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Unit 2: Promoting Learning through Brain Maintenance

Lesson 2
How are skills developed?
Student Directions: Please answer the following questions and participate in the Think,
Pair, Share activity.

1. List 2-3 skills that you believe you are especially good at performing. (If you are not
sure what is meant by a “skill” – consider sports, music, art, crafts, or a work skill
such as sewing, painting, woodwork, auto mechanics, computer technology, etc.
There is not a right or wrong answer.)

2. How did you acquire the skills that you listed?

3. What steps have you taken to improve the skills you listed?

4. How is movement of your body involved in the skills you listed?

Think, Pair, Share Activity

 THINK: List below where you believe the development of a skill begins.

 PAIR: Work with someone next to you to exchange your ideas on where you
believe the development of a skill begins. List below any additional ideas you
learned from your partner that may be where the development of a skill begins.


- Assemble a group of classmates and share out the ideas each of you
- Discuss what ideas are new and which ones are repeated among members of
the group.
- Decide collectively where you believe the development of a skill begins and
record it below.
- Then report out the class when the teacher calls on your group.

U2L2 How are skills developed? Worksheet 1

Unit 2: Promoting Learning through Brain Maintenance
Lesson 2
How are skills developed?

U2L2 How are skills developed? Worksheet 2

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