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● Subject ● Holiday Homework

● English ● 1. Design an English magazine which should have the following
● i. an attractive cover page
● ii. name of the magazine
● iii. an article on “ Hygiene”
● iv. a small story
● v. Jokes
● vi. English Riddles
● vii. Advertisements
● viii. Idioms and Proverbs
● ix. Differentiate Homonyms ,homophones and Homographs with
● x.Crosswords / puzzles
● xi. Spellaton

● 2. Practice your grammar skills throughout the holidays.

● 3. Complete the Worksheet no-1,2 from Workbook.
● 4. Revise the chapters that we have completed.
● Science
● Make an art integrated project on the topic- Biodiversity in Sikkim ( use
pictures, datas, maps, collage).
● Create a collage magazine on MILLETS “Miracle Food For
Future “on A4 size sheet.
● Slogan and poster writing on “SAVE EARTH”and EFFECTS OF
AIR POLLUTION using A4 size sheet.
● Project work: Make a working model on any topic of your
Science NCERT textbook. Write a brief note of the same.
● Make phone calls to five families in your neighborhood and
enquire about the kind of clothes they use, the reason for their
choice and advantages of using them in terms of cost, durability
and maintenance. Make a short report and submit it to your
● Prepare an index chart for any four metals and four non metals.
The cards should have information like name ;it’s physical
property,chemical property and its uses.
● Collect the labels from the bottle of jams and jellies. Write down
the list of contents printed on the labels
● Collect different types of seeds and put them in small bags and
label them.
● Use loose sheets or A4 size sheets for the above given project
and make a folder mention your name, class,Roll number ,
subject and date of submission.
● Revise all the chapters covered till now.
● Complete your given worksheets. Answers to be written in your
class notebook.
● Mathematics ● Revise and practices chapter 1 and 2 and 3
● ● Solve worksheet 1 and 2.
● Write properties of rational numbers.
● Collect information and write on hardy Ramanujan.
● Ppt. on the type of quadrilateral.

● Social ● 1. Prepare a Time-line of various events in history of India from

Science the coming of British to the Revolt of 1857.
● Also paste pictures of freedom fighters of India.
● 2. Prepare a character sketch for any one of the following:
● Paste Pictures also.
● Maharaja Ranjit Singh , Tipu Sultan, Siraj-ud Daulah
● 3. Design a sample FIR related to any crime that has happened
in your locality or you came to know about it from any other
source.(Chapter- Understanding our criminal justice system.)
● 4. Write slogans on the theme 'Water Conservation'/Proper
Management of Resources.
● 5.On an outline map of world locate and label the distribution
of Iron, Copper and Bauxite by Using appropriate symbols.

● ● हिंदी का कोई भी समाचार पत्र प्रतिदिन पढ़िए, उसमें से प्रतिदिन कोई भी पाँच
● Hindi
कठिन शब्द छाँटकर अर्थ सहित लिखिए और याद कीजिए (A/4 शीट का
प्रयोग कर सकते हैं) |
● हिंदी की सुप्रसिद्ध लेखिका ‘महादे वी वर्मा ’ का कोई एक संस्मरण पढ़िए
और उसका सारांश अपने शब्दों में A/4 शीट पर लिखिए
● किसी भी हिंदी कविता का वाचन करते हुए एक video बनाइए |

● वाक्य की परिभाषा एवं इसके भेद स्पष्ट करते हुए एक चार्ट तैयार कीजिए |
इसके लिए आप A/3 या A/4 शीट का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं |

● Computer 1. Complete exercise question answers of chapter 1 and 2.

2. Go through Chapter 2-“Access – tables and forms” and do practical a

home and also make notes of this chapter in your classroom notebook.

3. Design a PPT on “Computer Network”.

4. Revise all the topics covered till now.

5. Complete the given worksheets in your class notebook.

● Sanskrit ● 1. संधि किसे कहते हैं ? संधि के कितने प्रकार होते हैं ? उदाहरण के साथ
लिखे और याद करें |

● 2. स्वर संधि के कितने प्रकार हैं उदाहरण के साथ लिखे और याद करें |

● 3. प्रथम पाठ: ‘सुभाषितानि’ के दो श्लोक लिखे और याद करें |

● (कार्यपत्रकम् )
● 1. अकारांत पुलिंग शब्द बालक: नपुंसक लिंग शब्द फल ईकारांत शब्द नदी
का शब्द रूप लिखें और याद करें |

● 2. निम्नलिखित अव्यय पदों का अर्थ लिखें और याद करें |
● (i) अत्र
● (ii) तत्र
● (iii) पृष्ठत :
● (iv) अध:
● (v) अद्य
● (vi) श्वः
● 3. संधि विच्छेद करें
● (i) गिरीशः .
● (ii) महेशः
● (iii) महर्षि
● (iv) इत्यादि
● (v) एकैकम्
● 4. कारक किसे कहते हैं स
ं स्कृत में कितने कारक होते हैं उनके नाम
लिखो और याद करो |

Summer Vacations : May 8 to 16 June 2024
School will reopen on 17 June 2024
● Some advice:
● Help your parents in household chores .
● Eat only healthy home cooked food .
● Develop some good hobby like painting , writing , singing ,
reading ,creative arts etc
● Exercise daily .
● Enjoy your vacation and remember to complete your
Homework .
● Stay safe and healthy
● Enjoy your vacation

● With Warm Regards

● Class Teacher
● Ms. Manisha

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