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Palawan State University (Roxas

School: Grade Level: 5

Teacher: GERSAVA, Remel Elmerson A. Learning Area: English
DAILY LESSON April 14, 2023
Date and Quarter: 2nd
PLAN 1: 00 - 4:00 Pm

A. Content Demonstrates understanding of text types to listen for different purposes from a variety of
Standards texts.
B. Uses linguistic cues to effectively construct meaning from a variety of texts for a variety of
Performance purposes.
C. Learning
Competencies Distinguish fact from opinion. EN5LC-IId-2.10
a. Distinguish fact from opinion

Fact and Opinion
1. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s
Materials Pages
3. English for All Times 5. 1999. pp 218-219
Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning K-12 English Curriculum Guide page 107 of 247.
Resource (LR)
B. Other Pictures from internet.
A. Class Routine
Before we start to our new lesson, may I
request everyone to stand up for our prayer.

Jemar, can you please lead the prayer.

( Students will pray)

Good morning class!

Goodmorning sir!
Before you take your seat, can you please
pick up all the pieces of paper and plastics
under your chairs and put it on your bag ad
also arrange your chairs.

If it is done, you may now take your seats. (students will follow)
Now, look at your classmates and tell me who
among of your classmates are absent today?

I'm glad that all of you are present today. No sir,

B. Review
Previous Lessons Before we proceed to our new topic for today,
let me ask you first.

Do you still remember our topic last meeting?

And what was all about? Yes sir.

It is about identitying informational text

Very good! types in terms of explanation.

Now let us know if you really can still

remember our previous topic.

Before we start, please read the direction first.

Direction: Put a check (/) if the purpose of

the text is to explain and (X) if it is not.
Write your answer on the line before the

__/__1. Your body also fills out and

changes shape during puberty. A boy's
shoulders will grow wider and his body will
become more muscular.

__X_ 2. Drink eight or more glasses of

water every day to be healthy.

_/__3. Water helps keep your temperature

normal. You need water to digest your food
and get rid of waste.

__X_4. Once upon a time, in a faraway

land, there is a girl named Goldilocks. She
has a beautiful yellow hair and a charming

_/__5. Sometimes the walls of the pore are

broken, allowing sebum, bacteria, and dead
skin cells to get under the skin. This causes
a small, red infection called a pimple.
Very good!
I'm very happy that you can still remember
our last topic.

C.Establishing Before we start to our new lesson, I have here

purpose for the a picture.
Identify, what is it.
Do you have any idea about it?

Very good!
It is a carrot vegetable.

It is a carrot vegetable sir.

I have a paragraph here, it tells about what is

a carrot vegetable.

Can everybody read for me. "CARROT VEGETABLE"

Carrot is my favorite vegetable. It promotes

healthy eyes and good vision. It is high in
the antioxidants, lutien and beta carotene,
which have been shown to protect our eyes.
I love eating carrots than eating other

Okay very good!

Thank you so much.

Did carrots is also your favorite vegetable?

( students will answer)
Do you love eating carrots also than eating
other vegetables? (student also answer, maybe it is yes or no)
examples/instanc Now, the first and the last sentence use the
es of the new word ( my favorite, and I love) and it is the
lesson expression of a person's feeling.

The second and third sentence, please read.

It promotes healthy eyes and good vision. It

is high in the antioxidants, lutien and beta
carotene, which have been shown to protect
Those sentences is true or supported by the our eyes.
E. Discussing So now class, do you have any idea about our
new concepts & topic today?
practicing new
skill #1 No sir,
If no, our topic for today is all about FACT

Have you heard that words before?

No sir,

What do we call to the something that is true

and supported by evidence?

What do you think, is it a fact or opinion?

Maybe fact sir,

Very good!

In the paragraph we read, the facts are "

carrots is high in antioxidants, lutien and beta
carotene, which have been shown to protect
our eyes.

Again what do we call to a sentence that tells

It is a fact sir.
Very good!

What about a belief and the expression of a

persons feeling?

What do you think is it?

Is it a fact or an opinion?
It is an opinion.
Very good!

In the paragraph we read, the opinions are "

carrot is my favorite vegetable" and " I love
eating carrots than eating other vegetables"

Again, fact is true and supportive by?

Okay, very good!

Then, opinion is?

Very good! A person's belief and feelings.

Do you have a questions, clarifications and


No sir
Is it now clear to you?

Yes sir.

F. Discussing I have a picture here again.

new concepts &
practicing skill
It is a dolphin sir,

Dolphins are mammals. They have teeth,

Are you familiar with this? they breathe air, and are warm blooded. I
think dolphins are like people because they
sometimes play around ships. Scientists
Very good! discovered that they communicate with
others through whistles. I think they
Now, read this. probably say many interesting things to
each other.

Okay, thank you very much.

It is fact,
Now let us identify if what sentence are
opinion and fact. We have to paste the
sentence on the fact and the opinion depend
on if it is true or just a belief.

First sentence, dolphins are mammals.

What do you think is it, is it fact or opinion? It is also fact sir because it is also true.

Okay very good, it is fact because it is true. It is an opinion, because it is only on the
person's belief or feelings.
The second sentence, what do you think is it?

The third sentence,

It is a fact because there is an evidence.

Very good!

What about the fourth sentence? It is an opinion again, because it is also a

person's feeling or belief.
Very good!

What about the last sentence?

G. Developing Okay, let's have an another activity.

mastery/leads to
assessment 3
Are you familiar with this?

It is turtle sir,

Yes sir.
Very good, it is a turtle.

I have a story here, it is about The Rafael's

favorite pet.

All you have to do is to listen.


My favorite pet is a turtle, Rafael said. Her

name is Martina. She is about six inches long.
I think she does not sleep at all in an
aquarium. She was probably happier when
she had her friend fish, but she is all alone
now. Aunt says when I'm big enough she will
entrust Martina to my care.
Directions : Write F if the statement is fact
and O if it is opinion on the blank.
Let us answer the questions.

But first, we have to read the Directions.

___1. Rafael's favorite pet is turtle.

Write your answer on your scratch paper.
___2. She lives in an aquarium.
Now let's start.
___3. He thinks Martina does not sleep at
all in her tank.

___4. He will take care of Martina soon.

___5. Martina maybe happier when

there is a fish in the tank.

F sir, because It is a fact

Now, let us answer.

Who want to answer for number 1?

F sir, it is also fact
Yes, Ivy.
O sir, because it is an opinion.
Very good!
For. Number 2, aira.
F sir, it is a fact.
For number 3, Vangie.

Excellent, O sir, it is an opinion.

For number 4, Princess.

For number 5, Samcia.

H. Finding I will divide the class into two groups.

practical I have two envelopes here, every group
applications of leader will choose and get the envelope
concepts & skills
here on front.
in daily living ( the group leader get their envelope on
Every group have a different story.
Okay, group 1 can you please read your
directions. Direction : Draw a star when the
statement is fact and heart when
opinion, draw it on the space before the
For group 2 can you please read your
Direction : Write FACT when a
sentence states a fact and write
OPINION when it states belief and
feelings of a person, write it on a space
before the number.
Here is our rating scale for your
5 points= Outstanding
4 points = Exceeds Expectations
3 points = Meet Expectations
2 points = Needs Improvement
1 point = Unacceptable

You can now start.

( group 1 story and activity)


___ Butterflies are flying insects with large

scaly wings. ___ I can say that it is very
attractive and harmless insects. ___ They
have three body parts the head, thorax and
the abdomen. ___ I think these insects are
nature's most beautiful creatures. ___ I love
their different color.

( group 2 story and activity)


I like to take a walk every day because it

makes me feel good and more energetic. A
vigorous walk makes my heart beats faster.
The doctor told me that during exercise the
heart pumps more oxygen to the body.
Aside from this, enjoy walking because it
makes me feel and aappreciate the nature
more. The sights and sounds along the way
make me happy.

_____ 1. I like to take a walk every day.

_____ 2. I feel more energetic after the
_____ 3.The doctor says during exercise,
heart pumps more oxygen to the body.
_____ 4. I enjoy walking because it helps
me appreciate nature more.
_____ 5.The heart normally beats faster
when you do vigorous walk.

Yes sir
Are you done guys?

( they present their work)

Okay, present your work here on front.
I. Making Again, our topic is all about what ?
Generalization & It is all about distinguishing fact from
abstractions Okay very good! opinion
about the lesson How we can say that the statement is
When the statement is true or there is
Very good! an evidence.
What about opinion, how we can say that
the statement is an opinion?
When it is only a belief or the
Very good! It is only an expression of expression of a persons feelings.
other people's feelings and beliefs.

Now, is it now clear to you guys?

Yes sir,
Do you have any questions?
Nothing sir.
IV. Evaluating

I have something to read to you, all you

have to do is to listen.

Before that, what you can see on the picture?

A bird sir,

Very good!

So, the title of this is "Bird"

Quite please.

Here is the story.

Yes sir,
Birds have feathers, wings, lay eggs and
are warm-blooded. There are many types
of birds. Some birds eat seeds, berries
and fruits while other birds eat eggs,
smaller animals, fish, and worms. Some
birds are small, others are big. The
largest bird in the world is the ostrich
while the smallest is the bee
hummingbird. My cousin Reychel loves
birds but for her, parrots are the best. She
believes that parrots can ease boredom
for they can talk. Their pet parrot is one of
the sources of happiness in their family.

Now, what is the title of the story?

Very good!
Before answering the questions,
everybody please read.

Direction : Write FACT when the

Do you have any questions? statement is fact and OPINION when it
is opinion.
You can now start.
No sir.
1. Some birds are small, others are big.
2. Birds have feathers, wings, lay eggs
and are warm-blooded.
3. She believes that parrots can ease
boredom as they can talk.
4. My cousin Reychel loves birds but for
her parrots are the best.
5. The largest bird in the world is the
ostrich while the smallest is the bee

Yes sir,
Okay let's check.

Very Good! 5. FACT
So now, do you have questions,
suggestions, clarifications?
No, sir.

V. Additional
activity for Now get your assignment notebook and
application copy this.
But before that, everybody please read
our assignment Assignment :

Read a story and write at least 2

sentences of fact and opinion in your
Is it clear class?

Yes sir,

Prepared by:


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