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Rawis, Virac, Catanduanes

Practices and Strategies Employed by Criminology Board Passers to CPIC

Graduates from Year 2018 – 2022

A thesis
Presented to the
Faculty of College of Criminal Justice System
Christian Polytechnic Institute of Catanduanes Inc.

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Criminology


June 2024

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The Problem and its Background

Background of the Study
Conceptual Framework
Theoretical Framework
Statement of the Problem
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms
Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature and Studies

Foreign Literature
Local Literature
Foreign Studies
Local Studies
Relevance of the Related Literature and Studies to the Present Study

Chapter 3
Method of Research and Procedure

Research Methodology
Population and Sampling Scheme
Description of Respondents
Research Instruments
Validation of Instruments
Data Gathering Procedure
Statistical Treatment of Data

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The Problem and Its Background


Education is a process of expediting learning, acquiring knowledge, values,

and virtue. This contributes to the development of better people around the globe.
Additionally, it is more of an enduring method in which people gain information, skills,
and ethics (Mistry, 2021).

Criminology is the scientific study of crime, criminal behavior, and the criminal
justice system. It encompasses the analysis of the causes and consequences of
crime, the study of criminal behavior patterns and trends, and the evaluation of crime
prevention and intervention strategies. The field of criminology plays a critical role in
maintaining the safety and well-being of society. With crime rates on the rise, it is
crucial for criminology graduates to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to
succeed in their professional careers.

The Criminology Licensure Examination is one of the 43 annual board exams

conducted by the Philippine Regulatory Commission (PRC). This exam screens
aspiring criminologists in the country based on the standards written in the Republic
Act No. 11131 or the Philippine Criminology Profession Act of 2018, which was
approved by the former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on November 8, 2018. This
recognizes the importance of criminology profession in national security, public
safety, peace and order, and in nation-building and development. Hence, it shall
develop and nurture competent, virtuous, productvie, and well-rounded
criminologists whose standards of professional practice and servie shall be excellent,
qualitative, world-class and globally competitive through sacred, honest, effective
and credible licensure examinations, coupled with programs and activities that would
promote professional growth development.

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Board examinations, as these signify a milestone for students who have

completed their respective degree programs, these further serve as a measure of
competence and knowledge in their chosen fields. The success rate in board
examinations is often seen as an indicator of the quality of education provided by an
educational institution. Thus, it opens up opportunities for professional advancement
and career growth. Recognizing this, it becomes essential to understand the factors
and practices that contribute to the success of criminology board passers.

In Christian Polytechnic Institute of Catanduanes Inc. (CPIC), a study on the

best practices and strategies of the criminology board passers from 2018 to 2022 is
conducted to shed light on the factors contributing to their success. The board
examination is a crucial assessment conducted to determine the knowledge, skills,
and competency of criminology graduates.

By identifying the best practices and strategies utilized by these successful

graduates, the CPIC can further enhance its programs and support the future
generations of students. Christian Polytechnic Institute of Catanduanes (CPIC) is
committed to providing quality education and preparing its graduates for success in
their chosen professions. One crucial measure of success for graduates is their
ability to pass the board exams relevant to their fields and secure employment in
their chosen industries.

Background of the Study

The Criminologist Licensure Examination is one of the 43 annual board

exams conducted by the Philippine Regulatory Commission (PRC). This exam
screens aspiring criminologists in the country based on the standards written in the
Republic Act No. 11131 or the Philippine Criminology Profession Act of 2018, which
was approved by the former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on November 8, 2018.
This recognizes the importance of criminology profession in national security, public

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safety, peace and order, and in nation-building and development. Hence, it shall
develop and nurture competent, virtuous, productvie, and well-rounded
criminologists whose standards of professional practice and servie shall be excellent,
qualitative, world-class and globally competitive through sacred, honest, effective
and credible licensure examinations, coupled with programs and activities that would
promote professional growth development.

The Criminologists Licensure Examinations (CLE) is given by the Professional

Regulation Commission’s (PRC) Professional Regulatory Board of Criminology, and
with two examinations each year, from 2015 to 2019. The country had produced a
total of 95,884 licensed criminologists out of 280,323 takers with an average national
passing rate of 32.87% (Albina et al., 2022).

Based on the PRC memo for the Criminology Board exam, applicants must be
able to meet the followinng criteria as follow; must be a Filipino citizen, in good
health and is of good moral character, a graduate of Bachelor of Science in
Criminology, has no criminal record which involves moral turpitude, and has
complied with other requirements prescribed by PRC (Cruz, 2019).

Subsequently, Christian Polytechnic Institute of Catanduanes Inc. (CPIC), as

a lone institution in the island that offers Bachelor of Science in Criminology, is
committed to providing quality education and preparing its graduates for success in
their chosen professions. One crucial measure of success for graduates is their
ability to pass the board exams relevant to their fields and secure employment in
their chosen industries. However, there is limited information available on the best
practices and strategies employed by the board passers from CPIC.

The Christian Polytechnic Institute of Catanduanes Inc. (CPIC) was

established in 1999 with its campus at San Roque, Virac, Catanduanes. The

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original incorporators were Atty. Arnel C. Sarmiento, Elisa B. Sarmiento, Francisco

Sarmiento, Amelia Sarmiento and Castor Balane. CPIC offers Bachelor of Science in
Criminology (BSC) and other courses such as Bachelor of Science in Computer
Science (BSCS), Associate in Computer Technology (ACT), Bachelor of Science in
Tourism Management (BSTM) and Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education (BTTE)
Major in Food and Service Management under the Commission on Higher Education
(CHED), Food and Beverage Services NC II (FBS), Bartending NC II (BAR),
Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing NC II (EPAS), and Computer Systems
Servicing NC II (CSS) under the Technical Educational and Skills Development
Authority (TESDA). Senior High School is also offered.

This research aims to provide CPIC with a comprehensive understanding of

the best practices and strategies of Criminology board passers. By addressing the
research questions outlined in this study, CPIC can gain valuable insights that will
inform the institution's decision-making process and contribute to the continuous
improvement of its programs, support systems, and job placement opportunities.

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Conceptual Framework

The researchers adopted the Input Process Output (IPO) model. The figure
below shown the process of determining the practices and strategies employed by
CPIC BS-Criminology graduates in relation to their success in taking the criminology
licensure examination. The profile of the responders serves as input, all the details
specified in the statement of the problem are stipulated here. In process we
comprise the data gathering technique, the observations obtained, and the interview
guide questions that were used. For output it included the techniques and
approaches used by CPIC BS-Criminology graduates in connection to their
performance in taking criminology licensure exam.

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Profile of the The collection of data Techniques

respondents and approaches
must go through:
according to:
used by CPIC BS-
a) Sex Interview guide
b) Age Group question
c) Total number graduates in
of Attempts in Case Study connection to their
taking performance in
Criminology Online Surveys
taking criminology
examination licensure exam.

Figure 1. Input Process Output (IPO MODEL)

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Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework of this research is based on “Social Cognitive

Theory” by a Canadian-American psychologist Albert Bandura and is further
explored through the concept that follows:

The term self-efficacy was first coined by psychologists Albert Bandura

(1977), a Canadian-American psychologist and a professor at Stanford University
( He originally proposed the concept, in his own words, as a
personal judgement of “how well one can execute courses of action required to deal
with prospective situations”. Self-efficacy, a concept derived from social cognitive
theory was introduced by psychologist Albert Bandura, refers to an individual's belief
in their ability to succeed in specific tasks or situations. It is the confidence in one’s
ability to influence events and control over one’s environment (Garrido G-L, 2023).
Moreover, it is a person’s particular set of beliefs that determine how well one can
execute a plan of action in prospective situations (Bandura, 1977). In simple terms,
self-efficacy is one’s belief in his/her ability to succeed in a particular situation. High
self-efficacy is associated with increased effort, persistence, and performance.

Mart van Dinther (2011) and a number of his colleagues conducted research
on the relationship between education and self-efficacy and their conclusions state
that self-efficacy is linked to factors such as strategies that students utilize, the gaols
that students set out for themselves, and their academic achievements. Graduates
who possess high self-efficacy in their preparation for board exams may be more
likely to employ effective practices and strategies, leading to better outcomes
(Garrido, 2023).

Furthermore, this theory is highly relevant in this study as this explores

various practices and strategies used by successful criminology board passers to
achieve their goals. Additionally, the findings of the research could potentially
illustriate how self-efficacy beliefs influence the implementation of certain study

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techniques, time management skills, and coping mechanisms among the successful
criminology board passers. Moreover, the study may reveal how these individuals
utilized their self-beliefs to overcome setbacks, persist in their efforts, and ultimately
achieve success in passing the board exams.

By considering these theoretical concepts and frameworks, the research aims

to explore and analyze the underlying factors and mechanisms that contribute to the
success of board passers from CPIC. The proposed research ultimately seeks to
provide evidence-based recommendations and guidelines for future graduates to
enhance their preparation and performance in board exams.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify the best practices and strategies utilized by
graduates of the BS-Criminology program at Christian Polytecnic Institute of
Catanduanes who successfully passed their board exams from the years 2018 up to
2022 through the following questions:

1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents according to

1.1 Sex

1.2 Age Group

1.3 Number of Attempts of Criminology Board Exam

2. What are the best practices and strategies utilized by the criminology board
passers from CPIC?

3. What advice and suggestions do criminology board passers have for future
board takers and their institution to improve performance in the criminology licensure

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Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This research study aims to identify the best practices and strategies utilized
by graduates of the BS-Criminology program at Christian Polytechnic Institute of
Catanduanes (CPIC) who successfully passed their board exams from the years
2018, 2019 and 2022, with the exclusions of years when there is no official board
examinations for criminology, 2020 to 2021 specifically. This study will focus on
graduates from the Criminology program at CPIC who were able to pass the
Criminology Board Examination conducted by the Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC) with an average of 75% with no rating of less than 50% in the
subjects within the specified period of time.

The study will further determine the different aspects of board exam
preparation, including pre-exam preparedness strategies, exam-day strategies, and
even post-exam practices, which may involve various strategies such as the
utilization of review materials and resources, time management strategies, and
emotional and psychological support systems utilized by the participants. Through
the interviews and focus group discussions, the research aims to uncover the most
effective strategies and best practices employed by CPIC Criminology graduates in
their journey toward board exam success.

However, it is important to note that this research study is limited to graduates

of CPIC's Criminology program who passed the Criminology Board Examination.
Graduates who did not pass the board exams will not be included in the study.
Additionally, the research will focus solely on the strategies and best practices
employed by CPIC Criminology graduates and will not analyze the specific content
or format of the Criminology Board Examination itself.

Furthermore, this study is restricted to the CPIC institution and its Criminology
program. The findings may not be generalizable to graduates of other institutions or
individuals from different disciplines. The research will not compare the strategies
and best practices utilized by CPIC Criminology graduates with those of graduates
from other institutions or different fields of study.

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Significance of the Study

This study is of great significance and is multifaceted to various individuals

and groups as follows:



Academic Institutions. The findings of this study can also be useful for other
Criminology programs and institutions in enhancing their curricula, teaching
methodologies, and support systems. By identifying effective strategies and best
practices, they can improve their students' chances of passing the board exams.

Researchers. This study can serve as a basis for further research and academic
discourse on board exam preparation strategies and best practices. The
Researchers can further build upon the findings of this study to explore other aspects
of board exam success and develop interventions to support board exam aspirants.

Criminology Instructor. The findings of this study can provide valuable insights for
the CPIC Criminology program and faculty in terms of the effectiveness of their
curriculum, teaching methods, and support systems. It can help identify areas of
improvement and necessary adjustments to better prepare students for the board

Current and Future CPIC Criminology Students. The study can serve as a guide
for current and future CPIC Criminology students in their board exam preparation.
The identified strategies and practices can help them develop effective study habits,
utilize resources efficiently, and manage their time effectively.

Future Examinee. Individuals who are planning to take the Criminology Board
Examination can benefit from this study by gaining insights into the successful
strategies and practices employed by board passers. They can adapt and apply
these strategies in their own board exam preparations.

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Parent. This study is of great significance to the parents because this will give them
knowledge on the best practices and strategies that can be used by children or
relative in trying to pass the CLE.

(It is essential to note that while this study focuses on the strategies and best
practices of CPIC Criminology graduates, the insights gained can potentially be
applied to other disciplines and institutions. However, further research would be
needed to validate the transferability of these findings to other contexts.)

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Definition of Terms

Academic Performance is the extent to which a student has attained their short or
long-term educational goals.
Best practices refers to a set of guidelines or standard that is known to produce
good outcomes if followed (Gavin Wright.,).
Criminology is the scientific study of the nonlegal aspects of crime including its
causes, correction, and prevention.
Registered Criminologist is an expert who researches and studies crime to prevent
and reduce it from occuring.
Strategies refers to a set of general plan of action for achieving one's goals and
objectives (Fred Nickols, 2008).


CLE - Criminologists Licensure Examination

CPIC - Christian Polytechnic Institute of Catanduanes

EQP - Efficient Question Processing

MOC - Mock Examinations and Simulations

PRC - Professional Regulation Commission

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Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies anchored
from foreign and local sources. These are deemed relevant since these will
substantiate the results of the study conducted.

Foreign Literature

Criminology is a multidisciplinary field that examines the causes,

consequences, and prevention of crime. Its significance in society lies in
understanding criminal behavior, developing effective crime prevention strategies,
and contributing to the criminal justice system. According to Siegel and Worrall
(2018), criminology encompasses various subfields such as criminal psychology,
sociology of law, and policy analysis. Through the examination of criminal behavior
patterns, sociological factors, and legal frameworks, criminologists aim to foster safer
communities and a more just society. Board examinations play a crucial role in
assessing the knowledge and competence of criminology graduates. These exams
are designed to evaluate an individual's understanding of criminological theories,
research methodologies, and practical applications.

In the United States, the American Board of Criminalistics administers board

examinations to certify forensic scientists. Similarly, the Board of Certified Safety
Professionals conducts exams to assess the competency of safety professionals in
areas such as industrial hygiene and environmental management. Such
examinations ensure that criminology graduates possess the necessary skills and
knowledge to contribute to the field effectively. The criminology board examination is
a crucial hurdle that aspiring criminologists must overcome to obtain professional
licensure. Moreover, the process of becoming a certified criminologist typically

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involves completing a bachelor’s degree in criminology, criminal justice, sociology, or

a related field. After obtaining a degree, individuals may choose to puruse
certification by taking the Criminology Board Exam, which is administered by
professional organizations and licensing bodies.

The pass rates for the Criminology board exam in the US can vary, and
factors that may influence an individual’s performance can include their educational
background, the rigor of their academic program, the quality of the exam preparation,
and their personal commitment to study and learning. Additionally, the disparities in
pass rates among different demographic groups, such as gender or race, may be of
interest and have been subject to study in the field of criminology.

Moreover, established in 1989, the Korean Institute of Criminology and

Justice (KICJ) is the only national crime and criminal justice research agency in the
Republic of Korea. In 1999,, as a member of the Korean Research Council for
HUmanities and Social Sciences, the KICJ became an entity within the office of the
Prime Minister. Since joining the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal
Justice Programme Network in 2005, the KICJ has been promoting cooperation
cooperation and information exchange in technical assistance and research activities
(UNited nations Office on Drugs and Crime).

Identifying strategies and best practices employed by successful board

passers is of utmost importance. This information can guide aspiring criminology
professionals in their preparation and increase their chances of success. While there
may be variations in examination formats and content across different boards, some
general strategies can prove beneficial. These include developing a comprehensive
study plan, utilizing study resources and materials specific to the board examination,
engaging in practice exams, seeking guidance from experienced professionals, and
staying updated with the latest research and developments in the field. By

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implementing these strategies, individuals can enhance their understanding,

confidence, and performance in board examinations.

This literature review demonstrates that success in criminology board

examinations is influenced by various factors, which include academic
preparedness, participation in specialized review courses, effective time
management, active learning strategies, utilization of technological tools, and
mentoring/peer support. Understanding and implementing these factors can greatly
enhance the chances of criminology graduates in achieving board examination
success. Future research should focus on evaluating the effectiveness of specific
strategies and interventions designed to support board examination preparation in

Local Literature

The Criminologist Licensure Examination is one of the 43 annual board

exams conducted by the Philippine Regulatory Commission (PRC). This exam
screens aspiring criminologists in the country based on the standards written in the
Republic Act No. 11131 or the Philippine Criminology Profession Act of 2018, which
was approved by the former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on November 8, 2018.
This recognizes the importance of criminology profession in national security, public
safety, peace and order, and in nation-building and development. Hence, it shall
develop and nurture competent, virtuous, productvie, and well-rounded
criminologists whose standards of professional practice and servie shall be excellent,
qualitative, world-class and globally competitive through sacred, honest, effective
and credible licensure examinations, coupled with programs and activities that would
promote professional growth development (sec. 1 of Article 1, Supreme Court E-

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The Criminologists Licensure Examinations (CLE) is given by the Professional

Regulation Commission’s (PRC) Professional Regulatory Board of Criminology, and
with two examinations each year, from 2015 to 2019. The country had produced a
total of 95,884 licensed criminologists out of 280,323 takers with an average national
passing rate of 32.87% (Albina et al., 2022).

Based on the PRC memo for the Criminology Board exam, applicants must be
able to meet the followinng criteria as follow; must be a Filipino citizen, in good
health and is of good moral character, a graduate of Bachelor of Science in
Criminology, has no criminal record which involves moral turpitude, and has
complied with other requirements prescribed by PRC (Cruz, 2019).

Subsequently, Christian Polytechnic Institute of Catanduanes Inc. (CPIC), as

a lone institution in the island that offers Bachelor of Science in Criminology, is
committed to providing quality education and preparing its graduates for success in
their chosen professions. One crucial measure of success for graduates is their
ability to pass the board exams relevant to their fields and secure employment in
their chosen industries. However, there is limited information available on the best
practices and strategies employed by the board passers from CPIC.

This review of related literature indicates that successful criminology board

passers from Christian Polytechnic Institute of Catanduanes Inc. (CPIC) has
employed best practices and various strategies to enhance their preparation and
overall performance in the board exams. These strategies include the active
participation in review courses, adopting effective time management and study
techniques, seeking peer and mentor support, and prioritizing self-care. These
findings suggest that the educational institution's role, the implementation of
comprehensive board exam review programs, and the emphasis on holistic student
support can greatly contribute to better board exam outcomes for future graduates.

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Foreign Studies

The work of Brown et al. (2019) emphasized the positive impact of attending
review courses specifically designed for criminology board examination preparation.
These courses provided focused and structured review materials, enhanced
understanding of key concepts, and improved test-taking strategies.

Kim and Lee (2020) explored the relationship between time management and
board examination success. They found that successful board passers effectively
managed their study time by creating a study schedule, setting specific goals, and
allocating time for both content review and practice tests.

Moreover, in a study conducted by Martinez and Garcia (2017), successful

board passers reported using active learning strategies such as group discussions,
problem-solving exercises, and mnemonic devices. These strategies aided in better
retention of information and deeper understanding of complex concepts.

Technological tools, such as online review platforms and mobile applications,

were identified in a study by Smith et al. (2018) as key resources used by successful
board passers. These tools provided access to practice questions, flashcards, and
study materials that facilitated self-paced and interactive learning.

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Additionally, a research by Hernandez and Johnson (2019) highlighted the

significance of mentoring and peer support networks. Successful board passers
reported seeking guidance from experienced mentors who provided valuable
insights, study tips, and emotional support during the examination preparation

A study by Adams (2018) found that a strong academic foundation,

demonstrated through high academic performance during undergraduate studies,
played a significant role in board examination success. Additionally, Adams
highlighted the importance of comprehensive knowledge in various criminology
domains, as well as an understanding of research methodologies commonly used in
the field.

Bautista and Dicang (2007) stated that “board examinations are an

assessment of what the examinees learned from their four years in college. This is
not tp discount the fact that some of these graduates, for reason or another, have to
stop either for a semester or even years, and so, the review is imperative so as to
better prepare them for the licensure examination. Moreover, there is no assurance
that what was learned in their first year in college will still be fresh in their minds.
Thus, undergoing review course which refreshes students’ knowledge of their course
is a must.

In the Philippines, one gauge of educational quality is performance of

graduates in the Licansure Examination of the Professional Regulation Commission
(PRC) (Figuerres, 2013).

Preparing for the licensure examination is commonly shared by review

lecturers and those who already passed their respective board examinations. A web

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chatter said, “In Board Licensure Examination, there is no shortcut in passing, you
must try to live with it and overcome it” (

An academic institution or even a review center has a program that possibly

set activities to be taken by an individual as he or she prepares for the board exam
which refers to programmed activities.

In a study conducted by Martinez and Garcia (2017), successful board

passers reported using active learning strategies such as group discussions,
problem-solving exercises, and mnemonic devices. These strategies aided in better
retention of information and deeper understanding of complex concepts. First is the
utilization of technological tools: Technological tools, such as online review platforms
and mobile applications, were identified in a study by Smith et al. (2018) as key
resources used by successful board passers. These tools provided access to
practice questions, flashcards, and study materials that facilitated self-paced and
interactive learning. Furthermore, research by Hernandez and Johnson (2019)
highlighted the significance of mentoring and peer support networks. Successful
board passers reported seeking guidance from experienced mentors who provided
valuable insights, study tips, and emotional support during the examination
preparation process.

This demonstrates that success in criminology board examinations is

influenced by various factors, which include academic preparedness, participation in
specialized review courses, effective time management, active learning strategies,
utilization of technological tools, and mentoring/peer support. Understanding and
implementing these factors can greatly enhance the chances of criminology
graduates in achieving board examination success. Future research should focus on
evaluating the effectiveness of specific strategies and interventions designed to
support board examination preparation in criminology.

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Local Studies

Over these past few years, knowledge on the students’ learning styles gained
interest among educators. Many studies took learning styles as the determinant or
predictors to academic performance.

An article by Almario, et al. (2019) conducted a study on the licensure

examination performance of graduates from various criminology programs in the
Philippines. The study examined the relationship between specific study habits and
the likelihood of passing the board exam. The findings of the study indicated that
certain study practices, such as consistent review of materials and regular practice
tests, were associated with higher passing rates.

In a study by Santos (2020), the learning experiences and preparation

strategies of criminology graduates from a regional academic institution were
explored. The research focused on the specific methods used by successful board
passers and the support systems provided by their academic institution. The study
highlighted the importance of peer support, faculty mentorship, and access to review
materials in preparing for the licensure exam.

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A study by Reyes (2018) investigated the role of the curriculum and

instructional practices in the criminology program of a local university in preparing
graduates for the board exam. The research examined the alignment of the
program's learning outcomes with the requirements of the licensure examination and
identified specific teaching methodologies that contributed to students' success in the
board exam.

A study in Tarlac State University by Agpalasin, M., Escano R. et al (2019)

explored the best practices use by the university’s College of Criminal Justice
Education in preparation to their students in taking their board examinations in terms
of the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of the students.

These local studies provide valuable insights into the preparation and success
of criminology graduates in board exams. They offer perspectives on the impact of
study habits, institutional support, and educational practices on licensure
examination performance. Incorporating the findings of these studies into the
research on Christian Polytechnic Institute of Catanduanes graduates can
strengthen the understanding of effective strategies and best practices in preparing
for board examinations.

School-industry partnerships, faculty qualifications, curriculum design, and

quality of instruction have all been identified as influential factors. Programs that
provide comprehensive review courses, simulated exams, and mentoring activities
have shown positive outcomes in enhancing board performance (Garcia et al.,

Effective time management and study techniques play a crucial role in board
exam success. Research suggests that graduates who adopt structured study

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schedules, practice self-discipline, and employ active learning strategies (e.g., group
discussions, concept mapping) tend to perform better (Gonzales & Rucio, 2017).

Participation in board review courses has been found to significantly enhance

exam performance. These courses provide focused review materials, targeted
practice questions, and access to expert advice. Graduates who actively engage in
review programs and utilize the resources available demonstrate improved
knowledge retention and increased confidence during the examination (Lorica et al.,

Furthermore, peer and mentor support have been identified as valuable

sources of guidance and motivation. Study groups, mentoring relationships, and
social support networks among criminology graduates have been linked to increased
knowledge sharing, improved study habits, and boosted morale, ultimately leading to
higher board pass rates (David et al., 2018).

Maintaining a balanced lifestyle, self-care practices, and managing stress

have also proven to be crucial aspects of board exam success. Graduates who
prioritize their physical and mental well-being, engage in recreational activities, and
adopt stress management techniques exhibit higher levels of resilience,
concentration, and strong performance on board exams (Almadin et al., 2019).

In the digital age, technology has become a powerful tool for board exam
preparation. Graduates who effectively utilize online resources, such as e-learning
platforms, video lectures, and interactive quizzes, have reported improved
comprehension and retention of concepts. Access to previous board exam questions
and mock tests through online platforms can also help graduates familiarize
themselves with the exam format and enhance their performance (Montenegro et al.,

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More so, regular assessment and feedback play a vital role in identifying
areas of improvement and refining study strategies. Educational institutions that
implement continuous evaluation methods, such as formative assessments and
practice quizzes, enable graduates to monitor their progress and focus on weak
areas. Constructive feedback from instructors and mentors helps them adjust their
study plans and tailor their preparations accordingly (Barrientos et al., 2019).

Engaging in professional networking and securing internships can provide

graduates with valuable insights into the practical application of their knowledge.
Connecting with experienced professionals and participating in internships or on-the-
job training programs allows graduates to gain hands-on experience, expand their
understanding of the field, and enhance their critical thinking skills. This exposure
can contribute to their overall board exam performance and future career prospects
(Magallanes et al., 2020).

The present study aims to explore the strategies and best practices employed
by board passers from Christian Polytechnic Institute of Catanduanes (CPIC) who
graduated from the Criminology program between 2018 and 2022. Understanding
the successful approaches used by these graduates can provide valuable insights
for future students and educational institutions to enhance their teaching
methodologies and curriculum.

Relevance of the Related Literature and Studies to the Present Study

These local studies are relevant to the research on the strategies and best
practices employed by board passers from Christian Polytechnic Institute of
Catanduanes. They provide insights into the factors contributing to the success of
criminology graduates in the licensure examination and offer valuable perspectives
on effective study habits, institutional support, and educational practices.

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By incorporating the findings of these local studies, the current research can
gain a comprehensive understanding of the specific study habits and preparation
strategies that have been associated with success in the board exam. Additionally,
this can identify the role of institutional support, such as peer networks, faculty
mentorship, and access to review materials, in facilitating students' preparation for
the licensure examination. This study can further evaluate the alignment of the
criminology program's curriculum and instructional practices with the requirements of
the board exam and examine the impact of specific teaching methodologies on
students' success.

Overall, these local studies can provide a solid foundation for the current
research, offering practical insights and best practices that can be adapted and
applied to the context of Christian Polytechnic Institute of Catanduanes.
Furthermore, the related literature is important for our study as it provides a broader
perspective on the factors and strategies that contribute to the success of
criminology graduates in licensure examinations. By reviewing related literature, we
can gain insights into best practices, successful interventions, and the experiences
of other institutions, allowing us to contextualize our findings within a larger body of
knowledge. Additionally, the related literature can help us identify gaps and areas for
further investigation within the existing research landscape. By understanding the
current state of knowledge on this topic, we can ensure that our study makes a
meaningful contribution to the field of criminology education and licensure
preparation. Furthermore, the related literature can offer theoretical frameworks and
conceptual models that we can use to structure our research and guide our analysis.
This can help us develop a more robust and well-informed approach to studying the
strategies and best practices employed by board passers from Christian Polytechnic
Institute of Catanduanes.

Nonetheless, the related literature is crucial for providing a solid foundation for
our study, informing our research questions, and guiding our investigation into the

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factors contributing to the success of criminology graduates in licensure


Chapter 3
Method of Research and Procedure

This chapter presents the research method, population and sampling scheme,

description of respondents, research instrument, validation of the instruments,

procedures in gathering data and statistical treatment of data.

Research Methodology

This study adopted the mixed method of qualitative and quantitative research.
This type of research is used to generalize findings from qualitative research,
validate or corroborate results that was obtained from other methods, use to one
method to inform the other one, look at research questions from different angles, and
clarify or build findings or even develop a theory about a phenomenon of interest and
then test it (Wall e al., 2016).

This study sought to classify the strategies and best practices utilized by
criminology board passers from CPIC from 2018 to 2022, and categorically

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measures elicit numerical responses such as age, frequency of study sessions,

rating scales. The qualitative approach allows for in-depth exploration and
understanding of the experiences and perspectives of the participants for the open-
ended questions that yield descriptive and narrative responses. Furthermore, the
researcher created charts, graphs, and tables to visually represent the quantitative

Moreover, semi-structured interviews are conducted with some randomly

selected participants to further gather their experiences and insights regarding the
strategies and best practices they utilized to pass the board examination. The
interviews will be audio-recorded with the participants’ consent and transcribed
verbatim for analysis.

The research ensured ethical considerations throughout the study. Informed

consents are obtained from all participants, ensuring their participation is voluntary,
they understand the purpose and procedures of the study, and the confidentiality of
their information. The research also obtained ethical clearance from the Institutional
Review Board to ensure the rights and welfare of the participants are protected.

Consequently, the research may face limitations such as reliance on

participants’ self-report and potential recall biases. Therefore, the findings may be
specific to the context of CPIC’s Criminology program and may not be fully
generalizable to other academic institutions or fields. The limited sample size may
also impact the generalizability of the findings.

Population and Sampling Scheme

The researcher obtained a list of all the criminology passers from CPIC for the
years 2018 to 2022. This list is accessed from the Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC) or the administrative department of the institution.

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Since this study adopted mixed-method and used survey questionnaire and
interview guide questions, the researchers chose to conduct two different sampling
methods; random sampling for the quantitative while purposive sampling for the
qualitative data.

Among the total population of 305 board passers from 2018-2022, the
researchers primarily used Slovin’s Formula for the computation of sample size. This
statistical method is used to determine sample size for a survey or study. This is
often used when sampling is necessary to draw conclusions about a larger

n= 2
1+ N e

n = sample size
N = population size
e = margin of error (measure of accuracy)
N =305, e = 0.05 (95% confidence level)
1+305 ¿ ¿
1+0. 76
1. 76
n ≈ 173

As shown on the results of the sample size computation, there will be 173
respondents who are expected to respond to this study’s survey questionnaire. The
randomly selected respondents which are drawn from the population.

Moreover, from the same population, a purposive sample is further used in

order to have an in-depth exploration with regards to the participants’ experience
during the board exam. The researchers chose to purposively have 10 interviewee
which passed the criteria that the researchers had sorted out. The criteria for
choosing those 10 participants are; (1) must be easy to locate and are utilized to be

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present personally at face-to-face interview and (2) must be a recent board passer.
These participants are contacted to inform them about the research study and seek
their participation. The researcher further explained the purpose and procedures of
the study, ensuring that their participation is voluntarily and confidential. Informed
consent is obtained from each participant before proceeding with data collection.

Description of Respondents

The respondents in this study are graduates from the Criminology program at
Christian Polytechnic Institute of Catanduanes (CPIC) who have successfully passed
the board examination from 2018 to 2022. The study aims to explore the strategies
and best practices utilized by these board passers and so, this study used two
different instruments; survey questionnaire (for quantitative data) and interview-guide
questions (for qualitative data). The respondents and interviewees are individuals
who have completed their bachelor’s degree in criminology at CPIC and have
subsequently passed the board examination, which is a requirement to become a
licensed criminologist in the Philippines.

Research Instruments

This study used two different instruments; survey questionnaire for

quantitative data and interview-guide questions for qualitative data. An interview
guide question is developed to collect qualitative data from participants. This type of
instrument can cover topics such as study habits, review materials used, time
management strategies, mentorship or guidance received, and specific techniques
employed during the board examination preparation.

Furthermore, analyzing documents such as study guides, review materials,

and any other resources used by the respondents can provide additional insights into
the strategies and best practices employed. Documents can provide evidence of
specific techniques, study schedules, and recommended resources.

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Validation of Instruments

The researchers developed a researcher-made survey questionnaire and

interview-guide questions with the guidance of an expert to ensure the reliability and
validity of the research instruments. Moreso, a research adviser who happens to be
an expert in the field of criminology education and board examination preparation
reviewed the survey questionnaire and interview-guide to assess the relevance and
comprehensiveness of the questions. The research adviser further provided
feedback and suggestions to improve the content validity of the instruments.

Nonetheless, this study assures that the instruments are adhered to ethical
guidelines for research, such as protecting the confidentiality and anonymity of
participants, obtaining informed consent, and addressing any potential harm or
discomfort to participants during the data collection process.

Through these validation steps, the research instruments are refined and
improved assuring the reliability and validity of the data collected. This enhanced the
credibility and trustworthiness of the study findings.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers defined the specific group of individuals that will be the focus
of this study, such as recent criminology board passers from the Christian
Polytechnic Institute of Catanduanes (CPIC) from the years 2018 to 2022.
Afterwards, this study determined the sample size considering the feasibility and
resources available to determine an appropriate sample size. This is based on
statistical calculations or practical considerations such as the use of Slovin’s

Moreover, this study utilized both “random sampling” and “purposive

sampling” method. Furthermore, the researchers sought ethical approvals from the
relevant institutional review board or ethics committee ensuring that the research
procedures adhere to ethical guidelines, including obtaining informed consent,

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protecting participant confidentiality, and addressing any potential risks or harm.

Afterwards, the researchers designed and developed the research instruments
based on the research objectives and questions. This study included an interview
guide, with the assurance that the instruments are valid, reliable, and align with the
research objectives.

After the instruments were finalized, the researcher administered them to the
selected participants using the chosen data collection method. This was done
through online surveys and face-to-face interviews.

The actual gathering of data, as per the instructions provided in the research
instruments was the next step done, ensuring that all data is accurately and reliably
collected. Moreover, the analyzed data and draw conclusions based on the research
objectives and questions are interpreted. The researchers presented the findings in a
clear and organized manner, using tables, graphs, charts, or narrative descriptions
and will write a comprehensive research report that includes an introduction,
methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion sections.

I. Quantitative Research Instrument: Questionnaire

Section A: Personal Information

Graduation Year:
Exam Attempt:
() First attempt
() Multiple attempts

Section B: Study Habits and Strategies

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1. How many hours per week did you spend time studying for the
Criminology board exam?
- Less than 10 hours
- 10-20 hours
- 20-30 hours
- - more than 30 hours
2. What study resources did you find most helpful in preparing for the board
exam? (select all that apply)
- Textbooks
- Review materials
- Online resources
- Practice exams
- Study groups
- Others (please specify)
3. Did you follow a specific study schedule or routine leading up to the board
- Yes
- No
4. How confident were you in your preparedness for the board exam?
- Not confident at all
- Somewhat confident
- Moderately confident
- Very Confident

Section C: Institute’s Influence

1. To what extent do you believe that the education and training you receive at
Christian Polytechnic Institute of Catanduanes contributed to your success in
passing the board exam?
- Not at all influential
- Slightly Influential
- Moderately Influential
- Highly Influential

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2. How satisfied were you with the overall quality of education and guidance
provided by the institute in preparing you for the board exam?
- Very dissatisfied
- Dissatisfied
- Neutral
- Satisfied
- Very satisfied

3. How would you rate the support and assistance provided by the institute’s
faculty and stuff during your preparation for the board exam?
- Poor
- Fair
- Good
- Very Good
- Excellent

II. Qualitative Research Instrument: Semi-structured Interviews

1. Background Information:
Graduation Year:
Exam Attempt:
() First attempt
() Multiple attempts

2. Questions:

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a. What study habits did you find most effective in preparing for the
Criminology board exam?
b. What specific resources or materials did you use to supplement
your studies?
c. How did you manage your time effectively during the preparation
d. Did you utilize any specific review techniques or strategies? If so,
which ones were the most helpful?
e. How did your educational experience at Christian Polytechnic
Institute of Catanduanes contribute to your success in passing the
board exam?
f. What advice would you give to current Criminology students to
increases their chances of passing the board exam?
g. How do you perceive the role of the institute in your success as a
board passer?

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