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Republic of the Philippines

Department of


Buenavista National High School is a recognized institution in the municipality of Buenavista

province of Quezon. Exists under the virtue of Republic Act No. 8324 approved in the Philippine
Congress on June 30, 1997. The school upholds the DepEd Vision and Mission and its campaign for
quality education. Therefore, the administrator and employees continuously establish functional and
conducive school environment and unfold possibilities to hone the knowledge and talents of learners
that will boost their confidence. The school creates an atmosphere of light and hope for all learners—
no one left behind. It ensures that all learning objectives are met, and all learners participate in
different activities which contribute to their development. It also values strong partnership with parents
and stakeholders believing that uplifting progress of every learner can be done through the power of
inverted triangle wherein the three sides symbolizes the support of school, parents and stakeholders.

BUENAVISTA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL as effective leader school in Cluster X by the year
2020 and beyond.
Effective school means:
 Less drop-out rate
 Increase MPS
 Cooperate, Adept, Respectful, and Environment friendly school-community and
 Honest, Optimistic, Loyal and Innovative Stakeholders Trusting In Communication
(HOLISTIC) for greater productivity and development of every learner.
BNHS provide quality and relevant education in Buenavista that support the DepEd Quezon
Vision and Mission by offering valuable programs and projects and updated curriculum designed for
the holistic development of every individual/learner through the care of value-laden and professional
teachers, school officials and personnel, parents, SGC, and other stakeholders.

The school, the teachers & administrator are expected to stand by its name BNHS which
means Bearing Noble and Honest Service that would benefit the students. Likewise, they are
expected to treat every stakeholder with equality and give utmost support to the community for the
good of everyone.


The policy aims to give teachers, parents and learners a clear view and understanding on how
the school ensure safety and protection while learners engage in modular distance learning. BNHS
believes that a learners learn well in an amiable environment. Therefore, personnel work hand and
hand to secure welfare of learners. The five aspects of personality (Physical, Mental, Emotional,
Social, Moral/Spiritual) are equally developed because knowledge and discipline constitute to well-
being of a person.
This policy applies to all employees/personnel, learners, visitors and volunteers in Buenavista
National High School.

1. SCHOOL PERSONNEL. All workers in school. They are classified as follows;

A. SCHOOL HEAD. Refers to the Principal/Head Teacher, Chief Executive Officer or
administrator of BNHS.
B. OTHER SCHOOL OFFICIALS. It includes all school officers, including teachers,
who are occupying supervisory positions of responsibility and are involved in
formulation or implementation in a school.
C. OTHER PERSONNEL. All non-academic personnel in school whatever may be the
nature of their appointment and status of employment.
2. LEARNERS. All bona fide learners enrolled in basic education system within the school year
who are performing their learning task at home.
3. GUARDIAN, SCHOOL VISITORS/GUESTS. Any person who visit the campus with/without
official business with the school.

Definitions and Type of Abuse

The definitions of abuse stated herein are derived from DepEd Order No. 40, series of 2012 and RA

- refers to the maltreatment of a child whether habitual or not, which includes the following:
a. Psychological or physical abuse, neglect, cruelty, sexual abuse and emotional
b. Any act or deeds or words which debases, degrades or demeans the intrinsic worth
dignity of a child as human being.
c. Unreasonable deprivation of the child’s basic needs for survival such as food and
shelter; or
d. Failure to immediately give medical treatment to an injured child resulting in serious
impairment of his or her growth and development or in the child’s permanent in capacity
or death. (section 3 (b) RA 7610)


- refers to an act of exclusion, distinction, restriction or preference which is based on any
ground such as age, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, language, religion,
political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, being inflicted by AIDS, being
pregnant, being a child in conflict with the law, being a child with disability or other status or
condition, and which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition,
enjoyment or exercise by all persons on an equal footing, of all rights and freedom.

Refers to the use of children for someone else’s advantage, gratification or profit resulting in an
unjust, cruel and harmful treatment of the child.


Refers to a single act or a series of acts committed by school administrators, academic and non-
academic personnel against a child which result in or is likely to result in physical, sexual,
psychological harm or suffering or other abuses including threats of such acts, battery, assault,
coercion, harassment or arbitrary deprivation of liberty.

Refers to all kinds of punishment or penalty imposed for an alleged or an actual offense which
is carried out or inflicted for the purpose of discipline, training or control by a teacher, school
administrator, an adult or any other child who has been given or has assumed authority or
responsibility for punishment and discipline.


Is committed when a student commit an act or a series of acts directed towards another student, or a
series of single acts directed to several students in a school setting or a place of learning which
results in physical and mental abuse, harassment, intimidation or humiliation.

-- is any conduct which results to harassment, intimidation, or humiliation, through electronic means
or other technology such as but not limited to texting, email, instant messaging, chatting, internet,
social networking websites or other platforms or formats.

The following shall contribute to the rules and guidelines of good practice for everyone involved in
Buenavista National High School with regards to child protection.

General Child Protection Principles

1. Securing personnel being hired are qualified for the position and well-disciplined.
2. Assuring all staff and volunteer adhere to ethics and code of conduct.
3. Establishing and maintaining safe and secure environment for school employees and learners.
4. Encouraging everyone to value self-respect and respect to others.
5. Assisting the needs of students who have been abused and taking specific action in
accordance with the Child Protection Policy case management system.
6. Integrating awareness about rights and responsibilities on the topic/ lesson given to learners.
7. Ensuring all personnel awareness on signs and symptoms of abuse, know and take correct
procedure for referring/addressing concerns or reporting allegations against perpetrators.
8. Providing training to enable everyone to respond appropriately to certain incidents or
9. Involving parents to work in partnership with the school and learners.


Appropriate Standards of Behavior:

Personnel should:

1. Prioritize the importance of health and safety. Wear facemask if necessary.

2. Sanitize before and after performing duties in school.

3. Wear gloves when preparing and sorting modules and answer sheets intended for release and

4. Treat every learner and co-worker equally, with respect and dignity while valuing their safety.
5. Develop camaraderie among co-workers.
6. Always attend and participate in school and community activities.

7. Be approachable at all times.

8. Exhibit patience and understanding to know the cause of action of learner.

9. Prioritize the needs of leaners.

10. Wear simple and appropriate attire in and out of the school campus. Make self a reflection of
dignity stated in the code of ethics for teachers.

11. Listen attentively to learner’s views and opinions and avoid offensive response.

12. Respond immediately and sensitively to learner’s concern whether online or offline.

13. Secure written parental consent if the teacher needs learner to assist him/her in paper works
(sorting and checking of answers only.)

14. Report to the Child Protection Committee any disclosures of abuse from the child, or any
observations of the child being exposed to a potentially abusive situation, harm, exploitation or
neglect, or witness a child in distress.

Inappropriate Standards of Behavior for Personnel:

School Personnel should NEVER:

1. Work without facemask, and talk to visitors without face shield and gloves if necessary.
2. Have private or unobserved situations with learners unless it is not a guidance counseling session.

3. Resist to attend to learner’s queries and concerns.

4. Gossip about learners which will put children at risk and not be sensitive to children’s right to privacy.

5. Have learners do activities outside the lesson.

6. Direct any personal anger towards learners.

7. Ignore learner’s complaints.

8. Engage learners in sexually provocative acts, including but not limited to horseplay, flirting,
inappropriate touching, and acting in a sexually aggressive manner, making sexual innuendoes
and telling jokes with sexual undertones.

9. Drink liquor and smoke within the school campus.

10. Develop a relationship with learners which could be exploitative or abusive (eg, emotional blackmail)

11. As well as other prohibited acts stated in DepEd order no. 40, Series of 2012


Appropriate Standards of Behavior:

Visitors should:

1. State the purpose of visit upon arrival at the gate (present legal document to the guard on duty, if
Transact with the Principal or Officer-in-Charge in order to clarify the purpose of visit.

2. Follow all school regulations including the proper dress code as well as health and safety protocol.

3. Follow the marker to maintain physical/ social distancing.

4. Maintain 1 meter distance with each other while talking to teachers and personnel.

5. Use hand sanitizer before and after transaction with the teacher.

6. Abide by the Child protection Policy of the School.

Inappropriate Standards of Behavior for Visitors:

Visitors should NEVER:

1. Enter the school premise without facemask and face shield if necessary.

2. Smoke, drink or come in drunk to the school.

3. Swear, use foul or offensive languages that physically harm to school and personnel.

4. Stay inside the school premise with no purpose.

5. Talk or approach learner/s without permission of teacher.

6. Including other prohibited acts stated in DepEd order no. 40, Series of 2012

Appropriate Behavior:

Learners should:

1. Stay at home and follow the subject schedule stated on the weekly home learning plan.

2. Exhibit mutual respect for teachers, school personnel and classmates, whether personal or online.

3. Exhibit equal treatment to all teachers and personnel.

4. Contact trusted school personnel if they are feeling unsafe or is unsure about a school experience
brought about by a classmate, a teacher, a non-teaching personnel or a school visitor.

5. Use appropriate language and behavior towards teachers, personnel and classmates whether it is
written or verbal.

6. Develop a healthy teacher-learner relationship based on respect and trust.

7. Say “NO” if someone is making them feel unsafe.

8. Maintain decent physical appearance.

9. Maintain proper hair cut and hair color.

10. Use and care school facilities.

11. Avoid vandalism and maintain social distancing.

12. Actively participate in all school activities.

13. Request for records or pertinent documents ahead of time.

Inappropriate Standards of Behavior for Students:

Learners should never:

1. Pay no attention to modules and answer sheets sent by teachers per week.

2. Use swear or offensive languages towards school personnel, including giving offensive nicknames
in any form such as text messaging, social media and others.

2. Play mobile games on time intended for answering modules.

3. Go to teacher/s’ house, faculty rooms and others without any proper or official reason.

4. Smoke and drink liquor particularly during module time or during classes.

5. Physically, emotionally or verbally hurt other learners and school personnel whether it is personal
or online via social media platforms.

6. Use marijuana or illegal drugs in and out of the school premises.

7. Engage classmates or school mates in sexually provocative acts, including but not limited to
horseplay, flirting, inappropriate touching, acting in a sexually aggressive manner, making sexual
innuendoes and telling jokes with sexual undertones nor bring or watch pornographic materials in

9. Create noise inside and outside the classroom.

10. Destroy school property and school records.

11. Encourage classmates or schoolmates to cut classes.

12. Contact teacher later time at night.

9. As well as other prohibited acts stated in DepEd order no. 40, Series of 2012

Capacity Building
IV. Case Management
A. Communicate, but not interrogate, with the complainant/the victim to record the incident.
B. Recording of information and assessing the incident for proper referral.
C. Planning and coordination with the CPC Committee about the necessary steps to take.
D. Resolving the problem if it can be addressed in school level. Sensitive cases must be
forwarded to proper authorities immediately.
E. Monitoring and transitioning
F. Evaluation

The staff in charge should keep records of incident. Important information to record includes:
• date and time of disclosure, suspicion, allegation or actual abuse incident
• details given about the above
• any action taken by the staff and the organization
• referrals done
• follow-up activities needed

Recording should be factual, with no reference to the staff’s own opinions. Records should be kept
completely confidential and secure (always locked away) and only shared with those who need to
know about the incident. The form to be used will be the one stipulated by DepEd order no. 40, S

V. Monitoring and Adjusting the CPP

Buenavista National High School shall discuss the content of Localized CPC at the beginning of
school year within the CPC Committee members and in front of the learners. The school shall hold a
review of the guidelines stipulated in this Child Protection Policy and make amendments every 3

VI. Sanctions for Violations

A. Violations of Learners:
All sanctions for learners indicated herein refer to the code of conduct for students, but if the violation
violates a Philippine law, then the school will apply the provisions provided by RA9344 and RA 10630.


(Tardiness, Absenteeism {20% of attendance may result to dropping out}, Improper uniform,
Haircut, Hair color, piercing, smoking.)

• 1ST – Reprimand by the class adviser/teacher, need to bring parents

• 2nd – Reprimand by the Adviser and Guidance Counselor. Behavior contract and need
to bring parents. Learner will undergo intervention program facilitated by Guidance
• 3rd – Reprimand , behavior contract and need to bring parents and guarantor ( e.g.,
barangay captain, councilors, priest ,or anybody that may help the school or parents),
learner will perform community service to be facilitated by CPC Committee.


(Illegal drugs, rape, cyber bullying, and all kinds of bullying, carrying deadly weapons,
membership in fraternity and sorority as well as gangs)

• 1st– Reprimand , behavior contract and need to bring parents and guarantor
( e.g., barangay captain, councilors, priest ,or anybody that may help the school or
parents ), learner will perform community service within 3 days/ may replace properties,
to be facilitated by CPC Committee.
• 2nd – Reprimand by the Adviser and Guidance Counselor. Five days community service
with intervention under guidance program.
• 3rd –Expulsion, with the approval of higher authorities, and will not be issued Good
Moral Certificate.

B. Violations of School Visitors

• Reprimand or apologize to person concern

• No longer allowed to enter school premises
• Report to Barangay and/or Law enforcement depending on the violation

C. Violations of School Personnel

Violations of school personnel shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of case handling as
stipulated by DepEd order no. 40, S 2012. IF the violation is not explicitly elaborated in the DepEd
Child Protection Policy, then the school CPC shall provide the necessary sanction.

VII. Statement of Commitment to Buenavista National High School Child Protection Policy

I, , have read and understood the standards and

guidelines outlined in the BNHS Child Protection Policy. I agree with the principles contained therein
and accept the importance of implementing child protection policies and practice while associated
with BNHS. I further agree that by signing this agreement, I am bound to the penalties and sanctions
outlined in the policy. Non-signing will still bind me legally as per DepEd order no. 40, Series of 2012

(Print name)

(Job title/role)




Guidance Designate-JHS

Guidance Designate-SHS


Cell No. 0949 874 7440

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