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Lý Công Khanh, M.

Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)

Ways of travelling (Cách đi lại)

1. by bicycle 2. by bus 3. by lorry 4. by plane 5. by train 6. in a taxi

bằng xe đạp bằng xe buýt bằng xe tải bằng máy bay bằng xe lửa trong xe taxi

7. in a car 8. on a ferry 9. on a motorbike 10. on a ship 11. on foot

trong ô tô trên phà trên xe máy trên tàu đi bộ

Transport nouns (Danh từ về giao thông)

1. colleague (n.) 2. commuter (n.) 3. passenger (n.) 4. pedestrian (n.) 5. vehicle (n.)
đồng nghiệp người đi làm hành khách người đi bộ xe cộ, phương tiện

6. container ship 7. driverless car 8. electric car 9. pedicab (n.) 10. rickshaw (n.)
tàu công-ten-nơ ô tô ko người lái ô tô điện xích lô xe kéo

11. airport (n.) 12. bus stop (n.) 13. bus station 14. city centre 15. flatform (n.)
sân bay trạm xe buýt bến xe buýt trung tâm th.phố sân ga (xe lửa)

16. gate (n.) 17. petrol station 18. taxi rank (n.) 19. terminal (n.) 20. train station
cổng (ra máy bay) trạm xăng trạm đón taxi nhà ga (sân bay) trạm xe lửa
Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)

21. aisle seat 22. window seat 23. fare 24. price 25. carry-on
chỗ cạnh lối đi chỗ cạnh cửa sổ phí đi tàu xe giá, giá cả hành lý xách tay

26. change 27. receipt 28. carbon emission 29. fuel cost 30. road work
tiền lẻ; tiền thối lại biên lai, biên nhận khí thải carbon chi phí nhiên liệu công việc sửa đường

31. rush hour 32. return ticket 33. single ticket 34. speed limit 35. traffic jam
giờ cao điểm vé khứ hồi vé một chiều giới hạn tốc độ tắc đường, kẹt xe

Transport verbs (Động từ về giao thông)

1. book (v.) 2. check in (v.) 3. commute (v.) 4. catch a bus (v.) 5. catch a plane
đặt trước, đặt chỗ làm thủ tục gửi hành lý đi làm hàng ngày bắt xe buýt bắt máy bay

6. catch a train (v.) 7. drop off your shopping (v.) 8. drop off your children (v.)
bắt xe lửa thả đồ mua sắm của bạn xuống thả những đứa trẻ của bạn xuống

9. drop you off 10. get in (v.) 11. get on a rickshaw (v.) 12. get on the underground
thả bạn xuống bước vào trong bước lên 1 chiếc xe kéo bước lên tàu điện ngầm

13. get off a rickshaw (v.) 14. go by bicycle 15. go by bus (v.) 16. go by car (v.)
bước xuống 1 chiếc xe kéo đi bằng xe đạp đi bằng xe buýt đi bằng ô tô
Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)

17. go by plane (v.) 18. go by rickshaw (v.) 19. go by taxi (v.) 20. go on a ship (v.)
đi bằng máy bay đi bằng xe kéo đi bằng taxi đi trên một con thuyền

21. go on foot (v.) 22. go on a ferry (v.) 23. miss your bus (v.) 24. miss your flight (v.)
đi bộ đi trên một con phà lỡ chuyến xe buýt lỡ chuyến bay

25. pick up children 26. pick up my shopping 27. take a taxi 28. take the underground
đón con nhỏ lấy đồ mua sắm đi taxi đi tàu điện ngầm

Transport adjectives (Tính từ về giao thông)

1. bad  good (adj.) 2. cheap  expensive 3. comfortable (adj.) 4. convenient (adj.)

tồi, tệ  tốt, đẹp rẻ  đắt thoải mái thuận tiện

5. far  near (adj.) 6. fast, quick  slow 7. frequent (adj.) 8. popular (adj.)
xa  gần nhanh  chậm thường xuyên phổ biến, nổi tiếng

9. punctual (adj.) 10. reliable (adj.) 11. safe  dangerous 12. traditional (adj.)
đúng giờ đáng tin cậy an toàn  nguy hiểm truyền thống

Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)

1. Comparatives and Superlatives (So sánh hơn và So sánh nhất)
- Cấu trúc so sánh hơn dùng để so sánh 2 đối tượng.
 He is more intelligent than me (I am) / anyone else. (Anh ấy thông minh hơn tôi/ tất cả mọi người)
- Cấu trúc so sánh nhất dùng để so sánh từ 3 đối tượng trở lên.
 He is the most intelligent of three / of all / in the class.
 (Anh ấy là người thông minh nhất trong số 3 người / trong số đó / trong lớp)

Tính từ gốc (Adjectives) So sánh hơn So sánh nhất

- Tính từ ngắn (1 âm tiết) adj + -er (+ than) the + adj + -est
 short (ngắn)  shorter (than)  the shortest
 calm (bình tĩnh)  calmer (than)  the calmest
- Tính từ kết thúc bằng 1 nguyên âm (vowel) +
1 phụ âm (consonant) phải nhân đôi phụ âm
trước khi thêm –er hoặc –est.
 big (lớn)  bigger (than)  the biggest
 hot (nóng)  hotter (than)  the hottest
- Tính từ tận dùng bằng –e chỉ cần thêm –r, -est.
 brave (dũng cảm)  braver (than)  the bravest
 large (rộng)  larger (than)  the largest
- Tính từ 2 âm tiết tận cùng bằng 1 phụ âm –y, adj + -ier (+ than) the + adj + -iest
đổi –y thành –i rồi thêm –er hoặc –est.
 happy (hạnh phúc)  happier (than)  the happiest
 dry (khô)  drier (than)  the driest
- Tính từ 2 âm tiết tận cùng bằng -w, -r, -re, -le,
-te, -et có thể được coi là tính từ ngắn.
 narrow (hẹp)  narrower (than)  the narrowest
 noble (cao quý)  nobler (than)  the noblest
 clever (thông minh)  cleverer (than)  the cleverest
 quiet (yên tĩnh)  quieter (than)  the quietest
 polite (lịch sự)  politer (than)  the politest
- Tính từ dài (2 âm tiết trở lên) more + adj (+ than) the most + adj
 careful (cẩn thận)  more careful (than)  the most careful
 beautiful (xinh đẹp)  more beautiful (than)  the most beautiful
- Để hình thành dạng so sánh phủ định, ta dùng  less fun (+ than)  the least fun (ít vui nhất)
less + adj để so sánh kém hơn, và dùng the least  less popular (+ than)  the least popular (ít phổ
+ adj để so sánh kém nhất. biến nhất)

* Một số trường hợp bất quy tắc:

 good / well → better → the best
 bad / badly → worse → the worst
 many / much → more → the most
 little → less → the least
 far → farther → the farthest (về khoảng cách)
 far → further → the furthest (về khoảng cách, thời gian, thông tin)
Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)

2. Comparative modifiers (Từ bổ nghĩa cho so sánh hơn)

- So sánh hơn có thể được nhấn mạnh bằng cách thêm much, far, a lot, lots, a good deal, a great deal
(nhiều), hoặc giảm nhẹ bằng cách thêm a bit, a little, slightly (một chút) vào trước hình thức so sánh.
Ex:  He is much more handsome than me. (Anh ấy đẹp trai hơn tôi nhiều.)
 Lucy’s house is a bit nearer than Sue’s. (Nhà của Lucy thì gần hơn một chút so với nhà của Sue.)

3. as ... as (So sánh bằng)

Dạng khẳng định (So sánh bằng) Dạng phủ định (So sánh không bằng)
... as + adj + as ... … not + as + adj + as …
 He is as tall as I am. (Anh ấy thì cao bằng tôi.)  He is not as tall as I am. (Anh ấy ko cao bằng tôi.)
 Cycling there is as quick as going by bus.  The town isn’t as busy as it used to be. (Thị trấn
(Đạp xe ở đó thì cũng nhanh như đi xe buýt vậy.) không còn nhộn nhịp như nó đã từng nữa.)

1. What’s the best way to get around your town or city?
2. How often do you use public transport?
3. What’s the best way of travelling long distances?
4. What’s your worst travelling experience?
5. Have you ever been on a long boat trip?
6. Would you like to have an electric car?
7. Is there a traditional method of transport where you come from?
8. Is there a lot of traffic where you live?
9. Is there a metro where you live or where you come from?
10. Do you have to travel to work or school in the rush hour?
Big topic 3: Tell about one of your memorable transport experience. (Hãy kể về 1 trong những
trải nghiệm giao thông đáng nhớ của bạn.)

Exercise 1. Listen to the recording and choose True or False for the following statements.
1. ___ Eight thirty in the morning is the best time for traffic.
2. ___ The woman’s car is slower than the man’s bicycle in the rush hour.
3. ___ The man has to travel further than the woman.
4. ___ The man thinks it’s cheap to travel by bicycle because there is no cost of petrol.
5. ___ The woman would like to buy an electric car.
6. ___ According to the woman, the most expensive type of car is a new electric car.
7. ___ There is no bus stop near the woman’s house.
8. ___ The woman thinks the fastest way to travel is taking a bus.
Exercise 2. Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases.
When we talk about transport, most people think of buses, cars, (1)_____________, and so on. But in
some parts of the world, animal transport is as (2)_____________ as these modern types of transport,
and sometimes more popular. Because at certain times of year, (3)_____________ are the only way
to travel. Take the desert for example, with its 50-degree (4)_____________. Yes, you can cross it in
the right vehicles, but for long distances, modern vehicles are not as (5)_____________ as camels.
Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)

A camel can (6)_____________ over 40 kilometres per day and go without water for three to five
days. Yes, it’s (7)_____________, and maybe a camel isn’t as (8)_____________ as a car. But a
camel’s big feet make it more (9)_____________ in the sand – unlike a car, it doesn’t get stuck.
Camels are so (10)_____________ in the desert that there are around 160 different ways of saying the
word ‘camel’ in Arabic.
In winter, northern Alaska can be as (11)_____________ as the North Pole. Temperatures go down to
minus 50 degrees. Your (12)_____________ can freeze, and even if your car starts, snow and ice on
the road can make driving impossible. When the weather is as (13)_____________ as this, the only
way to travel is by sledge with a team of between six and eight huskies. These famous dogs can pull
heavy sledges for hundreds of kilometres. There is even a (14)_____________ for huskies in Alaska
called the Iditarod, where large (15)_____________ of huskies pull sledges over one thousand six
hundred kilometres.

Exercise 3. Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer for each question.
Conversation 1
1. Where is Javier now?
(A) At the bus stop (B) At the taxi rank (C) At the airport (D) At the train station
2. Where does Javier want to go?
(A) The taxi rank (B) The airport (C) The train station (D) The bus station

Conversation 2
3. How much is the fare?
(A) $3.60 (B) $6.30 (C) £3.60 (D) £6.30
4. Which statement is correct?
(A) Javier wants a receipt. (C) The driver doesn’t give the receipt to him.
(B) Javier doesn’t want a receipt. (D) Javier will receive the receipt later.

Conversation 3
5. Where does Shelly want to go?
(A) North terminal (B) South terminal (C) North station (D) South entrance
6. What type of ticket does she buy?
(A) Round-trip ticket (B) Return ticket (C) Single ticket (D) Double ticket

Conversation 4
7. How much is the ticket?
(A) £2.00 (B) £6.00 (C) £14.50 (D) £50.14
8. How does Javier pay for the ticket?
(A) Cheque (B) Debit card (C) Credit card (D) Cash

Conversation 5
9. What does Shelley give the woman?
(A) Bags (B) Passport (C) Carry-on (D) ID card
10. How many bags does she check in?
(A) Zero (B) One (C) Two (D) Three
Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)

VOCABULARY: Transport (Giao thông)
1. Can you pick __________ my shoppings on the way home?
(A) up (B) off (C) on (D) in
2. Please drop me __________ outside the café on the corner.
(A) on (B) off (C) up (D) at
3. We both fell asleep on the train and so we didn’t get __________ at our station!
(A) about (B) off (C) on (D) in
4. I think I’ll go __________ foot today and save some money.
(A) by (B) with (C) on (D) in
5. Did you come __________ your car or __________ your motorbike?
(A) on / on (B) in / in I on / in (D) in / on
6. I always get to the airport __________ a taxi.
(A) within (B) by (C) on (D) in
7. I’d prefer to visit my relatives __________ bicycle or __________ foot because they only live 5
minutes from my house.
(A) by / by (B) by / with (C) on / by (D) by / on
8. We usually cross a river __________ a ferry or __________ a ship.
(A) on / with (B) in / by (C) on / on (D) by / by
9. It's not far to the city center and it's faster if you go __________ foot.
(A) in (B) with (C) on (D) by
10. I work from home so I don’t have to __________ to and from work every day.
(A) fly (B) commute (C) ride (D) sail
11. You can avoid the __________ if you leave home earlier in the morning and leave work earlier in
the afternoon.
(A) rush hour (B) road work (C) city centre (D) speed limit
12. There’s always a bad __________ on the roads through the centre of the city.
(A) traffic jam (B) pedestrian (C) bus stop (D) commuter
13. The __________ on a motorway in the UK is 70 miles per hour.
(A) vehicle (B) petrol station (C) speed limit (D) platform
14. Look out! There’s a __________ crossing the road.
(A) passenger (B) pedestrian (C) commuter (D) driver
15. You can either cross the river by driving south for 30 minutes to the bridge or wait for the
__________ to arrive.
(A) rickshaw (B) lorry (C) plane (D) ferry
16. Excuse me, does the ticket machine give __________?
(A) change (B) price (C) cheque (D) fare

Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)
GRAMMAR: Comparisons (So sánh)
17. The carnival in New Orleans is the ______ carnival in the United States.
(A) more exciting (B) most exciting (C) excitingest (D) exciting than
18. The sun is ______ than the moon.
(A) larger (B) more larger (C) largest (D) more large
19. I have some black, green, and red grapes. The red grapes are the ______.
(A) most delicious (B) delicious (C) more delicious (D) deliciousest
20. Please give me the ______ slice of pie.
(A) small (B) most small (C) smallest (D) more small
21. The boy is ______ than his sister.
(A) more young (B) youngest (C) the youngest (D) younger
22. Which store is the ______?
(A) most good (B) better (C) best (D) goodest
23. The white sofa is ______than the red sofa.
(A) softer (B) more soft (C) most soft (D) the softest
24. I can't work anymore. I am working as much ___ a bee.
(A) as (B) that (C) than (D) from
25. In my opinion, psychology is more interesting ___ chemistry.
(A) than (B) from (C) as (D) that
26. The food at the Green Cafe is ___ the food at the Blue Cafe.
(A) most delicious (C) as delicious from
(B) delicious than (D) more delicious than
27. Waiting for the bus on a cold, rainy night is __________ thing about using public transport.
(A) worse (B) the worst (C) worse than (D) bad as
28. Nothing is more important ________ our health.
(A) than (B) that (C) as (D) from
29. Yesterday’s game was __________ in this series.
(A) the most excited (B) more exciting (C) the most exciting (D) more excited
30. Lisa and I are 160 cm tall. I am ___ Lisa.
(A) as tall as (B) different from (C) taller than (D) the tallest
31. They are happy with a __________ than normal pay increase.
(A) larger (B) longer (C) smaller (D) more expensive
32. The flat is very small. It can't be as ___ the others. They're very expensive.
(A) expensive as (B) the same (C) different from (D) cheap as
33. The weather couldn’t be __________; it’s perfect.
(A) hotter (B) colder (C) better (D) summer

Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)
34. Nick isn't as intelligent ___ he thinks.
(A) than (B) that (C) as (D) from
35. The twenty-second of December is ___ day of the year.
(A) shorter (B) shorter than (C) the most short (D) the shortest
36. My sister doesn't study as hard ___ me.
(A) than (B) that (C) as (D) from
37. Who is ___ important person in the history of your country?
(A) more (B) less (C) than (D) the most
38. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Please, mail me ___ possible.
(A) the same fast (B) as short as (C) soon as (D) as soon as
39. I think, today the British television program “The Weakest Link” is ___ popular of all the TV
(A) more (B) the most (C) much (D) most

1.4. Complete the sentence with the comparative form of the adjective in brackets.
Hoàn thành câu với dạng so sánh của tính từ trong ngoặt.
31. The train is _______________________ flying and I enjoy looking at the scenery. (cheap)
32. Rickshaws are still as _______________________ they used to be. (popular)
33. Working dogs, like huskies, are _______________________ when they have a job to do. (happy)
34. Snowmobiles are much _______________________ other forms of transport like sledges or skis.
35. Are electric cars _______________________ other cars? (expensive)
36. Are Asian elephants _______________________ the ones in Africa? (big)
37. The bus is not _______________________ as the metro when there is a lot of traffic. (fast)
38. For commuting and daytime travel, _______________________ form of public transport is the
bus. (popular)
39. The situation is much _______________________ in the evening than during the day. (good)
40. Most people think elephants aren’t as _______________________ cars. (comfortable)

1.5. Complete the superlative form. Use the word in brackets.

Hoàn thành dạng so sánh nhất. Dùng từ trong ngoặt.
41. I can't say that the city has ____________________ transport system, but it's alright. (good)
42. Travelling by train across India was ____________________ experience of my life. (interesting)
43. Buying an electric car was ____________________ mistake I've ever made. (big)
44. Waiting for the bus on a cold, rainy night is ____________________ thing about using public
transport. (bad)
Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)
45. My parents booked ____________________ tickets so that they would be comfortable on their
trip. (expensive)
46. ____________________ number of people in the survey use buses every day to get to work or
school. (large)
47. Taking the bus isn’t ____________________ form of transport. (fast)
48. During the winter months, the state of Alaska becomes of of ____________________ parts of the
world. (cold)
49. Nowadays the world Iditarod is the name of the world’s ____________________ dog sledge race
which takes place in Alaska each spring. (long)
50. China has ____________________ population in the world and its capital city, Beijing, has some
of ____________________ traffic problems. (large / bad)

1.6. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence. Use the
word in brackets.
Hoàn thành câu thứ hai sao cho có cùng nghĩa như câu thứ nhất. Dùng từ cho trong ngoặt.
51. Taking a taxi isn't as cheap as going by bus.
→ Taking a taxi is more expensive than going by bus. (expensive)
52. No way of travelling is more relaxing than going by boat.
→ Going by boat is _____________________ way of travelling. (most)
53. Walking is faster than taking the bus when there is a lot of traffic.
→ When there is a lot of traffic, taking the bus is _____________________ walking. (slow)
54. Going by rickshaw is less comfortable than riding on an elephant.
→ Riding on an elephant is _____________________ going by rickshaw. (more)
55. The buses here are not as clean as the trains.
→ The trains here are _____________________ the buses. (clean)
56. I think electric cars are better than normal ones.
→ I think normal cars are _____________________ electric ones. (not good)
57. Is your mum's car newer than mine?
→ Is my car _____________________ your mum’s car? (old)
58. Travelling across India by train is better than you think.
→ Travelling across India by train is _____________________ you think. (not bad)
59. Elephants have the same importance now as they did in the past.
→ Elephants are _____________________ as ever. (important)
60. Lorries and trucks are stronger than horse.
→ Horses are _____________________ lorries and truckes. (not strong)

 10 

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