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It is generally accepted that the pace of a modern world has increased sufficiently and has

affected different aspects of our life. Needless to say that in this highly competitive, challenging
world it is crucial to foster life skill development in order to withstand the requirements and
demands of modern standards. Consequently, it is of highest significance to distribute your
leisure time efficiently and allocate a substantial amount of your time to mind and health
modifying activities.

It is my firm belief that the most beneficial use of leisure time is engagement in sport-related
activities. Physical exercise is an integral part of our life and one of the most certain ways to
unwind and replenish energy. Furthermore, an active lifestyle can help eradicate certain health
issues resulting from a sedentary lifestyle. On top of that, not only does active leisure improve
our fitness level, but it also enhances our mental system and has a profound impact on our
brain function.

Another profitable way of using spare time is diving into learning. It goes without saying that
leisure education promotes our cognitive reserve, trains our memory and boosts concentration,
which, subsequently, reduces the risk of age-related disorders. Moreover, according to scientific
research, intellectual leisure helps reduce stress levels and anxiety, based on the theory that
mentally stimulating activities can switch a person’s attention from undesirable thoughts.

To summarize, time is an extremely valuable resource and the way we spend it has
consequences on us and our welfare. The benefits of active participation in sport and the
outcomes of leisure learning are too obvious to ignore since they contribute greatly to our well-


To summarize, time is an extremely valuable resource and the way we spend it has
consequences on us and our welfare. The benefits of active participation in sport are too
obvious to ignore since they contribute considerably to our well-being. Regular exposure to
sport undoubtedly results in physical as well as mental contentment.

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