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1.How would you characterize It was easy to explain this,you
your self? EASY should know yourself starting
when you’re just a child
because this is what you will
show to people.
2. What makes you stand out Before you can tell yourself that
from the rest? you have a special skill, you
What makes your self special? DIFFICULT must first prove it to other
people and that’s how
philosophy works.

3. How was your self It was a great question to us,

transformed itself? EASY the word “TRANSFORMED” a
person keeps transforming day
by day because of his/her
intellectual thinking.
4. How is your self connected to When I make decision through
your body? EASY my mind I always think in two
options if it is good or not. This
is really important, if you’re not
thinking wisely you can't be
restless in what you do.
5. How is your self related to DIFFICULT We have different perspective
other selves? in life, it is possible when both
of you have same situations
6. What will happen to your self DIFFICULT It was really hard to think
after you die? whether it's bible or by a
philosopher to believe.Many
said you will be reincarnate but
religious people said you will go
up to heaven.
Malaluan, Paulo B. GE 112 A Non-Track

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