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Accenture Australia Online Voting Project

Task 1 Sample Answer

Video Introduction Script:

Hi, I’m Phillip Kurinsky, but you can call me Phil. I’m a technology analyst assigned to the project.

Originally from Newcastle, I attended the University of Technology here in Sydney and this is where I live
now. I earned my degree in computer science and interned for two years with Accenture while studying
before joining officially after graduation about two years ago.

I’ve been on some interesting projects and I really love our agile lifecycle methodology. I have learned
quite a bit on my first projects and developed a keen interest in both artificial intelligence and data
science. I participate in our internal communities for both topics.

I am really excited to join this team; it seems like a terrific opportunity that could lead to a mega project.
Seems like I am getting in on the ground floor and I hope it is a great ride!

Outside of work I love music, biking and surfing, and try to spend a lot of my time in the great outdoors.
I do stay in touch with my family in Newcastle and sometimes take the family dog on my adventures.

Great to meet all of you!

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