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Has the culture changed since my grandparents were my age, has it?

Starting with manners, people didn't get up from the table until everyone had finished eating nor
did they talk with their mouths full of food. My grandparents and their friends were very punctual
when it came to getting together, they didn't talk about religion or politics as they thought they
were polite subjects not to talk about. When my dad lived with my grandfather I was not yet born,
so he is also a very punctual person. He has taught me to be very careful about what I say.

Currently people don't have as much manners as they used to, but they have good feelings and
always have something to suggest. Does your stomach hurt? You must have an infection. Did you
catch a cold? You must have a stuffy nose. Today's young people spend a lot of time with their
friends (even if they are not punctual) and may not wait for everyone to finish eating before they
get up or talk about soccer while eating, but today's young people are full of joy and vitality. Who
wants young people who are bored and sick?

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