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The Research Instrument


Direction: Please fill-up or check honestly all the blank space provided below.

Name (Optional):_________________________________
Sex: Male:_____ Female:_____
Strand undertaken during senior high school :_____________

II. Level of Performance of Senior High School STEM Graduates in Civil Engineering
Program at the Catanduanes State University

The set of questions below are Level of Performance of Senior High School STEM
Graduates in Civil Engineering Program at the Catanduanes State University. Please tell us what
you really think by putting a check in the box that correspond the following responses codes:

(4)- very high

(3)- high

(2)- low

(1)- very low

4 3 2 1
1. I can surpass our subject which is the
2. I have more ideas in Introduction to civil
and Environmental engineering.
3. I have knowledge in Introduction to
Applied Computing.
4. It is very easy for me to solve mathematics
5. I have skill in passing the subject which is
the Physics.
6. I have a high comprehension in reading and
7. I have a better performance in free
8. I have broad ideas on how to solve
quadratic functions and other basic math
learned during our Senior High School
9. It is very easy for me to understand basic
math problems because of my strand.
10. I chose Civil engineering program because I
excel in mathematics more than anybody

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