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García, Eliana Colegio Bilingüe Felardi

3B Felardi Bilingual School

Young people’s mental health is finally getting the

attention it needs
There are plenty of mental problems we, as people, can develop by many circumstances in our life.
Little by little,humanity had discovered more about mental heath. That not only we need to be good
physically,but also mentally and emotionally. In past times, teenagers’ mental health was not a huge
concern for people, thinking that they could not develop mental disorders like depression, anxiety,
eating disorders,bipolar disorder,etc. The article named “Young people’s mental health is finally getting
the attention it needs” talks about this related to young people.

It is about how poor is the knowledge we have about mental health in adolescents. More and more
cases of suicide and mental-health problems around them, anxiety and depression is increasing in this
people. From all over the world suicide is one of the most common cause of death in teenagers.
Expressing that we need to pay more attention on young people talking about mental health. Which I
totally agree because teens and children are the future of the world, someday they will be changing it
and working in it. Better to have everyone physically,mentally and emotionally stable for their life.

This is a real problem that it is important to talk about and to investigate more. Because, who knows?
Maybe even babies will develop something similar related to this mental problems. I think that we need
to pay attention in every aspect of mental problems, like since children with traumas, and to pay
attention in people generally, from babies,children,teenagers and adults.

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