata keywords

10. Stomata ( open and close ) explain the shape of the guard cells A) plant has plenty of
water.........more water enter the
cells by osmosis........guard cells
become turgid....stomata open

B) shortage of water ...guard

cells become flaccid ...stomata
close reduce water loss by
Temperature is below optimum Temperature is very high
Plant is rich in water Plant in shortage of water

11. Factors affecting rate of photosynthesis :

1, carbon dioxide concentration......carbon dioxide is a reactant/ raw material for

photosynthesis / substrate
2. Light intensity ....light absorbed by chlorophyll , used as a source of energy needed
converted into chemical energy stored in glucose
3. Temperature ......photosynthesis is a process catalysed by enzymes in addition
temperature affects the closing and opening of stomata
12. Limiting factors definition :

It is an environmental factor present in short supply

That limits rate of reaction

( for plant growth: light intensity , minerals concentration , temperature and

carbondioxideconcentration )

Graph 3 vs graph 4( why temperature is limiting factor at f in graph 3)

At point F ( leveled off) , the temperature is the limiting factor
Where in graph 4 at same light intensity and same carbon dioxide
concentration but higher temperature , the rate of photosynthesis increased .

Graph 4 , whose is the limiting factor ?

Light intensity is a limiting factor

At all light intensities , the rate of photosynthesis is increasing

Graph 2 , the blue part what is the limiting factor ?

Carbon dioxide concentration is the limiting factor

Where in graph 4 , at same light intensity and same temperature
Upon increasing carbon dioxide concentration , the rate of photosynthesis
increase( kept increasing )
13. Temperature being limiting factor
Explain how tempertaure affects rate of photosynthesis
State and explain the hypothesis o the effect of temperature on photosynthesis

State hypothesis :
As temperature increase , the rate of
Rate of photosynthesis

photosynthesis increase then decrease

A) as temperature increase till the optimum temperature...the rate of photo
synthesis increase \
Explain: Temperature is a limiting factor
Photosynthesis is a process catalysed by enzymes
Where increase in temperature increase in kinetic energy of molecules ....increase
frequency of collision......more ESCs ...thus increasing rate of photo synthesis

Stomata is open so more carbon dioxide will diffuse into leaf

B) peak as its optimum temperature

C) increase in temperature above optimum is accompanied by a decrease in rate of
Explain : as enzymes starts to denature...losing shape of active site becoming no
longer complementary to substrate ...............................
Stomata close less carbon dioxide diffuse into leaf
14. How to increase the growth rate of plants in a glass house

Fewer limiting factors ( reduce number of factors present in short supply)

1. Increase light intensity .....artificial light source

2. Optimum temperature ......ventilation
3. Carbondioxide enrichment.....ventilation/ burning of organic matter
in compositing unit / hydrogen carbonate / carbon dioxide cylinders .
4. Humidity ........humidfier / ventilation
5. Minerals .......add artificial fertilisers / animal manure

Importance of ventilation

Reduce temperature ......enzymes to avoid denture of enzymes /avoid

Reduce humid air avoid fungal infection
Gas exchange ......allow carbon dioxide for photo/ allow oxygen to
enter for respiration/ allow water vapour to leave the glass house
What are the advantages of growing crops in green / glass houses

Green house can maintain, optimum conditions for photosynthesis ;

Control limiting factors for, photosynthesis / growth such as light intensity
and temperature .
to increase yield
Where it can provide high light intensity by using artificial light source
Where light sensors can be used / light can be lit to allow light energy to be
available all time during day .
control of temperature by air conditions / ventilation
To provide and maintain optimum temperature ;
control of carbon dioxide concentration
By carbon dioxide enrichment / high carbon dioxide concentration ;
Using a composter or CO2 cylinders
control of water and nutrients.
By water supply / humidity ;
Supplying nutrients / minerals ;
control of pests and weeds.
Using a biological control / chemical control.
herbicides not required .

Sodium hydrogen carbonate …..source of carbon dioxide

Increase inCO2 Hydrogen carbonate Decrease in CO2 concentration

concentration Indicator for CO2

Increase PH
Photo> respiration .
acid …..lower the pH
Respiration > photo Red Purple

Yellow Light

Investigation effect of different .............on rate of photosynthesis
Independent :light intensity / Why use tank of water ? '
temp/ carbon dioxide
Acting as a heat shield to
absorb excess heat from the
Controlled variables :
A) temperature by lamp and avoid over heating
thermostatic water bath and thus maintaining a constant
heat shield
B) CO2 conc.: HCO3- of
Dependent: measure volume
same volume
C) plant species /age /size of of oxygen gas produced in
leaves unit time using a gas syringe
Suggest and explain why the scientists kept the temperature of the
leaves at 20 while they recorded the results? '

Temperature / light intensity / carbon dioxide concentration ) is a limiting factor / a factor that affects the
rate of photo.
So it has to be kept constant / its a controlled variable that be kept constant.
As temperature affect the enzymatic activity./ light is absorbed by chlorophyll as a source of energy / CO2
is a reactant.
Where any increase in temperature increase kinetic energy of molecules / collisions thus affecting rate of
enzymatic activity (reference to the effect of temp on enzyme activity)
To have fair test and valid comparison

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