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Using the Web

• Identify the parts of web interface;
• Value the importance of using
URL and Hyperlinks in navigating
the web;
• Practice uploading and
downloading files; and
• Explain the function of every part
What is a Web
A web browser is a type of
software that allows you to find
and view websites on the
What are the 1. URL and Address Bar
When you type a URL into the
parts of a Web browser's address bar and
Browser? press Enter on your keyboard,
the browser will load the page
associated with that URL.
2. Links
Links are used to navigate the
What are the 3. Navigation buttons
Used to see your recent history
parts of a Web
Browser? 4. Tabbed Browsing
You can open as many links as you
5. Bookmarks and history
Great way to save and organize
specific websites so you can revisit
them again and again
What is URL?

U niform

R esource

L ocator
• URL is like a street address
• Components of URL:
⚬ Scheme
⚬ Domain Name
⚬ File Path
⚬ Parameters
⚬ Anchor
A Complete URL
This tells your browser what type of address it is so the
browser connects to it correctly. The scheme identifies the
protocol to be used to access the resource on the Internet.
Domain Name
is the most prominent part of a web address. A domain
name is the text that a user types into a browser window to
reach a particular website.
Domain Name
Each segment of the domain name separated by a period is called a
domain. The domain on the right is called a top-level domain/suffix,
with the domain to the left of it called the second-level domain, then
third-level domain, and so on.
Sample Domain Names
File Path
The path refers to the exact location of a page, post, file, or
other asset. The path resides after the hostname and is
separated by “/” (forward slash).
Parameters are a way to structure additional information for a given
URL. Parameters are added to the end of a URL after a ‘?’ symbol, and
multiple parameters can be included when separated by the ‘&’ symbol.
The anchor tells your browser to scroll to or load a specific
part of the page.
2. What is Hyperlink?

Links are used to navigate the Web.

When you click a link, it will take you
to a different webpage.

Links don't always go to another

website. In some cases, they allow
you to download a file.
3. Navigation Buttons
The Back and Forward buttons allow
you to move through websites you've
recently viewed. You can also click
and hold either button to see your
recent history.

The Refresh button will reload the

current page. If a website stops
working, try using the Refresh button.
4. Tabbed Browsing

To create a new blank tab, click

the button to the right of any
open tabs.

To close a tab, click the x symbol

on the right side of the tab
5. Bookmarks and history
Bookmarks, also known as favorites,
are a great way to save and organize
specific websites so you can revisit
them again.
To view your history, open your
browser settings, usually by clicking
the icon in the upper-right corner, and
select History.
How to
Download and
Downloading means receiving data
or a file from the Internet on your

Uploading means sending data or a

file from your computer to
somewhere on the Internet.
Downloading and Uploading Files
using Google Drive
1.Download the file inside and fill-up the required
2.Name your file as Activity_Surname and upload it to
the assignment in your classroom.

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