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Los Angeles Unified School District Alberto M.

Superintendent of Schools

Carson High School

Diana Faatai, Ed. D.

Jennifer Boyd
Lead Teacher

May 5, 2023

Dear Scholarship Committee:

It is a delight for me to recommend Hesha Jaranilla to you without reservation. During the 2021-22
school year, I have become very well acquainted with Hesha, as she is a star student in my AP English
class. Her strong academic performance and diligent work habits have convincingly demonstrated that
she is a youth of preeminent quality and so should be strongly considered for a competitive EXP

Advanced Placement English Language is a course which only the most intrepid juniors at Carson
High attempt. Hesha’s decision to take the class speaks highly to her excellent judgment, as she is well
placed in it. From the very beginning of the semester, Hesha has showed herself to be a highly engaged
student who always comes prepared for a challenge. She quickly established that she has one of the
more perspicacious minds and indeed was one of the first students to be specially recognized with a
class “Kudos” award. Assignment after assignment, Hesha has consistently exhibited an interest in and
a comprehension of sophisticated texts that indicate a maturity beyond that of her peers. Her own
writing is advanced and cogent. In her diverse teams, Hesha’s contributions have always been
invaluable, and I have repeatedly seen her take and execute leadership roles in them masterfully. Ever
among the top echelon in the class, Hesha has impressive academic and interpersonal
accomplishments which unquestionably prove her future potential.

In addition to her academic and interpersonal skills, Hesha has an impressive record for a high school
student as an innovator and entrepreneur. She obviously brings a creative and expressive flair to her
ideas, and she has a realistic sense of implementation. Her dedication to the greater good at Carson
High and her prospective involvement in school leadership at Carson High show her willingness to
take on substantial responsibilities. In my mind, she possesses the essential qualities for success in any
workplace environment.

In short, Hesha has the sharpness of mind, an ability to work well with others, and the mature
professional skills needed to be successful. I can only recommend her in the highest
possible terms.


Stephan Schuetze-Coburn, Ph.D.

English Teacher
Carson Senior High School

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