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Part 2: Why do you want to join Beautiful homes club. (vì sao tham gia clb)
I can’t deny that I have a big love for decorating houses. By joining the club, I
believe that I can find a lot of ideas to decorate my house. Moreover, I want to
have many friends having the same hobby as me.
Part 3:
A: I have a bad relationship with my neighbors because they often make
noise. Tell me how is your relationship with your neighbors? (nói về mối quan
hệ của bạn với hàng xóm)
 We are good neighbors of each other. My neighbors always try to help me
when I need. Sometimes, they will give me some small gifts such as food or
a picture. I’m so glad for their kindness and always ready to give them a
help if they need.
B: Do you prefer living in old buildings or modern buildings? Why? (Thích
sống ở các tòa nhà cũ kĩ hay hiện đại? tại sao?)
 I’m a young person so I will choose a modern building because I believe that
I will have more interest in creating my job. I need an environment which
has all of modern things for my life such as high-tech equipment, modern
space design.
C: The house should be designed in a way that is good for the environment.
Do you agree? (Các ngôi nhà nên được thiết kế theo cách tốt cho môi trường, bạn
có đồng tình không?)
 I totally agree with this opinion. This design is very trending at the present
because when the life be better, human will focus on protecting and keeping
it up. And if we can design a house which can be friendly with the
environment, which can be better?
PART 4 :
Dear member,
The cost of maintaining old building is very high and these building take up a lot
of space. The government has a proposal that we knock down old buildings and
build more modern blocks. (Chính phủ lên kế hoạch phá bỏ các tòa nhà cũ và xây
dựng các tòa nhà mới vì chi phí sửa chữa các tòa nhà cũ quá cao và tốn nhiều
diện tích)
1, write to a friend (50 words).

Hi Anna,

What do you think about the plan of the government which wants to knock down
old buildings and build more modern blocks?

I think it isn’t an easy way because guaranteeing the life for people who live in old
buildings is very difficult. If the government wants to carry out this plan, I think
they need to make sure that they can handle this problem.

Tell me soon.


2, write to the club (120 – 150 words).

I am Jack and I have been a member of your club for several months.
Now I am writing this email to express my feeling about the plan of the
government which wants to knock down old buildings and build more
modern blocks.

Firstly, I am so worried about the life of people who are living in old
buildings because they are their home for a long time, every routine
happens in this place. I cannot imagine how their life will be changed
because of this problem.

However, I know the advantages of building a new citizen area.

People will have a better life in a modern environment. I just want to say
that If the government wants to carry out this plan, I think they need to
make sure that they can handle this problem because no one no one
deserves to be the homeless.

In the last, I know that it is just my personal opinion but I really look
forward to receiving your decision as soon as possible. Thank you for

Best regards,

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