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LESSON 1: The Self from Various Philosophical Perspectives

Activity # 1 Do You Truly Know Yourself?
Answer the following questions about your self as fully and precisely as you can.
1. How would you characterize your self?

I am a people-person.
I am also a positive person and very soft hearted person.
I love people I love good laugh.
I also forgive easily and It's hard for me to say no whenever they ask a favor
even I'm busy I still make time just for them.
I'm a good friend, a fun to be around.

2. What makes you stand out from the rest? What makes your self special?

One thing that makes me stand out among the rest and makes me being
special is by  being myself accepting my own flaws and confidently present
myself because I really believe that being ourselves is being different.

3. How has your self transformed itself?

The people around me specially my family is the biggest contributor on how I

transformed into myself. They taught me values and many things before others
taught it.

4. How is your self connected to your body?

Myself is connected to my body physically, mentally and spiritually.

5. How is your self related to other selves?

In relating to others we tend to make connections to others. For example the

celebrity we adore we do things related and same with them. Also we are also
connected into otherselves through acceptance and recognizing others.

6. What will happen to your self after you die?

I'm a Christian and I believe in heaven and hell. I believe that after we die  our
spirit or self will stay in the purgatory through prayers, repentance and good
things we did we can go to heaven.

Where you able to answer the questions above with ease? Why? Which questions did you find
easiest to answer? Which one is difficult?

Questions Easy to answer? Why?

How would you Yes For me it's easy to answer
characterize your self? because we know
ourselves we are the one
who can describe what we
really are.


Difficult to answer? Why?

What will happen to your Because no one knows
self after you die? what really happen after
we die only our God can.


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