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Grade: Scarlettones Subject: Date: 2/22/23

Topic: Warm-Ups, Sightreading, and Rehearsal Lesson #

Lesson Focus and Goals:

Students will healthily and efficiently prepare their body and voice for class rehearsal.
Students will accurately sight-read the melodic exercise, based upon the Virginia District Choral
Assessment process, using correct solfege and hand signs.
Students will run through their repertoire for the VA State Choral Assessments through the lens of
General Effect stated on their rubric.

Materials Needed: piano Learning Objectives:

understand intention and importance of
each warm up exercise
correctly identify key signature and
time signature

Structure / Activity:
1. Body and Breath (Kinesthetics) (5 min)
a. Releasing tension & promoting relaxation of body
i. stretches & massage of jaw/neck/shoulders
b. Posture
i. fold and roll up
ii. shoulder circles

2. Vowels, Range, Agility and Placement (8-10 min)

a. wee-oh (s-m-f-r-m-d-r-t-d) down by halfsteps
b. e-ee-ah-ah-ah (d-r-m-f-s-m-d) up by halfsteps
c. alphabet (up and down scale)
d. I love to sing (s-d-s-m-d) with different emotions

3. Sight Reading (10 min)

a. (before handing out paper) transition into circles by parts
b. scale, triad plus ti, starting note on vowel for blend
c. remind to keep internal beat

4. Run and Polish music! (through the overarching theme of the General Effect category- Posture, Focus, Stage
Presentation, Facial Expression- on the VA State Assessment Rubric) (15-20 min per song)
a. A Visual Representation of She Sings presentation
i. analyze She Sings through color to later translate into an emotion to portray on their faces
b. What are we talking about and what emotion are we trying to portray?
i. transfer process from She Sings presentation into Amani and MLTW to find specific buzz word emotions
to capture while performing
ii. co-teaching model with Mrs. Sheppard
Grade: Coro Basso Subject: Date: 2/2/23

Topic: Warm-Ups and Sightreading Lesson #

Lesson Focus and Goals:

Students will healthily and efficiently prepare their body and voice for class rehearsal.
Students will accurately sight-read the melodic exercise, based upon the Virginia District
Choral Assessment process, using correct solfege and hand signs.

Materials Needed: piano Learning Objectives:

understand intention and importance of
each warm up exercise
correctly identify key signature and
time signature

Structure / Activity:
1. Body (Kinesthetics) (5 min)
a. Pat down (if needed for extra energy boost)
b. Releasing tension & promoting relaxation of body
i. stretches & massage of jaw/neck/shoulders
ii. "rag doll" (fold over)
c. Posture
i. roll up on 16 count
ii. shoulders & arms out method

1. Breathing with hand motions (2 min)

a. in for 4, out for 4 on a "shhh"
in for 4, out for 8
in for 4, out for 12
in for 4, out for 16

3. Hums and lip buzzes for resonance (4 min)

a. hums (s-f-m-r-d) down by halfsteps
b. lip buzzes (d-s-d) up by halfsteps

4. Vowels, Range, and Placement (4 min)

a. Ma Me Mi Mo Mu (s-m-f-r-d) down by halfsteps
b. e-ah on arpeggios (s-d'-s-m-d) up by halfsteps

5. Sight Reading (5-8 min)

a. (before handing out paper) transition into circles by parts
b. scale, triad plus ti, starting note on vowel for blend
c. remind to keep internal beat
Grade: Vox Ensemble Subject: Date: 2/22/23

Topic: Warm-Ups, Sightreading, and Rehearsal Lesson #

Lesson Focus and Goals:

Students will healthily and efficiently prepare their body and voice for class rehearsal.
Students will accurately sight-read the melodic exercise, based upon the Virginia District Choral
Assessment process, using correct solfege and hand signs.
Students will run through their repertoire for the VA State Choral Assessments based off the
feedback they received from their Pre-Assessment Concert on Thursday.

Materials Needed: piano Learning Objectives:

understand intention and importance of
each warm up exercise
dissect music from an emotional

Structure / Activity:
1. Body and Breath (Kinesthetics) (5 min)
a. Releasing tension & promoting relaxation of body
i. stretches & massage of jaw/neck/shoulders
b. Posture
i. fold and roll up
ii. shoulder circles

2. Vowels, Range, Agility and Placement (8-10 min)

a. wee-oh (s-m-f-r-m-d-r-t-d) down by halfsteps
b. e-ee-ah-ah-ah (d-r-m-f-s-m-d) up by halfsteps
c. vi-zoh x3 (up scale)
d. bumblebee

3. Sight Reading (10 min)

a. (before handing out paper) transition into circles by parts
b. scale, triad plus ti, starting note on vowel for blend
c. remind to keep internal beat

4. Run and Polish music! (based on feedback from pre-assessment concert) (30ish min per song)
a. Festive Sanctus (diction and dynamics)
i. sing on vowels
ii. play around with dynamics using manipulatives (let students conduct a dynamics pattern to practices
extremes, then transfer that into actual rehearsal of the piece)
b. Discussion about the emotional meaning of the Road Home (general effect: facial expression)
i. use Ahaslides presentation to promote analysis of buzz words for each verse that captures the intent
behind the lyrics
ii. practice emoting different feelings on the face (Flowers by Miley Cyrus)
iii. run song with buzz words being the center focus for the emotions to portray

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