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Good afternoon teacher, this time my classmate and I are going to present a dialogue Let's start.

Y: hi Joice, how are You?

J: Hello Yuriko, i'm great, and You?

Y: I'm a little worried, because I haven't designed an activity plan yet.

J: oh, I see, I wu like to help you, it is necessary to be mezhodical

Y: of course, especially when you are an administrator

J: yes, I also need to have interpersonal skills and be cruidep in what I do. And tell me Yuriko, do you also need a lot of interpersonal skills?

Y: Sure, i need communication skills and teamwork. What other skills does your administration and marketing career require?

J: I need ruisersh and anaalesis skills, as welas desaing and implement struadeshis. And You?

Y: Wow that's interesting, it seems to me that if you have those skills.To be a lawyer it is important to have knowledge of the law, as well as draft and review legal documents.

J: oosom. And tell me what are your professional ambitions?

Y: I would like to be a national prosecutor, and i have my own law firm. And what are yours?

J: I gu like to have my own company, be one of the largest and have recognition. I already have a bisnes aidia for it.

Y: I think it's very good that you also have good ambitions, but tell me, what is that idea you have to start your company?

J: I gu like to cruiit natural fruit snacks and market them, it would help people with helf problems a lot. First I need to do more research, then I have to experiment with

the fruit, and then I have to make a prototayp.

Y: Great, that would help a lot of people. I, on the other hand, have to investigate more, gather a lot of information, a lot of data, and fight to win every case I have.

J: Great, the yobod a layer is very important and demending. I'm sure you'll be a very good layer.

Y: Thank you, I hope that I can achieve all my goals, be a great professional and that my work is recognized by many people.

J: I'm shuret will. Oh, I'd like to keep talking to you and help you finish your activity plan but I have an important test in a fiu minutes.

Y: Don't worry, knowing our skills has helped me come up with better ideas for my activity plan. Good luck on your exam, see you later.

J: See you soon, take care

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