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Melamine Resins -thermosetting glues manufactured as a powder with a separate

catalyst. They have excellent bond with wood or paper resistance to heat, cold, creep,

and water are all excellent.

n. Resorcinol resins-are usually made as a liquid with a separate catalyst. They have

. good bond with wood or paper, developing shear strengths up to 1,950 psi with wood.

o. Epoxy resins -are thermosetting in nature, manufactured in liquid form with a separate

catalyst. The amount of catalyst added determines the type of curing required. They

have excellent bond with wood, metal, glass and masonry and are widely used in tbe

manufacture of laminated curtain-wall panels of various kinds.

p. Polyvinyl-resin adhesives-in the form of an emulsion. They have good bond with

wood or paper or vinyl plastics and reasonably good bond with metal. Shear strengths

up to 1,000 psi are developed with wood. R

q. Sodium silicate adhesives-are liquids which have excellent bond with paper or-glass

and reasonably good bond with wood or metal. Resistance to heat, cold ·and creep are ..

good, but water resistance is poor.


Sealirtg compounds are products which are used to seal the surface of various materials

against the penetration of water or other liquidS or in some cases to prevent the escape of

water through the surface.

Types of Sealers

a. liquid asphalt- either in cutback form or as an asphalt emulsion. Uses are, to coat the

outer surface of concrete below ground level to prevent the penetration of water to the

interior through pores in the concrete.

b. Polysulflde polymers -this has excellent adhesive qualities, are highly flexible, and

maybe applied either by ha_nd or by spray. T

c.· Solution of sodium silicate-used to seal the inside surface of concrete li!:luid containers. The sodium
silicate forms a gel-like film on the surface to prevent water pemitration

d. compounds-made in the form of emulsions to be sprayed over the surface of

newly placed concrete. The wax oxidizes to form a continuous film prevents the evaporation of water
from concrete in this case the adhesion is only temporary.

e. liquid silicones-are used as sealers over concrete, brick and tile masonry to prevent

the penetration of water into the surface.

f. Oits and turpentines -sealers used to seal wood surfaces before the application of

paint or varnish. They penetrate into and are absolbed by the wood fibers so th~t the

vehicle in paints and varnish will not be similarly absorbed

g. Synthetic plastic products-sealers for wood which form a film over the surface and

allow better bonding of synthetic lacquers to wood ..

h. Thin solutions of animal and casein glues -are used to coat the surface of plaster

and gypsu.m board under paint. These products are commonly known as wall sizing.

i. Epoxy-resin formulation-used as sealers over concrete, wood, or. old terrazzo surfaces before epoxy-
resin terrazzo is applied. The thin liquid adheres to and seals the surface and provides good bond of the
new application.

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