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Турласова Салима Казбековна Портфолио слушателя Раздел А и В

Филиал ЧУ «ЦПМ» г. Костанай Курсы по «Разработке и экспертизе

заданий для оценивания
Раздел А

Summative assessment for the unit “Our countryside” (Grade 6)

Learning objectives understand independently specific in-

formation and detail in short simple text on a limited
range of general and curricular topics; give an opinion at sentence and discourse
level on an increasing range of general and curricular

Assessment criteria  Find out independently specific

information and detail in short simple text;
 Express feeling and opinion on a range of
general and curricular topic.

Level of thinking skills Application. Higher order thinking skills.

Duration 20 minutes

Task 1. Read the text and do the task below
In the countryside
My grandparents own a small country house at the edge of the forest. There is a
beautiful garden and a chicken coop behind the house. Life in the city is boring for
me. It consists of school and several friends. I think that life in the village is fantastic!
I really enjoy spending my weekends and holidays there.
If I grow up I’d like to have a house in the countryside instead of a city flat.
I’d like to plant many fruit trees and colourful flowers around my house. If there is a
river or a pond, it would be perfect. I like swimming and sunbathing in summer. To
make my life complete there, I need some animals. I like cats, dogs, horses, cows,
but I can also keep a dozen of chickens in the village. They will supply me with fresh
eggs every day.

Complete the sentences according to the text

1. My grandpa and grandma live in a small house ____________________________

2. The life in the city consists of __________________________________________
3. Chicken will supply me with ___________________________________________

Circle True or False

1. I d’ like to have a house in the city. True False
2. There is a beautiful pond and a chicken coop behind the house. True False
Турласова Салима Казбековна Портфолио слушателя Раздел А и В
Филиал ЧУ «ЦПМ» г. Костанай Курсы по «Разработке и экспертизе
заданий для оценивания
Task 2. Мake up a story answering the questions.

Follow the tips for speaking

 Do you want to live in a village or a city? Explain why.
 Is it interesting to live in a village? Why? Why not?
 Have you got domestic animals? Name them.
 What do you do in the village in summer?
Турласова Салима Казбековна Портфолио слушателя Раздел А и В
Филиал ЧУ «ЦПМ» г. Костанай Курсы по «Разработке и экспертизе
заданий для оценивания

Assessment criteria Task Descriptor Mark Additional

Find out independently 1 at the edge of the
specific information 1 forest. 1
and detail in short 2 school and several
simple text friends. 1
3 fresh eggs every day. 1
1 Choose False 1
2 2 Choose False 1
Express feeling and Possible answers
opinion on a range of 1 answers all questions I want to live in a
general and curricular 1 village
topic 3 2 uses topic related I like domestic animals.
vocabulary accurately 1 I like swimming with
my friends in the
3 expresses personal Name the different
feelings and opinions 1 domestic animals.
on topic I have got a pet. I have
got 2 cats and dog. I
like my dog Verny.
4 pronounces words
and phrases clearly 1
Total marks 9
Турласова Салима Казбековна Портфолио слушателя Раздел А и В
Филиал ЧУ «ЦПМ» г. Костанай Курсы по «Разработке и экспертизе
заданий для оценивания

Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of Summative Assessment

for the unit “Our countryside”

Learner’s name___________________________________

Level of learning achievements

Assessment criteria
Low Middle High
Find out independent- Chooses most of the Experiences some Properly identifies the
ly specific information answers incorrectly. difficulties in identi- main points of the text
and detail in short Completes most of the fying the main points while reading.
simple text sentences inappro- of the text Completes the tasks
priately correctly with proper
spelling of words.

Express feeling and Tries to tell episodes Experiences some dif- Accurately provides a
opinion on a range of on topic. Pronounces ficulties in providing a point of view in
general and curricular most of the words point of view in answers a variety of
topic unclear. Uses many answering, in using questions. Uses topical
grammatically incor- topical vocabulary vocabulary and
rect sentences and accurately and grammatically correct
inappropriate vocabu- grammatically correct sentences accurately.
lary. sentences. Gives some Clearly presents
inaccuracies in episodes on topic.
episodes on topic. Pronounces most of
Pronounces some of the words clearly
the words clearly.
Турласова Салима Казбековна Портфолио слушателя Раздел А и В
Филиал ЧУ «ЦПМ» г. Костанай Курсы по «Разработке и экспертизе
заданий для оценивания

Раздел В
Review of summative assessment for term 2

Duration of the summative assessment– 40 minutes

Listening – 10 minutes
Reading – 10 minutes
Writing – 20 minutes
Speaking task is conducted separately.
Total marks- 22

The structure of the summative assessment

This Summative Assessment consists of 12 questions: listening, reading, writing and
Different types of tasks are used in the Summative Assessment for the term.
True/False tasks require learners to indicate whether the provided option right or
wrong. Gap filling tasks is a task in which words/numbers are removed from a text
and replaced with spaces. Learners have to fill each space with the missing
word/number or a suitable word. Multiple selection tasks require learners to choose a
set number of things mentioned in a text from a wide range of options. Sentence
completion tasks require learners to complete the sentence with suitable information
taken from the text following the sentence structure. Open-ended tasks require
learners follow instructions of the task, answer questions in words, expressions and
sentences. Transcript for listening task can be found after the mark scheme. The
content of the summative assessment for the 2 term should be selected on topics “Our
Countryside” and “Drama and Comedy”.
Турласова Салима Казбековна Портфолио слушателя Раздел А и В
Филиал ЧУ «ЦПМ» г. Костанай Курсы по «Разработке и экспертизе
заданий для оценивания

Sample questions and mark scheme

Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 2

Task. Listen to the text twice.
And transcript for listening task can be found after the mark scheme. Teacher reads the transcript

Fill in the gaps with ONE word.

1.To see a good movie is a very pleasant_______of spending free time. (1)
2.We enjoy __________and popular science films. (1)

Choose the correct answer

1.My favourite actor is….. (1)
a) Nicolay Koster Valdau
b) Kit Herington
c) Emily Klark
2. There are many famous American actors in film. (1)
a) Emily Klark, Nicolay Koster Valdau
b) Kit Herington, Zhan Baizhanov
c) Natali Portman, Fedor Bondarchuk
3. A very pleasant way of spending free time (1)
a) Playing computer games
b) going to the cinema
c) playing football
Total____/ 5

Task. Read the text

Тamgaly Gorge – unique concentration of rock carvings

If you decide to travel by car and your route runs along the south of
Kazakhstan, I recomendeted you to visit unique Kazakhstan monument of
Semirechye (Seven Rivers ) rock art with petroglyphs – Tamgaly.
Турласова Салима Казбековна Портфолио слушателя Раздел А и В
Филиал ЧУ «ЦПМ» г. Костанай Курсы по «Разработке и экспертизе
заданий для оценивания
Petroglyphs (rock carvings) of the
archaeological landscape Tamgaly are one of the
oldest and most striking monuments of since
2004 it has the status of UNESCO World Heritage
Site. Gorge is located about 170 km north west
of Almaty in Anrakay Mountains. The reserve is
located in the section of the road Kopa –
Kanshengel. The total number of drawings is
about 5000. There are images of sun gods,
warriors, married couples, pregnant women, as
well as multi-figured compositions of people and
animals, hunting scenes and scenes of animal
sacrifice. Most of the petroglyphs refer to the
Bronze Age. In addition to the petroglyphs a large
number of ancient graves are also found in Tamgaly.

Complete the sentences

1. Most of the drawings refer to the______________________________________. (1)
2. The total number of petroglyphs is about____________________. (1)
3. Тamgaly Gorge is located in the section of the road_______________. (1)

Mark sentences as True or False

1. Petroglyphs (rock carvings) of the archaeological landscape Tamgaly are one of
the oldest and most striking monuments.
True False (1)
2. In addition to the petroglyphs a large number of modern graves are also found in
True False (1)

Total_____/ 5

Task. Choose ONE of the topics below. Follow the tips for writing. Answer all the
questions. Spell topical vocabulary accurately.

Topic 1. Our countryside.

Look at the picture and write some information about life in the village.
Турласова Салима Казбековна Портфолио слушателя Раздел А и В
Филиал ЧУ «ЦПМ» г. Костанай Курсы по «Разработке и экспертизе
заданий для оценивания
1. What do the people do ?
2. What kind of domestic animals do you see?
3. Is the life in countryside difficult, funny or easy?
4. What is the season?
5. Do you like to live in the country? Why? Why

Total_____/ 6

Topic 2.
Drama and comedy. Think about your visit to the cinema and write some information
about your experience.
1. Do you like to go to the cinema?
2. Do you go to the cinema with friends, parents or
3. What kind of film do you like to see?
4. Who are your favourite actors and actresses?
5. Do you want to be an actor/actress?

Total____/ 6


Task. Choose one of the cards and prepare a dialoge. Provide own experience on
topics, produce subject-specific vocabulary correctly. You have 1 minute to prepare
and 1-2 minutes to talk.
Card 1.
Discuss with your partner the topic «In the countryside». The following questions
will help you to organize your talk.
1. Where do you live?
2. Do you like to live in the village? Why? Why not?
3. Do you help your parents at home?
Турласова Салима Казбековна Портфолио слушателя Раздел А и В
Филиал ЧУ «ЦПМ» г. Костанай Курсы по «Разработке и экспертизе
заданий для оценивания
4. Have you got a pet?
5. Have you got domestic animals? Name them
Card 2.
Discuss with your partner the topic «In the countryside». The following questions
will help you to organize your talk.
1. Is your village near/far a town?
2. What is your favourite place in your village?
3. Is there a sportclub in your village?
4. Where do you spend time with your friends in the village?
5. What do you do to keep your village clean?
Card 3.
Discuss an individual talk on the topic «Drama and Comedy». The following
questions will help you to organize your talk
1. Do you like to go to the cinema?
2. How often do you go to the cinema?
3. What is your favourite film?
4. What is the most popular cartoon among teenagers?
5.What is the name of your favourite actor/actress?
Card 5.
Discuss an individual talk on the topic «Drama and Comedy». The following
questions will help you to organize your talk
1. What kind of film do you like?
2. What is your favourite actor/actress?
3. Do you know the famous kazakh actor/actress?
4. What do the film teach?
5.Is waching TV an important part of people’s life?
Total______/ 6

Total marks______/ 22
Турласова Салима Казбековна Портфолио слушателя Раздел А и В
Филиал ЧУ «ЦПМ» г. Костанай Курсы по «Разработке и экспертизе
заданий для оценивания

Mark scheme
Listening and Reading
№ Answer Mark Additional information

1 way 1
2 cartoon 1
3 Kit Herington 1
4 Emily Klark, Nikolay Koster Valdau 1
going to the cinema 1
1 To the Bronze Age 1
2 5000 1
3 Kopa-Kanshengel 1
4 True 1
False 1
Total marks 10

Cinema is for me
I like to go to the cinema. When I want to go to the cinema I usually look in
the programme what films are on. Then I phone my friend and we discuss what films
to see. We prefer feature films, but also enjoy cartoons and popular science films. To
see a good love story, comedy or historical film is a very pleasant way of spending
free time.
My favourite actor is Kit Herington and my favourite actress is Natali Portman. They
played the leading parts in many films and I have always enjoyed their super acting.
The last film I saw was the «Game of Thrones». The film enjoys great popularity.
There are many famous American actors in it with Emily Klark, Nicolay
KosterValdau, Lena Hedi. I was deeply impressed by their acting and the film itself.
Турласова Салима Казбековна Портфолио слушателя Раздел А и В
Филиал ЧУ «ЦПМ» г. Костанай Курсы по «Разработке и экспертизе
заданий для оценивания

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