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topic: history

1.take pride in sth/so : lấy làm tự hào cái gì
2.national identity : ý thức quốc gia dân tộc
3.movement : 1 phong trào ,1 nhóm người với 1 ý tưởng mục tieue-c1
4.operation =campaign : CHIẾN DỊCH
5.conquer :chiếm ,chiến thắng ,xâm chiếm ,chế ngự
+conquer fear,bad habit
+conquer an enemy
n:conquest ; conqueror : kẻ chinh phục
6.invade : xâm lược ,invader : kẻ xâm lược
7.resist : kháng chiến -n:risistance
8.sovereignty : chủ quyền
9.territory : lãnh thổ
-territorial integrity : toàn vẹn lãnh thổ
10.integrity : tính liêm chings ,chính trực ,tính toàn vẹn classes : các giai cấp xã hội
12.monarchy : quốc gia quân chủ ,nên fquana chủ
13.aristocracy : giới quý tộc
14.landlord : địa chủ
15.general : tướng lĩnh
16.peasant : nông dân ,nông nô
17.liberate =free : tự do ,giải phóng
18.rebellion : cuộc nổi dậy chống chính quyền
rebel : nổi dậy chóng chính quyền
19.revolt:nổi dậy khởi nghĩa
-people revolted against their wicked rulers : nổi dậy chóng bọn cầm quyền độc ác
20. book = source of invaluable information -invaluabe : vô giá

21.vistorious past of our ancestors

22.Historical highlights : sự kiện lichj sử nổi bât
23.eager for sth /to do sth
24. undergone hundreds of years under the colonization of foreign invaders
-undergo : trải qua( khó khăn) ,chịu đựng
-under colonization of foreign invaders : dưới sự chiếm làm thuộc địa của thực dân
phương tây
25.a new era of peace and independence
26.courageous =brave -C1
27 . it is the courageous fighting spirit of Vietnamese people.
-spirit : tinh thần → tinh thần chiến đấu dũng cảm : courageous ffighting spirit
28. in poverty and destitute conditions.
-destitute : thiếu thốn ,cơ cực → poverty and destitute
29.When compared to such a well-armed country like America, it was hard to think
that we could defeat them.
-well-armed : trang bị vũ khí tốt
30. determination : sự quyết tâm
with the determination of the whole nation, we have our own peace.
31. gained independence from the invaders
32.we have held annual celebration to pay tribute to those who sacrificed for the
-pay tribute to sb: tưởng nhớ ai đó
-sacrifice : hy sinh

Domination(n) Sự đô hộ

34.throughout the period of anti-American resistance

35. manifest =show=express
36.inspire ,motivate young generation to contribute to the national prosperity
37. manifest the patriotism ( lòng yêu nước ) and national pride
38 expand my horizon of knowledge sb’s utmost : nổ lực cố gắng

our ancester did their utmost to gain independence and liberty from foreign invaders
and rulers
40. cultivate =learn : trau dồi = improve
41. thông qua : by means of = through
-by means of historical lessons , we can be learned and realized how and how hard
our ancestors gained independence to our country and then by using these
knowledge ,experiences which forefather left behind through history lesson we can
improve and contribute national prosperty .we should look at them carefully to
improve our strengths, to maintain the pride and not to let the mistakes occur again.

Then parents takes their children to a bookstore to buy history books and tell them
some interesting historic events and they will develop an interest in historical figures

What kinds of jobs need people to work in a team?

-I suppose all sorts of jobs require teamwork cause it’s a crucial skill and
indespencible soft skill to accomplish a mission or a job . a quintessential
example of this is that nurse,doctor or medical staff need vitally a good
teamwork skill to coordinate to help patients because each member have
their own essential part

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