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 If History is the study of the past, what events from the past should we study? What

events from the past are historical?

“History repeats its self,” as they say. But for me, history never repeats, but

rhymes. That is why we should study about history, specially those events that led the

world to the present. To be able to not history happen again, we should always learn from

all the mistakes from the past. We can always use this knowledge about history in our

lives to be able to understand the world around us, and to make good decisions in the

future. Historical events are events from the past that are important. It can be a pandemic,

wars, revolutions, etc. Examples of it are the American Revolution, Gutenberg Printing

Press, Colonialism, World War II, and Renaissance.These events left behind a brave new

world in their wake.

 How do Historians write history? How do they investigate the past?

History are written with agendas by historians. They are the ones that seek

evidences from the past, provide historical and credible sources, and write history. They

are not just spiting facts about history, but they also interpret this facts and write about it.

In investigating about the past, historians uses techniques and rules. For sources, they

have primary source, and secondary source. Primary Sources are documents that are

produced at the same time of the event like archival documents, letter, census, and

government records. Secondary Sources are produced by authors that used the primary

source as the basis. While in examining the evidences, they use the external criticism and
internal criticism. External Criticism is the process of verifying evidences through it

physical features. While Internal Criticism is the examination of the evidence through the

document itself. It asks questions about the author, its context, the agenda behind the

creation, and its purpose.

 Why do we need to thoroughly scrutinize historical sources? How do we do

historical criticism?

We need to thoroughly scrutinize historical sources to be able to find the truth

about history. Fake news are everywhere, that is why we should always find credible

sources about the events that happened in the past and also about the issues in our world

these days. Historical Criticism has two kinds, the external and the internal criticism. In

external criticism, we will examine about the physical features of the evidence, the kind

of paper or the ink that the author used. While in Internal criticism, we will examine the

context, the purpose, the author, and the idea behind the given evidence.

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